dont say that, i'm sure you'd be a fine hedgehog owner, lol :P though i wont dispute that i'd be a good owner! since, you know, i already have 6 cats, 2 dogs and many fish xD
Well, I wasn't a good pet owner when I was little. All my fish died. All my parakeets died. And I had two cats once, but my mom gave them away (so I guess that wasn't really my fault, but still).
oh god xD GOTTA GO FAST!!!
dont say that, i'm sure you'd be a fine hedgehog owner, lol :P though i wont dispute that i'd be a good owner! since, you know, i already have 6 cats, 2 dogs and many fish xD
Well, I wasn't a good pet owner when I was little. All my fish died. All my parakeets died. And I had two cats once, but my mom gave them aw… moreay (so I guess that wasn't really my fault, but still).
Also, watch this. But watch out for profanity if you have family around at around 0:38 mark :P
You've just watched what happens when Sonic goes TOO FAST!
You had pet parakeets too? My mom and I love them! Awww, I'm so sorry Mine died because they get sick of something or die during the winter when my apartment gets cold ;-;
... oh. i. what. what the hell did i just watch?! xD (hey, it was by the guy who did those pony videos, lol)
its ok, when i was little my parakeets died too, because i didnt feed them and my parents forgot to also. u_u
Thank you and those programs you use for videos I know a program that can do everything you want, I miss Awesomeo, Markd and all the others. I was not warned just banned! they to I believe... Why do I have a feeling that a MOD will appear
Welp, guess I'm going to bed now. Have to go somewhere later (and hopefully get myself a ps3 headset). But knowing myself, I'll probably stay awake for another hour or so because...insomnia and internet. I'm probably just gonna hang out here until I pass out, lol.
Scumbag human body
This is sooo me and probably @sardines too :P
oh god xD GOTTA GO FAST!!!
dont say that, i'm sure you'd be a fine hedgehog owner, lol :P though i wont dispute that i'd be a good owner! since, you know, i already have 6 cats, 2 dogs and many fish xD
I like tripped on my chair and stumbled, and the glass just completely flew out of my hand, LOL
Sleep with one eye ohhpen!!! Gripping your pillow tiiiight!!! EGGXIT LIIIIGHT! ENTER NIIIIHIGHT!!!
What is wrong with you people?
Are... are you okay?
Of course I would have laughed at you. B]
Comments of the video says it's fake.
Well, I wasn't a good pet owner when I was little. All my fish died. All my parakeets died. And I had two cats once, but my mom gave them away (so I guess that wasn't really my fault, but still).
Also, watch this. But watch out for profanity if you have family around at around 0:38 mark :P
yep! :P
Hey, at least it wasn't juice. Everything would be sticky.
... oh. i. what. what the hell did i just watch?! xD (hey, it was by the guy who did those pony videos, lol)
its ok, when i was little my parakeets died too, because i didnt feed them and my parents forgot to also. u_u
....... maybe not.
Lol, and I thought this thread couldn't get any crazier, something is seriously wrong with us tonight.
That would suck! Damn, if only it was juice... I mean what? B]
Heh, you got lucky THIS TIME.
You've just watched what happens when Sonic goes TOO FAST!
You had pet parakeets too? My mom and I love them! Awww, I'm so sorry
Mine died because they get sick of something or die during the winter when my apartment gets cold ;-;
Or maybe everything is seriously RIGHT with us.
^ So much this times infinity
Maybe... or maybe yes squared...
No, Pro! Bad Pro! Don't say that >.<
Not gonna need that towel this time.
What did you just say?!
Thank you and those programs you use for videos I know a program that can do everything you want, I miss Awesomeo, Markd and all the others. I was not warned just banned! they to I believe... Why do I have a feeling that a MOD will appear
You have become a MOD... With great power comes great- oke you know it
I hope so! You did say I look like him once, lol.
Nice undies, Lee.
I thought I said I did, lol. I'll give you Bromid, though. B]
Lee says thanks.
I'm crazy, duh. I thought you knew this already, Pro!
Well it was either you that told me that as well or someone else did. But you did say Omid too :P
OMG! I'm totally putting that water spilling and laughing at it for 5 minutes in the story.
Welp, guess I'm going to bed now. Have to go somewhere later (and hopefully get myself a ps3 headset). But knowing myself, I'll probably stay awake for another hour or so because...insomnia and internet. I'm probably just gonna hang out here until I pass out, lol.
Seems like forever...
This crazy guy needs to return.