I think I figured out the name of The Stranger from season 1
It's not based on any secret research, but just by looking at him haha. I believe his name was, "James". I don't know why, but it just rings a bell for me. What do you think his name was?
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Well, good job.
What if he was really named Stranger at birth?
I hope not. As a proud holder of the name James, I'd rather he be named something that sounds creepier, like Steve or Randy.
And here was me thinking you'd compiled together some hard evidence XD
Really? Well, your picture rings a bell for me. Are you Bigby? If so can you tell the Crooked Man sorry that we have him waiting for like, 3 weeks? Thanks.
To quote Bigby: "I don't care how he feels about it".
no your wrong his name is obviously Fergus
I think his name should be Meursault.
Well, the evidence doesn't lie.
Its obviously CiD... get it right
I'm just making a speculation, lying has nothing to do with it...
or Mitch
No, it's dlb. get your fact strait.
I don't think there is any hard evidence, though. Just imagine him calmly telling Lee that his name is James. It just fits very well!
"Don't test me girl! I'll pass every time!"
Sure about that?
"Oh calm down princess!"
Or rusty, the ultimate pedo name.
"Welp. That closets empty."
"Gonna need that towel."
But Rusty is a nickname of the name Russell, who's a 400 days character...
I actually had a bus driver that was named rusty and was caught by the FBI for having the 2nd largest child porn collection in the United States. That's why that name comes to my mind.
I'm pretty sure his name is Jessica.
Sure...That's possible too...
Then that would mean he had some messed up parents...
I'm no nameologist here but he looks like an Ethan or Ian to me
Ethan sounds good too.
Campman according to the files
It's Esteban. Obviously.
James Campman
No just campman as first name,but whatever...
^token 'really' picture.
That's a cute dog.
Honestly, I headcannon his name as Aaron. He looks like an Aaron to me.
That's a good name too.
I always had his headcanon name as John. shrugs He looks like one to me, but I can totally see him as a James or an Ethan, too.