Have you ever been smacked before like Sarah?



  • lol nobody would care if this was a random

    Giraffehat posted: »

    You were very presumptuous, invasive and you obviously upset her. Whatever your intentions, you should've known not to push it. So just drop it. It's what's best for everyone.

  • edited June 2014

    When I acted out, I got spanked with a belt.
    It did me good.

    As a result, as an adult, I'm a firm believer in discipline kids who act out, which can include a spanking.
    As it teaches a child that they cannot do, or talk however they want, without reprisal.
    It's better their parents teaches them that, instead of them learning that as adults and they get their teeth knocked out cause they pissed someone off.

  • No, I wasn't trolling. Children getting smacked and beaten is not a myth. It's happened to me among many others in this thread, if they're being honest, that is. Since Telltale portrayed it with Sarah in Episode 3, I must say, her behavior and dialog afterwards was very realistic. And so it made me feel like starting a thread about it.

    Piggs posted: »

    "Getting" too personal? Guys, the entire basis of this thread is "Were you abused as a kid?". It was personal from the start. I honestly thought the guy who made it was trolling.

  • Debate is healthy. And given the number of people on here who've been through experiences involving corporal punishment, I think a discussion about its effects on children would be pretty enlightening for both sides.

    I myself find it quite interesting how many people on here describe their punishments as deserved and justified. I'd be curious if there's any correlation between their views on this and their attitudes towards things like the death penalty and retributive punishment in general.

    Ok, ok, this thread is getting too personnal. And please, people, don't debate.

  • Well, I can tell you I like revenge.

    DomeWing333 posted: »

    Debate is healthy. And given the number of people on here who've been through experiences involving corporal punishment, I think a discussio

  • Never slapped across the mouth.

  • Actually, you sort of vouched for one of my points. You said "from their parents, other people, and environmental factors," meaning that bad behavior can come independent of the parents. Yes, I agree, it's important that the parents inculcate good values from a young age, although I think we might have a misunderstanding: I am in no way advocating for parents "violently hurting their children." What I'm saying is that under certain circumstances you can get scolded physically, a slap or something like that, not beating or belting or anything like that. In a way it's like when you say "don't touch something hot." If you get a singe from a hot stove, you take your hand away and know not to do it again.

    Though the quote from Aristotle goes to where I think our difference in opinion lies - I was mostly referring to the second part of the quote. Yes, the enlightened person would have a "broader perspective on things apart from the rule of law," but the problem is that a lot of people aren't that way, and therefore the fear of the law is what keeps them in check. Like the quote you put at the end, "If there be righteousness in the heart..." but I think that's a big if.

    I agree with rehabilitation and resolution: what I'm saying is that I'm not sure if that always flies, whether state or individual. Some people will see that as a light enough consequence and continue to do what is in their selfish interest. To bring it back to The Walking Dead, Walter quotes Steinbeck saying "All war is a symptom of man's failure as a thinking animal." I would say the same can be applied to all violence - the problem is that failure exists, on both sides.

    Everything that's "right" and "wrong" gets taught to a child when they're young based from their parents, other people, and environmental fa

  • edited June 2014

    Wasn't smacked THAT hard, but I defiantly had a smack on the back of the head for being a moron.

    Was also spanked as a kid.

    But I can't complain. I was taught what to do and what not to do, and being taken to the bathroom for three spanks was pretty motivating.

  • Not like Sarah. nope. can't say I was ever the victim of abuse.

  • edited June 2014

    I agree to an extent. A child need to learn to listen, and if honey doesn't work, more honey wont work.

    If I was goofing around in a restaurant, told to sit down, and didn't listen, dad would say, "Do you want to be taken to the bathroom?" and me and my brother would immediately sit down. We behaved, and we didn't cause a nuisance to others, and we were taught manners. Those kind of manners are important.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    When I acted out, I got spanked with a belt. It did me good. As a result, as an adult, I'm a firm believer in discipline kids who act ou

  • happened two weeks ago with my dad, didn't deserve it and I'm 17 years old -.-, well that's sad.

  • certain circumstances you can get scolded physically, a slap or something like that

    You're still advocating violence towards children when you say this. Also, being physically attacked by someone is not the same as touching something that's hot. Ones just an object and the other has a conscious purpose to harm you and make things worse for you. As for righteous in the heart, I relate it to how one truly feels. Anyone who physically attacks you should make you feel bad. Which is why it's wrong and unacceptable. And yes, Walter's Steinbeck quote is true. If people used their heads and stopped wanting to fight or harm others, things would be better.

