Well...I made an official announcement like sardines and Joe asked for.
But to be honest, i'm tempted to just call that off for tonight s… moreince no one has joined yet. I'm just checking my friend list at the moment, i'm not even in the game.
So to answer your question....probably not.
Actually I need some kind of schedule....i'm kinda tired of having GTA sessions ALL nights....you guys might like doing that but I got other things I'd like to do sometimes...I didn't really have a problem with it so far but that's mainly because i'm visiting my family and this place bores me to death...xD
I also need to wake up early tomorrow morning, I have to drive my father back after a medical treatment or something...since he'll be on drugs and won't be able to drive. Nothing serious though.
I'll try to host tomorrow night once again....dunno if it will wields any results but this is the only night where it apparently failed so far. I was expec… [view original content]
I am not, I did it out of respect to my father, he wanted it and it's a fucking awkward experience, I was pretty much "singing" a part of the bible on a stage in the synagogue, it's not fun...
I am not, I did it out of respect to my father, he wanted it and it's a fucking awkward experience, I was pretty much "singing" a part of the bible on a stage in the synagogue, it's not fun...
Please excuse my paleness and the blurriness (I was holding the pot in one hand and my phone in the other and the pot was....it was heavy xD… more)
But anyways....
P O T H E A D R E V O L U T I O N ! ! !
Alright, so because of my mother's restrictions, I'm unable to post the Miley Cyrus video (your ears can thank me later), but I did sing for… more you guys. Don't laugh, it was recorded really late at night and I was tired. It might not be very good, so I'm sorry about that. Joe's obviously not going to sing (F U Joe), so I just decided to go ahead and do it anyway. I'm gonna post both songs, because screw society. I will not be held responsible for any bleeding ears or exploding heads. So here:
First song: http://vocaroo.com/i/s1CDM5orHIZp
Second song: http://vocaroo.com/i/s1H7Q5Y2AYmB
I thought you said you wasn't religious?
Goddammit! You got me >.<
I'll pass on saying it. This day is going good right now. I dont feel like ruining it.
forget I said anything!
Ah, alright. I'll be earning money in the mean time.
I will never forget. I'm not gonna sleep tonight until I know.
I am not, I did it out of respect to my father, he wanted it and it's a fucking awkward experience, I was pretty much "singing" a part of the bible on a stage in the synagogue, it's not fun...
Pssh. Whatever.
You'd sleep better without knowing.
Actually, i can do that.
gimme a second...
I see. Have you told him this?
Dat straightforwardness!
Stop being so modest. I know you were blushing reading all our compliments xD
No I won't
Go back to sleep, Lee.
Gonna read your new part shortly.........
Why don't you sing, Pro? >:3
Rachelle doesn't blush.
Yeah, it has a decision that must be made...
Yeah, he knows it, I did it only out of respect to the tradition.
Me, sing?
Oh, gosh. Here we go, lol.
That's cool bro atleast you told him and he accepted it.
Yeah, because you're too "cool" for that.
I might sound weird but fuck it you are beautiful.
Your voice is so beautiful. :c
Please? ;-;
I did it, why can't you?
Yeah, he's not one of those dads who don't take any of your crap.
Thanks, SweetPea
What's with the sad face, though?
Damn right!!!
Im glad bro.
LOL, that's stupid!! Don't be jealous xD
Because I'm jealous!
LOL, that's stupid!! Don't be jealous xD
-mumbles- Still not as cool as DLB..................
I'm so sorry Trixie! ;_;