90's pitiful whatawhata what what? I don't get it. I don't care either, she's scared to admit it because she doesn't want to think of her dad like that. I don't blame her, but... yano. I think this conversation is over now. Soooooo... yeah.
Whether if she was hit or not is her concern. Pushing her too far would hurt her. I felt pissed because I felt it more like a stereotyping. That you're saying that the 90s kids are pitiful. Might be just me who felt so.
Never by my parents. When I was bad they locked me up in my rooms until I excuse myself or they deprived me to watch TV or play video games. In the contrary when I was good (at school or helping them for example) they always gave me rewards. Results? I saw no interest in pissing them off and instead, I worked hard to be a good girl. They also never talked to me like you talk to a child. They always took in consideration what I thought before taking decisions related to me. And that's why I was generally more mature than the kids of my age.
Nah never got hit that Hard to meet the Ground. I remember a Head-Slap from my Dad in my early Days when i couldn't concentrate on a Math Task. Probably because he stood the whole Time behind me watching..
I really feel sorry for everyone who got through a heavy abusing Childhood. How could Parents just be like that to their own Flesh and Blood? Kids too have Senses and forming their Mind. It can be crushed so easily and then you suffer a Lifetime from it in the Worst Case.
Yeah, a few times. Probably would have been a lot more if my parents hung out with me more. I was left alone a lot and when they would come home I was a 'nuisance'.
Yes of course. I was raised by the eighties philosophy, if you mess up you getting the belt. Its funny i see friends and how they discipline their children and now they get the "time out." What the hell is that. My parents would use the belt, or whatever when i was bad. I went to Catholic private school, so that is where it was really bad. I still have scars on my hands from when the nuns would take a wooden ruler with metal running down the middle, smack my knuckles, hands when i didn't give the correct answer. Other times i would get hit by this big wooden paddle, with holes drilled in it for talking in class or something.
I didn't have a close relationship with my parents because of it, there was always a thin barrier, The communication never passed through, nothing. The underlines of blame where always there, but when they died i didn't know how to feel. Still don't to be honest. I live my life, try not to think about it.
Besides.... “I drink to make other people more interesting.”
I would really mess up whoever could do that to me, even if it was a parent. When it comes to people crossing the red line with me, my temper is worse than Carver by 1000x times in those cases. I usually avoid those people.
But my mom once beat the hell out of my brother when he accidentally swore. He zones out in class and his grades dropped badly, the beating greatly affected him. He doesn't socialize that much and pretty much became closeted. My mom mentioned to him a couple of times of how I am much a better child than him.
Everything seemed to break down at that point, he ran away from home and I followed him. He rode his bike and pedalled fast, but events after that was unbelievable. He was hit by car. His body rolled to the side of the rode, and I gasped in shock and took my phone,
I called the ambulance and my mom, I held his hand, kissing it lightly and hoping for him to be okay. When we did arrive at the hospital, he was pronounced dead. on. arrival.
It was all my fault. I wish he was still alive. I was the reason why he died and I can't forgive myself. Sorry if It got too "emotional" but I wanted to share this to you guys.
This is going to sound messed up, but I think it's okay to (in relatively rare circumstances) hit your kids. Obviously you can't wail on them or anything like that, but in some situations a slap on the face is acceptable. It shouldn't be done if it's something they're already sorry for, but rather in cases where they don't take other forms of discipline seriously. You know those kids who know if they do something wrong they're only going to be sent to their room, or grounded for a little bit, and they have no appreciation of the wrong they do and feel entitled to act like little pricks?
A child needs to understand that their can be real consequences for their actions, and I think there is a certain extent to which a child should fear their parents, or rather, love and feel loved by their parents, but know and fear the consequences of some of their actions. People are going to think the fear part is a bit much, but I think it's a bit hypocritical that we denounce violence in the family but approve of violence by the state. And I'm not even talking about war, I mean law, don't forget when you do something wrong, no matter how much you regret it, the state is free to put you in a cage for years or even kill you. While good people generally follow the law out of a sense of morality, the same way good children are good because they want to do good, a large number of people abide by the law simply out of fear of the consequences.
