one of your comments has 7, damn. They are probably accumulating because they see that you are irritated by the dislikes. I know its hard to not be bothered but like TWDFan said, they feed off of people who get bothered by the dislikes.
one of your comments has 7, damn. They are probably accumulating because they see that you are irritated by the dislikes. I know its hard to not be bothered but like TWDFan said, they feed off of people who get bothered by the dislikes.
They are probably no lifes who will never get laid, so they spend their day following the females of this forum because they get a "kick" out of it and its the only thing that makes them happy.
When they start to piss you off, just think about all the horrible things that happen in the world. Dislike trolls wont mean a damn thing afterwards
Haven't you noticed that it's usually the girls who get the dislikes?
We love you, Juice_Box ^~^
They're sexist. That's what it is.
Yes. I don't know why they target the 3 of you, but whoever's doing it are sad people. You're better than them
That's what pisses me off the most.
Anyway, good afternoon guys. >.<
Silly girl, you know we're family
lmfao 6 now. Holy shit.
Edit: Nope. 7.
Hey. ^_^
Just pretend they're not there. You have more important things to worry about.
What's good, Twistee?
Dat ass.
They are stupid and have absolutely nothing else to do. Don't let them get to you. Its means NOTHING! They are useless pity pieces of crap.
Imaging them looking like this, down voting your comments for no reason at all but to be so damn butthurt.
And they will grow up looking like this...
edit: HAHA the trolls are disliking it!! Did i hit a nerve trolls? Yeah, i thought this would.
one of your comments has 7, damn. They are probably accumulating because they see that you are irritated by the dislikes. I know its hard to not be bothered but like TWDFan said, they feed off of people who get bothered by the dislikes.
Sitting here trying to scroll through the forum on a phone.
It sucks soooo bad. -_-
Okay, I get it. I won't make a big deal out of it. I just don't understand why people are so angry. >.>
That's what makes me the most angry. They completely ignore boys' comments and don't even leave a single dislike on them.
They are probably no lifes who will never get laid, so they spend their day following the females of this forum because they get a "kick" out of it and its the only thing that makes them happy.
Don't question me. I actually do want one
Yeah, I know that feel. ;-;
Pssh, who cares. Doesn't bother me anymore
They're not angry, the correct term for it is "Butthurt"
ATR can arrange the whole wig thing xD
And Devyn used to call me Josephine -.-
No, unless you put on a wig and change your name to Josephine.
Seems that those dislikers have had some bad experiences with women. Hey I'm sorry for you
Please, I'm begging you!! Can I at least get one?!?!? I know you're reading this!
Exactly! >:D
Here's a like.
OH YEAH almost forgot...
Don't worry Woodsy, we'll spam you with likes
You broke my lamp, you jerk. I don't even know why I gave you a heart.
I swear. It was an accident! ;-;
I gotchu a new one. But you didn't want it