Officer Doucheby Wolf

Is anyone else like me where theyre just a complete asshole to everyone, (well im not completely, im bros with Collin and Bufkin) and just threatens people and rips their limbs off? For me its the funnest way to play and i love every fight scene we get, i mean whats the point of being the big bad wolf if your going to be just a normal sheriff? i know some people want to follow the plot of the story by being more in control and having lots of friends but who needs that when you can tear a dudes throat out with your bare hand? I noticed me, and only about 7% of players threatened the crooked man and his gang, i dont know why so few did? how do you play TWAU and why?
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Well. I think most of the people prefer to play a hero, not an antihero. Furthermore I think a calm, powerful officer is way more badass than a barbarian who just wants to fight and rip peoples limbs off. Then there is Snow, who is a really interesting, beautiful and strong character. I want her to like my Bigby. It's way more dramatic when you change into wolf-form and start to beat the shit out of Dee/Dum (whoever) and then drop him, look to Snow and see her shocked expression... It's the more romantic way I think.
And I think it's good to make friends with some characters like Woody and Gren. They are strong and maybe they'll help me against the Crooked Man's crew in the final fight. I mean: Bigby has had some problems against the Tweedles and Bloody Mary (he almost died or even did die for a few seconds or minutes). He can't possibly handle them all (Jersey Devil, Mary, Tweedle(2 or 1), Georgie)
And about the last choice in Ep5: over 40% of people lit a cigarette. I did too. It kind of represents the Bigby we all get to know and again it's more badass. It kind of shows: "I'm the one in charge here."
Personally, at least with games like this, I have to run through things twice. My first run is usually one that I try to connect to myself to the main character as much as possible (which eventually entails me trying to be kind and compassionate). However, on the second run, I'm being as horrid as possible. It's best described as, "Don't fuck with me". There's a problem that I've realized with Telltale and this particular game though. They don't want you to be bad. They want you to make a redeeming story about how your past doesn't matter blah blah blah. I noticed this especially when Collin says in Ep. 1 that he "Sees how you look at Snow". I actually took a moment to say, "What?" I didn't want that. This Bigby could care less about Snow, but it seems like that's just one of the predetermined factors. Then, there's Collin and Toad. It took SO many buttons to get Collin to stop begging me for a drink I started to get pissed, and with Toad, the interactions to hurt him or threaten him just don't make much sense at the time. Even when I'm a huge asshole to people, it seems like they treat me almost the same as in my first playthrough.
It's possible that it'll be at the end when one of my Goodby will get the girl, stop the bad guy, and live happily ever after, and the Doucheby will be brutalized, beaten, and maybe die... But I just don't see either of those happening. I see Doucheby killing Crooked Man and everybody in the room and then telling Snow to "Fuck off," and I see Goodby honestly having Bloody Mary laugh in my face and shooting me through the head while Snow cries next to my dead corpse...
Hopefully Telltale can make a better ending than me.
I play Bigby like I played Lee in TWD. He's a kind, soft-spoken guy who struggles to keep his violently angry side in check. He tries to be polite and civil, but in the heat of the moment, watch the fuck out!
My Bigby cares more about results than making friends or pretending to be a good person, but he doesn't go out of his way to be a douchebag either. He can come off pretty cold and ruthless, and even violently aggressive if he feels that that's what the situation calls for, but that's because he has priorities, and your sensibilities and personal problems aren't among them. Except for Snow's, as long as she's not being silly, but she's special. Playing him that way feels closest to his comics self.
Now that you mention it though, I'm gonna try playing the game through as a complete asshole when the 5th episode comes around. How is Bigby's dialogue? Renegade!Shepard awesome, or just pretentious?
Because an aggressive raging dick is practically the opposite of what Bigby was in the comics. The game makes it seem he has anger issues (and self pittying and out of his depth), while in the source material he's a cool, collected motherfucker and can be intimidating just with words and his confident demeanor.
He's a wolf, not a rabid dog.
His asshole, tough guy dialogue is awesome, he comes off as a COMPLETE badass, Some guys pissing me off? Bigby says "You got about two fucking seconds to fuck off before things get difficult" and all these really nice threats and such, when i arrested Dee i punched the shit out of him until Blue-Beard told me to go to more extreme measures so i took the bottle of wine from evidence and smashed it over Dees skull, then when he asked me to loosen his bindings i tightened them :P its so fun playing like this, you must do a second play through for this
He's the big bad wolf who ate a fucking grandma and a little girl, he doesn't give even the slightest fuck
While my Bigby is without any doubts an anti-hero, I prefer to play him as nice when I can. I didn't rip Gren's arm off in Episode 1 because there wasn't much point other than to be cruel. That's also the reason I didn't burn Greenleaf's tree. My Bigby's usually a nice guy to people, even if he is pretty ruthless with those who are out and out his enemy (such as TCM and his cronies).
Just gonna add this little footnote here, I like the title of this thread. It's hilarious.
I just play it how I feel like playing it. So yeah, a lot of the time I'm telling people to fuck off and taking the violence too far.
You are ascribing inaccurate motivations and context to his actions as far as the comics are concerned.
You're interpretation of Bigby can certainly be valid if you ignore the comics. But even within merely the game's continuity, I find your interpretation iffy. He quite clearly gives at least the slightest fuck.
When I play, I'm nice all the fucking time. Will it bite me in the ass later? Hell, I don't know. But that's just who I am and feel no need to be an ass, even in the game.
Here's a way to relive all his tough or nice lines, use these. KennySucks, I will admit that his evil lines are amazing.
He's doing his job.
I enjoy playing that big bad side of him sometimes, for example I did torture Dee to the extreme and I did tear out Dum's throat. I let Colin stay, I secretly gave Toad the money, and are you ready for this? I don't like Snow.
Ill be a white knight with Snow around because im trying to earn points from her but when she's not around im a huge asshole.
I suppose, i mean i don't read the comics but i do know some stuff about them, the game is simply based off of the Comic so that doesn't necessarily mean you HAVE to follow exactly how it goes or by the standards of comic Bigby, Its kinda a shame that we use a character who already has a pre-existing personality and characteristics, forcing him to give at least one small, incredibly small, fuck, but I mostly ignore it
I have to disagree, there are many times it seems a little over the top and pretentious.
I played Bigby as a more compassionate, understanding Sheriff in the beginning, until he found the glamoured head of Snow on his front step. I took this as a personal attack and decided that the "nice guy" wasn't going to get the job done. You either give me answers or stay out of my way. With all the chaos that the Crooked Man has caused, there's not time to be gentle about it.
You don't have to follow the comics, I just gave my reasons why I didn't choose certain options.
I play Bigby like he is in the comics where he's kinda dicky to everyone but Snow White and bends the law somewhat in order to get things done. This also means not answering important questions and treating everyone like a liar.
Episode 5 isn't going to go smoothly for you then. For example, Dee is less likely to ally with you against TCM if you kill Dum.
I try to be friendly and help any way I can, only a few times I've picked silence because I don't know what to do.
Have a save file entirely dedicated to Bigby being that.
I'm realy a nice guy if I'm under attack I try to calm him but sometimes not. I'm doing my best to make everybody happy but it feels like my choices doesn't realy matter and this is a prequel so yeah