Besides, learned helplessness and other psychological damage can just as much be the product of how you're treated verbally as much as physically, if not more so.
I've never been hit.
But my mom once beat the hell out of my brother when he accidentally swore. He zones out in class and his grades dro… morepped badly, the beating greatly affected him. He doesn't socialize that much and pretty much became closeted. My mom mentioned to him a couple of times of how I am much a better child than him.
Everything seemed to break down at that point, he ran away from home and I followed him. He rode his bike and pedalled fast, but events after that was unbelievable. He was hit by car. His body rolled to the side of the rode, and I gasped in shock and took my phone,
I called the ambulance and my mom, I held his hand, kissing it lightly and hoping for him to be okay. When we did arrive at the hospital, he was pronounced dead. on. arrival.
It was all my fault. I wish he was still alive. I was the reason why he died and I can't forgive myself. Sorry if It got too "emotional" but I wanted to share this to you guys.
I've never been hit.
But my mom once beat the hell out of my brother when he accidentally swore. He zones out in class and his grades dro… morepped badly, the beating greatly affected him. He doesn't socialize that much and pretty much became closeted. My mom mentioned to him a couple of times of how I am much a better child than him.
Everything seemed to break down at that point, he ran away from home and I followed him. He rode his bike and pedalled fast, but events after that was unbelievable. He was hit by car. His body rolled to the side of the rode, and I gasped in shock and took my phone,
I called the ambulance and my mom, I held his hand, kissing it lightly and hoping for him to be okay. When we did arrive at the hospital, he was pronounced dead. on. arrival.
It was all my fault. I wish he was still alive. I was the reason why he died and I can't forgive myself. Sorry if It got too "emotional" but I wanted to share this to you guys.
I've never been hit.
But my mom once beat the hell out of my brother when he accidentally swore. He zones out in class and his grades dro… morepped badly, the beating greatly affected him. He doesn't socialize that much and pretty much became closeted. My mom mentioned to him a couple of times of how I am much a better child than him.
Everything seemed to break down at that point, he ran away from home and I followed him. He rode his bike and pedalled fast, but events after that was unbelievable. He was hit by car. His body rolled to the side of the rode, and I gasped in shock and took my phone,
I called the ambulance and my mom, I held his hand, kissing it lightly and hoping for him to be okay. When we did arrive at the hospital, he was pronounced dead. on. arrival.
It was all my fault. I wish he was still alive. I was the reason why he died and I can't forgive myself. Sorry if It got too "emotional" but I wanted to share this to you guys.
You're contradicting yourself. Children tend to act like "little pricks" because of their parents bad behavior. It doesn't come from nowhere, it's learned and then made worse by parents violently reacting to it. There are no excuses to ever hurting children. No one should learn that violence is a consequence or to fear their parents. Something that's bad is bad and cannot be justified.
This is going to sound messed up, but I think it's okay to (in relatively rare circumstances) hit your kids. Obviously you can't wail on the… morem or anything like that, but in some situations a slap on the face is acceptable. It shouldn't be done if it's something they're already sorry for, but rather in cases where they don't take other forms of discipline seriously. You know those kids who know if they do something wrong they're only going to be sent to their room, or grounded for a little bit, and they have no appreciation of the wrong they do and feel entitled to act like little pricks?
A child needs to understand that their can be real consequences for their actions, and I think there is a certain extent to which a child should fear their parents, or rather, love and feel loved by their parents, but know and fear the consequences of some of their actions. People are going to think the fear part is a bit much, but I think it's a bit hypocr… [view original content]
90's pitiful whatawhata what what? I don't get it. I don't care either, she's scared to admit it because she doesn't want to think of her dad like that. I don't blame her, but... yano. I think this conversation is over now. Soooooo... yeah.
Look dude, your saying i was hit when i never said i was. I didn't think it was any of your business so i didn't want to tell you.
Your … moreover reaction about something you don't know the answer to. I WASN'T HIT. Ok? happy? Now stop, because it wasn't your business and still isn't.
