The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • As a guy, I guarantee that your voice is not manly at all.

    sardines posted: »

    well thank you, that's awful nice of you to say...... ...but is it manly?



    SO HE WON'T PUT A BASKET ON HIS HEAD, BUT HE'LL PUT A FREAKING POT ON IT???? WHAT IS THIS HAMMON WAT lmfao i was so angry that i spelled his name wrong xD

  • Lmao, same shit happened to me, actually. I just gave up xD

    You'll probably hate me for this, but I haven't played any more NFS games after Underground 2 :/ I went over to Midnight Club 2 and 3.

    Lol, I do to! I never finished it, though. I got to this part where I needed more money or something, and I couldn't continue onto the story

  • edited June 2014

    You had to keep tapping the brake button as you were making the drifts, that seemed to work for me.

    Rigtail posted: »

    Ah yes, I remember this. My car was the sickest shit around. I could never seem to drift though, I sucked at it.

  • Suuuure.

    shhhhhhhhhh MY FINGER SLIPPED

  • shhhhhhhhhh



  • edited June 2014

    Actually the other night I actually had a dream involving the Lounge crew here. Not even joking. But I can't for the life of me remember pretty much any of it :(

    I remember that Woodbury, Pass, Joseph, DLB, Elian, Jon and Lee were there... not sure who else...

    We were all in a cabin in the woods (not like the cabin in the game - different, and only one story tall) in a zombie apocalypse, but it was actually a scary apocalypse, because the zombies could run (though only in darkness. For some reason, they were slower in light.)

    At one point, a stag wandered up close to our cabin and we were low on food, so were going to hunt it. Lee lined up the shot from the window, but then Elian ran out the front door and tried to punch the deer. Needless to say, it got away and everyone was mad at him. Then he was all "no, it's okay guys, I got this!" and ran out into the woods after it with a pistol before anyone could stop him.

    Some of us went into the woods after him (Password, Joseph and I in one group, Jon and Woodbury and one other person who I forgot in another) but we couldn't find him, and then when we regrouped at the cabin there was some sort of debate on whether we should keep looking for him or not... (because he was sort of useless lol, I can't remember who was on what side though.)

  • It's to be expected....Damnit Elian !!!

    sigh Elian's stupid even in dreams. x_x

  • sigh

    Elian's stupid even in dreams. x_x

    sardines posted: »

    Actually the other night I actually had a dream involving the Lounge crew here. Not even joking. But I can't for the life of me remember pre

  • Lol! Goddammit Elian! xD

    sardines posted: »

    Actually the other night I actually had a dream involving the Lounge crew here. Not even joking. But I can't for the life of me remember pre

  • Lol! So it wasn't just me! I don't know wtf happened, but I couldn't progress through the story or do anything else, I was just like fuck this, lol.

    Damn, you should at least try most wanted for the ps2. I heard the remake, or whatever it is, wasn't as good. I've never played any midnight club games.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Lmao, same shit happened to me, actually. I just gave up xD You'll probably hate me for this, but I haven't played any more NFS games after Underground 2 I went over to Midnight Club 2 and 3.

  • Oh shit

    Alt text

    @Welcome_to_Woodbury @AllThatRemains

  • It's to be expected...Damnit Elian !!!!

    sigh Elian's stupid even in dreams. x_x

  • Were there any heartbreaking lines for you, in S2 EP4?

    Oh my yes.

    I told you, DLB... get ready for the feels. B]

    Oh shit

  • My PS2 is dead..

    It had a good run. Lots of good memories :')

    Lol! So it wasn't just me! I don't know wtf happened, but I couldn't progress through the story or do anything else, I was just like fuck th

  • Like "roller coaster emo" D:

    nooooooooooooo ;-;

    Oh shit

  • That sucks, man! PS2 had so many good games. B]

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    My PS2 is dead.. It had a good run. Lots of good memories :')

  • No kidding. The best console of all time, imo!

