Kenny for president?

edited June 2014 in The Walking Dead

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  • edited June 2014

    Hashtag Kenny4President2016

  • edited June 2014

    "Aright President Kenny, we've declared war on every major superpower in the world. How do we win?"

    "Fuck, I dunno... we improvise."

    2 minutes after that conversation takes place, the Fallout series suddenly becomes a historical record instead of just an awesome video game series. So yes, Kenny has my vote.

  • All hail Kenny of House Boat !

    First of his name, Captain of the S.S. Saltlick, Leader of the Ducks and Lord of the Sea !

  • NEW RULE: All executions will be by saltlicking one's head.

    NEW RULE: Each family must have at least one BOAT, and the father must grow a stache.

    We're open to more suggestions.

  • edited June 2014


    Spooch posted: »

    Hashtag Kenny4President2016

  • Obviously. He's from Florida. He will know all about politics. And crazy shit just comes out of his mouth sometimes, so it would be a fun election.

  • Something tells me that the Navy is going to enjoy a nice budget increase.

    "And how much do you know about boats, Mr. Secretary? I'll tell ya what, if I ever need an expert opinion on war-profiteering I'll be sure to ask! Bur how about you leave the nautical shit to me?!"

  • Mr. President come to México and saltlick our government, PLEASE.

  • NEW RULE: It is law you must name your first child Duck.

    NEW RULE It is illegal to call you child Ben.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    NEW RULE: All executions will be by saltlicking one's head. NEW RULE: Each family must have at least one BOAT, and the father must grow a stache. We're open to more suggestions.

  • "Also im a commercial fisherman, catching mackarel, dolphin, whatever's bitting and paying so we no worry about food"

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Something tells me that the Navy is going to enjoy a nice budget increase. "And how much do you know about boats, Mr. Secretary? I'll te

  • edited June 2014

    NEW RULE Everyone has to use the word shitbird at least 5 times a day.

    Batteries posted: »

    NEW RULE: It is law you must name your first child Duck. NEW RULE It is illegal to call you child Ben.

  • Beardbeard

    TWD_1992 posted: »

    NEW RULE Everyone has to use the word shitbird at least 5 times a day.

  • New rule: All people wear hats!

    Batteries posted: »

    NEW RULE: It is law you must name your first child Duck. NEW RULE It is illegal to call you child Ben.

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