I don't see a contradiction - I don't believe children are bad necessarily because of their parents' bad behavior (though that sometimes is the case). That's putting far too much of the onus on the parents. There are plenty of reasons why a child might act badly, whether learning from their parents or other people. Moreover, I believe poor actions are quite often the failure to restrain oneself from pursuing their desires through inappropriate means (IE: I want something, I take it, unless I come to understand why taking it is wrong, my gut will say to take it) The perfect example is Xun Zi, who said that human nature is inherently imperfect, that "the wood must be straightened before it can be used." There's a similar statement by Aristotle, something along the lines of 'philosophy has taught me to do without thinking what others do only for fear of the law.' It's not just philosophy, but psychology: look up Kohlberg's stages of moral development.
As to something being bad is bad, and cannot be justified, that goes precisely to argument I was trying to make in regards to state violence; if violence is wrong in all circumstances, what of the police? of punishment and prisons? Is it all simply an exercise in control and authority (a la Foucault) Or, if violence can be legitimate in some circumstances, what is the justification? Is it because a person is over 18, and therefore considered an adult, which, is in itself an arbitrary legal and political distinction?
You're contradicting yourself. Children tend to act like "little pricks" because of their parents bad behavior. It doesn't come from nowhere… more, it's learned and then made worse by parents violently reacting to it. There are no excuses to ever hurting children. No one should learn that violence is a consequence or to fear their parents. Something that's bad is bad and cannot be justified.
Shit, thought that would of escalated when I seen your name. Because of that PM situation last night, yano... the kid sticks up for the other kid situation? But nah, that's good. Because... well... stuff and thannngs. Watching videos and all. Nevermind, I stick up for that kid saying "Arhhhh you should sue your dad and shit." and then I get hate, WTF is this? I would leave this conversation now and say I have stuff to do but I honestly fucking don't. Am bored. Fucking GTA V is boring. Breaking Bad is, hope Season 4 is better. Need TWAU, TWD, and that BETA game SCP.
You were very presumptuous, invasive and you obviously upset her. Whatever your intentions, you should've known not to push it. So just drop it. It's what's best for everyone.
Shit, thought that would of escalated when I seen your name. Because of that PM situation last night, yano... the kid sticks up for the othe… morer kid situation? But nah, that's good. Because... well... stuff and thannngs. Watching videos and all. Nevermind, I stick up for that kid saying "Arhhhh you should sue your dad and shit." and then I get hate, WTF is this? I would leave this conversation now and say I have stuff to do but I honestly fucking don't. Am bored. Fucking GTA V is boring. Breaking Bad is, hope Season 4 is better. Need TWAU, TWD, and that BETA game SCP.
A woman has no right to speak in my presence, and if she thinks otherwise, I'll beat her head against the wall a few times.
And I would be completely right doing so.
Don't know what that means... invasive... er... so... so... I evaded her... questions? Wat? And upset her. Ummmm... okay... I'm just saying what I'd do in the situation. Anyone fucking touches me and they'll get a nice taste of the kitchen knife. Buttttttttt... erm... okay. Conversation can end now... so... I'll just... be bored again. Might watch CuteFuzzy guy.
You were very presumptuous, invasive and you obviously upset her. Whatever your intentions, you should've known not to push it. So just drop it. It's what's best for everyone.
Lol. In fact, let me speak seriously this time. Men hitting women is not justifiable.
But, does that mean that women hitting men is justifiable?
In fact, how would you address this issue - a man hitting a woman is branded as the lowest scum on Earth, but a woman hitting a man somehow gets the man who got a beating ridiculed by the society?
NO! I have been fighting for this shit my entire life! Society is now fortifying women and making them untouchable, And that's not fair, And that's far from even. All this #YesAllWomen nonsense proves it.
I believe in something, Women = Men completely. To me, I'm gender blind, If I like you, I give all I have for you. To me, Friendship is love and it doesn't matter whether you're a male or a female. THAT's equality.
Lol. In fact, let me speak seriously this time. Men hitting women is not justifiable.