    Sarangholic posted: »

    Actually, you sort of vouched for one of my points. You said "from their parents, other people, and environmental factors," meaning that bad

  • [removed]

  • Damn. If I was you I'd be more impressed at my parents than bitter and resentful.

  • I respectfully disagree with you, i don't you should ever get physical with your kids because it may ruin your relationship with them in the future. I don't have any kids myself, however my sister has two. My nephew makes me mad constantly, recently he was over my house and damaged my car, by result of horseplay.

    I know what i would of got when i was a kid, and i just don't have that in me. Kids today have it so good.

    Sarangholic posted: »

    This is going to sound messed up, but I think it's okay to (in relatively rare circumstances) hit your kids. Obviously you can't wail on the

  • I can't show them my respect because I don't live with them anymore.

    They knocked me to another country.

    Damn. If I was you I'd be more impressed at my parents than bitter and resentful.

  • edited June 2014

    BUT, there is a line between disciplining a child and abusing a child. You shouldn't physically hurt a child beyond what is needed to teach. A spank or two isn't going to traumatize anyone, but it's enough to teach the child manners. Hitting, slapping, or spanking beyond reason is abuse, and I believe abuse should be met with punishment.

    Do not mistake discipline with abuse. Abuse is traumatizing. Discipline is something you learn from.

    I agree to an extent. A child need to learn to listen, and if honey doesn't work, more honey wont work. If I was goofing around in a res

  • This isn't the place to talk about that. You can discuss that particular event about Sarah, and child abuse in general, but that event in that particular game doesn't permit you to ask people personal stories about being beaten as a child.

    No, I wasn't trolling. Children getting smacked and beaten is not a myth. It's happened to me among many others in this thread, if they're b

  • I have been slugged on the shoulder by my dad once or twice (I'm sixteen, mind you, not when I was, like, seven), but he always feels bad about it. He admits that he has a temper sometimes.

    There's still parents out there who beat their kids with belts and those wooden cutting boards. Gosh, I've never been punched or kicked by a guardian/parent.

  • It's their choice to talk about it.

    Comparing personal situations to the game itself is what sets off good discussion.

    Piggs posted: »

    This isn't the place to talk about that. You can discuss that particular event about Sarah, and child abuse in general, but that event in that particular game doesn't permit you to ask people personal stories about being beaten as a child.

  • fuk u m8. im insalting u.

    Tyranitar posted: »

    lol nobody would care if this was a random

  • Horrible... Abuse is wrong, no matter how small it is.

    I've never been hit. But my mom once beat the hell out of my brother when he accidentally swore. He zones out in class and his grades dro

  • Not like that, but my granny hated me when i was child. One time when my mom was at work and i was crying( i was maybe 3 or 4 years old), she hitted me with a wooden spoon across my head. Fuck, now thinking about it, that is really fucked up.

  • On the head? Jeez.

    ilovetwd posted: »

    Not like that, but my granny hated me when i was child. One time when my mom was at work and i was crying( i was maybe 3 or 4 years old), she hitted me with a wooden spoon across my head. Fuck, now thinking about it, that is really fucked up.

  • Memories can be melancholy but they're also nostalgic, funny how things work.

    ilovetwd posted: »

    Not like that, but my granny hated me when i was child. One time when my mom was at work and i was crying( i was maybe 3 or 4 years old), she hitted me with a wooden spoon across my head. Fuck, now thinking about it, that is really fucked up.

  • What is wrong with this generation. I got my ass whopped from getting out of line and I turned out just fine.
    That is why kids these days are just awful, they lack discipline, and whenever the parents give it to them, they are reprimanded.

  • Like I said above:

    Discipline teaches. Abuse traumatizes.

    If you're not traumatized and you learned manners or learned important life skills in the process, then it is discipline.

    What is wrong with this generation. I got my ass whopped from getting out of line and I turned out just fine. That is why kids these days are just awful, they lack discipline, and whenever the parents give it to them, they are reprimanded.

  • I agree but kids/adults often misinterpret discipline as abuse which is what i'm trying to get across.

    Like I said above: Discipline teaches. Abuse traumatizes. If you're not traumatized and you learned manners or learned important life skills in the process, then it is discipline.