    That sucks, man! PS2 had so many good games. B]

  • edited June 2014

    Who asked Gavin Hammon to put a basket on his head??!

    will you put a basket on your head

    I believe we've covered this.

  • I personally like the SNES, since I grew up with it, but PS2 is up there!

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    No kidding. The best console of all time, imo!

  • Yeah, I remember playing with that, the Super Nintendo, Nintendo 64, the Sega Genesis, and the PS1. But I only owned the Genesis :P

    I personally like the SNES, since I grew up with it, but PS2 is up there!

  • Ah, the good old days. B]

    Now, most games are just made as a quick way to get cash, no love in them. That's why I barely play anything now.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Yeah, I remember playing with that, the Super Nintendo, Nintendo 64, the Sega Genesis, and the PS1. But I only owned the Genesis :P

  • I only play games for their story and for fun with friends (like GTA 5).

    Ah, the good old days. B] Now, most games are just made as a quick way to get cash, no love in them. That's why I barely play anything now.


    no seriously, it wasn't me.

    Who asked Gavin Hammon to put a basket on his head??! will you put a basket on your head I believe we've covered this.

  • OKAY its 4am and i need to sleep. Good night guys.


    OKAY its 4am and i need to sleep. Good night guys.

  • Good night, lil sis!

    OKAY its 4am and i need to sleep. Good night guys.

  • xD Night

    Glad the basket question made you happy. :p


  • A game has to have a good story for me to enjoy it. Having a good multiplayer experience is a plus!

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    I only play games for their story and for fun with friends (like GTA 5).

  • xD Hell Yeah thats my car i get all the girls with that car all i gotta do is pull up and open the door and they let themselves right in i dont gotta say a word xD

    Don't worry, I found yours too.

  • I wont let the walkers bite! :P

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Good night, lil sis!

  • Most people here, if not all, would agree with that 100% :)

    A game has to have a good story for me to enjoy it. Having a good multiplayer experience is a plus!

  • IT WAS ME!

    Who asked Gavin Hammon to put a basket on his head??! will you put a basket on your head I believe we've covered this.

  • Um... so... if I suddenly stop posting here... I might very well be dead... I would hope my parents tell everyone what happened to me, but who knows. ;_;

    I just ate something that I shouldn't I think, and my chest hurts. I ate a piece of piece, and there was a really long sharp thing in it, and I ate that bite without realizing until after... when I felt it and was like "????" as I swallowed it and it hurt... and then a fragment of it was in another bite ;_; AAAAAAAAAAAAA

    my chest hurts, which doesn't make much sense, but yeah. hope I don't die! ;v;

  • Duuuudeee, what was the sharp thing? D:

    sardines posted: »

    Um... so... if I suddenly stop posting here... I might very well be dead... I would hope my parents tell everyone what happened to me, but w

  • I don't know!! ;_; I think it was a piece of plastic, maybe. I ATE PLASTIC

    Duuuudeee, what was the sharp thing?

  • Well...... as long as you didn't choke or anything, I think you should be fine ;-; Just drink lots of water. Maybe your chest hurts because you're sick? I think you should just drink something and go to sleep. :(

    sardines posted: »

    I don't know!! ;_; I think it was a piece of plastic, maybe. I ATE PLASTIC

  • When I said go eat, I didn't mean go out there and eat plastic!! ;-;

    But seriously, though. You'll be fine. I believe in you!

    sardines posted: »

    I don't know!! ;_; I think it was a piece of plastic, maybe. I ATE PLASTIC

  • Ok, now you're starting to worry me. Answer us!

    sardines posted: »

    I don't know!! ;_; I think it was a piece of plastic, maybe. I ATE PLASTIC

  • ;_; im not dead, throat / chest still hurts and feels blocked ish, and i feel really sick, but i didn't die.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Ok, now you're starting to worry me. Answer us!

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