But, does that mean that women hitting men is justi… morefiable?
In fact, how would you address this issue - a man hitting a woman is branded as the lowest scum on Earth, but a woman hitting a man somehow gets the man who got a beating ridiculed by the society?
And I agree. How could there be an equality, when double standard bullshit like this exists? Just take a look at modern feminists, who supposedly fight for the rights of women.
Modern-day feminism no longer fights to make women more equal to men, because, for most part, they are already. They fight to make women more equal than men.
NO! I have been fighting for this shit my entire life! Society is now fortifying women and making them untouchable, And that's not fair, And… more that's far from even. All this #YesAllWomen nonsense proves it.
I believe in something, Women = Men completely. To me, I'm gender blind, If I like you, I give all I have for you. To me, Friendship is love and it doesn't matter whether you're a male or a female. THAT's equality.
And I agree. How could there be an equality, when double standard bullshit like this exists? Just take a look at modern feminists, who suppo… moresedly fight for the rights of women.
Modern-day feminism no longer fights to make women more equal to men, because, for most part, they are already. They fight to make women more equal than men.
Yes, And what I fight for is making Women equal to men even physically. To train and use their bodies in combat.
Unfortunately, Society still sees women as marrying material, Or love material, Or sex material that needs to be soft.
Male. Females have light bodies, Could be used in stealth, parkour and Assassin's Creed-like combat. I have a light body as well, My weight isn't much and I'm pretty good at Stealth.
verdict: I'm a male, But i have some female traits. That's why I'm bisexual.
Male. Females have light bodies, Could be used in stealth, parkour and Assassin's Creed-like combat. I have a light body as well, My weight … moreisn't much and I'm pretty good at Stealth.
verdict: I'm a male, But i have some female traits. That's why I'm bisexual.
Having all of the aforementioned parameters doesn't count as "female" traits. You just have a light body and good at the things you've mentioned. Those things aren't uniquely female.
And you're bisexual because you have a light body, good at stealth and don't have a big body weight?
Male. Females have light bodies, Could be used in stealth, parkour and Assassin's Creed-like combat. I have a light body as well, My weight … moreisn't much and I'm pretty good at Stealth.
verdict: I'm a male, But i have some female traits. That's why I'm bisexual.
Having all of the aforementioned parameters doesn't count as "female" traits. You just have a light body and good at the things you've menti… moreoned. Those things aren't uniquely female.
And you're bisexual because you have a light body, good at stealth and don't have a big body weight?
90's pitiful whatawhata what what? I don't get it. I don't care either, she's scared to admit it because she doesn't want to think of her dad like that. I don't blame her, but... yano. I think this conversation is over now. Soooooo... yeah.
Never by my parents. When I was bad they locked me up in my rooms until I excuse myself or they deprived me to watch TV or play video games. In the contrary when I was good (at school or helping them for example) they always gave me rewards. Results? I saw no interest in pissing them off and instead, I worked hard to be a good girl. They also never talked to me like you talk to a child. They always took in consideration what I thought before taking decisions related to me. And that's why I was generally more mature than the kids of my age.
Smacking a child is never the solution.
Nah never got hit that Hard to meet the Ground. I remember a Head-Slap from my Dad in my early Days when i couldn't concentrate on a Math Task. Probably because he stood the whole Time behind me watching..
I really feel sorry for everyone who got through a heavy abusing Childhood. How could Parents just be like that to their own Flesh and Blood? Kids too have Senses and forming their Mind. It can be crushed so easily and then you suffer a Lifetime from it in the Worst Case.
IMO the wooden spoon hurts more than a plastic spoon since I've been spanked by both to be honest
Well they sound like wonderful parents (sarcasm)
Yes of course. I was raised by the eighties philosophy, if you mess up you getting the belt. Its funny i see friends and how they discipline their children and now they get the "time out." What the hell is that. My parents would use the belt, or whatever when i was bad. I went to Catholic private school, so that is where it was really bad. I still have scars on my hands from when the nuns would take a wooden ruler with metal running down the middle, smack my knuckles, hands when i didn't give the correct answer. Other times i would get hit by this big wooden paddle, with holes drilled in it for talking in class or something.