  • I received a few slaps here and there, but can only recall one time. While I do feel that time was justified, I myself would not discipline my child with physical force. I believe there are other ways that can get the point across. I spent too much time when I was younger trying to solve problems with my fists to know it doesn't work out well (not in our society anyway).

  • No. Not even once, since my family has some sort of no violence policy. And everything turned out alright, both me and my brother are respectful towards our parents and learned our lessons through getting grounded. That's why I'm against parents hitting their children.

  • u w0t m8?

    Talimancer posted: »

    fuk u m8. im insalting u.

  • Jesus Christ almost everybody got hit here by family or friends!

  • edited June 2014

    I suppose it's time for full disclosure in this debate; my mother would slap me on the face if I wised up. I have no problem with that, and I understand why she did it. After a while, there were times even when I would start to get out of line and she would say "Do you want a slap?" and that would get me to cut it out. It was a method of keeping me in check, and I'd say I have a good relationship with my mother.

    Conversely, my father never hit me, but he would yell, berate, mock, those kinds of things, and his words were "to inflict pain so I never did them again," - my father is somebody with whom I do not have the best of relationships. (It's sort of strange... Watch Paul Schrader's 'Affliction' or read Pat Conroy's 'The Great Santini') I don't want to get into the specifics, (granted, reading some of the posts on this thread, I'd say I've had relatively understanding and permissive parents)

    By the way, you have car? I thought I was one of the older ones on this forum and I've never had a car ㅠ__ㅠ Then again, where I live the public transportation is really good and having a car is probably more of a nuisance than anything...

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    I respectfully disagree with you, i don't you should ever get physical with your kids because it may ruin your relationship with them in th

  • where do anyone go to jail for animal cruelty?? there was a very and I mean VERY fucked up guy not too long ago that in his garage had multiple dismembered animals. puppy head and cats and that piece of fuckin shit only got like a year in jail and got fined as he only destroyed material stuff. so tell me how the fuck is this society hypocritical?

    haha! You go to jail for beating a dog, yet. thousands and thousands of chickens, goats, fish, pigs and cows. are brutally killed and proces

  • I know that debate is healthy, but on the Internet ? Too many trolls, and only a few will listen to each other. This won't be a debate, it will be more a VS.

    DomeWing333 posted: »

    Debate is healthy. And given the number of people on here who've been through experiences involving corporal punishment, I think a discussio

  • yes that's basically what I wanted to say but since I get a lil hot and typed a bunch of stuff that probably didn't have to say. other was truth.

    but yes theres a very bright line between abusing and discipline. if they jus hit the kid cuz he did a lil thing and it happens often then that's abuse but if its about setting a point then and teaching something to let them reflect about that

    BUT, there is a line between disciplining a child and abusing a child. You shouldn't physically hurt a child beyond what is needed to teach

  • Have you never had a fight with your friends ? Even to just mess around ?

    joshua007 posted: »

    Jesus Christ almost everybody got hit here by family or friends!

  • Well I have problems to remember things so probably I have but can't remember

    Have you never had a fight with your friends ? Even to just mess around ?

  • edited July 2014

    No, I didn't but I saw some little girl get smacked by her mother one time. I was in the mall with my friends. I was finally made them buy TTG TWD GOTY Edition. We got outside. There was that little, cute girl. She was telling her mother that she was thirsty. But she didn't give a single fuck about it. They were waiting the bus. So are we. ''Mom, I'm thirsty. Can you buy me some water?'' Then SLAP!! ''STOP SAYING THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER AGAIN! Huh, you thirsty.'' It was none of my buisness and I shouldn't have get between them. But seeing some sweet, innocient girl get slapped... even that was came by her mother... she wasn't asked much. I yelled at her; ''HEY! THAT GIRL ASKING YOU THAT SHE WAS THIRSTY THAT WHOLE TIME! THAT GIRL IS NOT A TOY THAT YOU CAN SMACK HER! BEING A MOTHER DOESN'T GIVE YOU ANY RIGHT TO DO THAT TO HER! TRY BEING A MOTHER!'' I argued with her I don't know how long. Then I bought her a water. She smiled at me. God... that cute... hopeful smile... she thanked me. And then I saw her mother's face... she was regretted... I was so happy that I knocked some sense into her.

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