Also not a preferable way of suicide. What if you land the wrong way and end up breaking every bone in your body but you don't die so you just lay there like a vegetable, unable to move?
I had to come here. This dream was to funny to not tell you guys. So, we we're in a lounge and the first thing we see is @LeeTheProfessional… more sleeping on the couch while @Dont_Look_Back was writing "Elmer" on Lee's forehead with a sharpie. Then, @Passwordsucks was really drunk. He was saying random shit while @Sardines was patting him in the back. Then, @TWDFan86 was fighting with @WhatTheDuck for no reason at all. And finally I see myself @Welcome_To_Woodbury a piggy back ride. Out of nowhere, @NoncyFippleDorp who looked like a 19 year old with shaggy blonde hair and wore glasses tripped me and Woodbury and I fell. Woodbury was being dragged by Noncy who knows where. And then Joseph sees me in the ground and proceeds to punch me multiple times in the stomach. I try to get him back, but Woodbury is holding my hands into the ground while she smiles at me. Then Duck comes and kicks Joseph in the face and because of that Joseph went to sit in t… [view original content]
I think that you should cut the drugs a bit, and consider going into serious rehab, here, there's a variety to choose from:
Please, never be a father.
You're welcome
Whaaaaat..! I'm just kidding! I'm going to be the best father ever!
The safety's on c:
You know what Noncy looks like?
Points gun at Woodbury
How does he look like? If he doesn't mind me asking....
I'm kidding! I'm going to be the best father ever!
Am I dead?
No Rachelle you're fine your computer just glitched out
Oh thank God
LOL my comments weren't showing up and every time I tried to PM someone it said I "didn't have permission" so I thought I was banned.
It seems that it takes a minute or two for my comments to appear
Having that problem?
I don't know if he minds or not.
It's scary because it's possible >.>
If I suddenly got banned, I would cry forever ;-;
Can you still read threads, even if you're banned?
I think that you should cut the drugs a bit, and consider going into serious rehab, here, there's a variety to choose from:
No sorcery or witchcraft. Just this little thing called t r u s t.... ^_^
What sorcery have you done to get a glimpse?
Jk, if he doesn't want to, it's fine. I will still think he's has blonde shaggy hair and wears glasses.
Nope, don't think so, but you can make another account.
*Funny Video of The Day
well what about the druggies in Canada huh? Did you just forget about them? >:(
I was talking to TDM >.>
But if you're already here...
Psychiatric hospitals scare the living shit out of me.....