I didn't have a close relationship with my parents because of it, there was always a thin barrier, The communication never passed through, nothing. The underlines of blame where always there, but when they died i didn't know how to feel. Still don't to be honest. I live my life, try not to think about it.
Besides.... “I drink to make other people more interesting.”
I would really mess up whoever could do that to me, even if it was a parent. When it comes to people crossing the red line with me, my temper is worse than Carver by 1000x times in those cases. I usually avoid those people.
I've never been hit.
But my mom once beat the hell out of my brother when he accidentally swore. He zones out in class and his grades dropped badly, the beating greatly affected him. He doesn't socialize that much and pretty much became closeted. My mom mentioned to him a couple of times of how I am much a better child than him.
Everything seemed to break down at that point, he ran away from home and I followed him. He rode his bike and pedalled fast, but events after that was unbelievable. He was hit by car. His body rolled to the side of the rode, and I gasped in shock and took my phone,
I called the ambulance and my mom, I held his hand, kissing it lightly and hoping for him to be okay. When we did arrive at the hospital, he was pronounced dead. on. arrival.
It was all my fault. I wish he was still alive. I was the reason why he died and I can't forgive myself. Sorry if It got too "emotional" but I wanted to share this to you guys.
This is going to sound messed up, but I think it's okay to (in relatively rare circumstances) hit your kids. Obviously you can't wail on them or anything like that, but in some situations a slap on the face is acceptable. It shouldn't be done if it's something they're already sorry for, but rather in cases where they don't take other forms of discipline seriously. You know those kids who know if they do something wrong they're only going to be sent to their room, or grounded for a little bit, and they have no appreciation of the wrong they do and feel entitled to act like little pricks?
A child needs to understand that their can be real consequences for their actions, and I think there is a certain extent to which a child should fear their parents, or rather, love and feel loved by their parents, but know and fear the consequences of some of their actions. People are going to think the fear part is a bit much, but I think it's a bit hypocritical that we denounce violence in the family but approve of violence by the state. And I'm not even talking about war, I mean law, don't forget when you do something wrong, no matter how much you regret it, the state is free to put you in a cage for years or even kill you. While good people generally follow the law out of a sense of morality, the same way good children are good because they want to do good, a large number of people abide by the law simply out of fear of the consequences.
Besides, learned helplessness and other psychological damage can just as much be the product of how you're treated verbally as much as physically, if not more so.
That sucks, hopefully your mum thinks about what she did and learns from it.
Actually it's your mother's fault since she did all the bad stuff to your brother. R.I.P. That was horrendous.
I been hit before but never like that.
Heavens, I am sorry this happen to you![:( :(](https://community.telltalegames.com/resources/emoji/frowning.png)
Yes, I was beaten a couple of times by my parents. Now they better not to I could beat them both at the same time.
You're contradicting yourself. Children tend to act like "little pricks" because of their parents bad behavior. It doesn't come from nowhere, it's learned and then made worse by parents violently reacting to it. There are no excuses to ever hurting children. No one should learn that violence is a consequence or to fear their parents. Something that's bad is bad and cannot be justified.
Look dude, your saying i was hit when i never said i was. I didn't think it was any of your business so i didn't want to tell you.
Your over reaction about something you don't know the answer to. I WASN'T HIT. Ok? happy? Now stop, because it wasn't your business and still isn't.
You seem aggressive and I have no idea why. I wonder how you react to someone who has ACTUALLY said something bad about you.
Dude, just cool it, okay? This will only go to bad places.
I don't see a contradiction - I don't believe children are bad necessarily because of their parents' bad behavior (though that sometimes is the case). That's putting far too much of the onus on the parents. There are plenty of reasons why a child might act badly, whether learning from their parents or other people. Moreover, I believe poor actions are quite often the failure to restrain oneself from pursuing their desires through inappropriate means (IE: I want something, I take it, unless I come to understand why taking it is wrong, my gut will say to take it) The perfect example is Xun Zi, who said that human nature is inherently imperfect, that "the wood must be straightened before it can be used." There's a similar statement by Aristotle, something along the lines of 'philosophy has taught me to do without thinking what others do only for fear of the law.' It's not just philosophy, but psychology: look up Kohlberg's stages of moral development.
As to something being bad is bad, and cannot be justified, that goes precisely to argument I was trying to make in regards to state violence; if violence is wrong in all circumstances, what of the police? of punishment and prisons? Is it all simply an exercise in control and authority (a la Foucault) Or, if violence can be legitimate in some circumstances, what is the justification? Is it because a person is over 18, and therefore considered an adult, which, is in itself an arbitrary legal and political distinction?
Shit, thought that would of escalated when I seen your name. Because of that PM situation last night, yano... the kid sticks up for the other kid situation? But nah, that's good. Because... well... stuff and thannngs. Watching videos and all. Nevermind, I stick up for that kid saying "Arhhhh you should sue your dad and shit." and then I get hate, WTF is this? I would leave this conversation now and say I have stuff to do but I honestly fucking don't. Am bored. Fucking GTA V is boring. Breaking Bad is, hope Season 4 is better. Need TWAU, TWD, and that BETA game SCP.
yes and i think i deserve it
A woman has no right to speak in my presence, and if she thinks otherwise, I'll beat her head against the wall a few times.
And I would be completely right doing so.
You were very presumptuous, invasive and you obviously upset her. Whatever your intentions, you should've known not to push it. So just drop it. It's what's best for everyone.
Yup. Felt good the day I smacked back. With a bat.
Not sure if kidding... Or just trolling.
Don't know what that means... invasive... er... so... so... I evaded her... questions? Wat? And upset her. Ummmm... okay... I'm just saying what I'd do in the situation. Anyone fucking touches me and they'll get a nice taste of the kitchen knife. Buttttttttt... erm... okay. Conversation can end now... so... I'll just... be bored again. Might watch CuteFuzzy guy.
No, neither of these. I'm relaying my actual opinion.
Oh dear! I shouldn't be talking to you.
Seems like we share the same spirit of fighting back.
Lol. In fact, let me speak seriously this time. Men hitting women is not justifiable.
But, does that mean that women hitting men is justifiable?
In fact, how would you address this issue - a man hitting a woman is branded as the lowest scum on Earth, but a woman hitting a man somehow gets the man who got a beating ridiculed by the society?
NO! I have been fighting for this shit my entire life! Society is now fortifying women and making them untouchable, And that's not fair, And that's far from even. All this #YesAllWomen nonsense proves it.
I believe in something, Women = Men completely. To me, I'm gender blind, If I like you, I give all I have for you. To me, Friendship is love and it doesn't matter whether you're a male or a female. THAT's equality.
And I agree. How could there be an equality, when double standard bullshit like this exists? Just take a look at modern feminists, who supposedly fight for the rights of women.
Modern-day feminism no longer fights to make women more equal to men, because, for most part, they are already. They fight to make women more equal than men.
Yes, And what I fight for is making Women equal to men even physically. To train and use their bodies in combat.
Unfortunately, Society still sees women as marrying material, Or love material, Or sex material that needs to be soft.
Sexual dimorphism doesn't allow that. Evolution is a bitch.
Lemme ask you something, are you male or female? I've gotten a bit confused.
Male. Females have light bodies, Could be used in stealth, parkour and Assassin's Creed-like combat. I have a light body as well, My weight isn't much and I'm pretty good at Stealth.
verdict: I'm a male, But i have some female traits. That's why I'm bisexual.
Yeah, they're equal. None of that stereotype bullshit.
Having all of the aforementioned parameters doesn't count as "female" traits. You just have a light body and good at the things you've mentioned. Those things aren't uniquely female.
And you're bisexual because you have a light body, good at stealth and don't have a big body weight?
No. Not what i meant. I meant that a particular part of my brain is very feminine, that's why I'm bisexual.
How does one have a... "feminine" brain? I'll admit, I'm getting more and more confused over time.