I must say while I am glad not to be considered one of your main enemies, at the same time I feel left out, since barely anyone around here even knows my name, but then again I probably have only myself to blame for that since I don't post here that often.
I must say while I am glad not to be considered one of your main enemies, at the same time I feel left out, since barely anyone around here … moreeven knows my name, but then again I probably have only myself to blame for that since I don't post here that often.
Nice to hear that.
I didn't know this place would come my top 5 internet site so I created a stupid username.
But yeah, everyone pretty much calls me just Vince.
I'm awesome indeed, my dear. But not because I'm nice. I don't possess exceptional gregarious skills. It's my unique personality that makes me a likeable dude.
I'm awesome indeed, my dear. But not because I'm nice. I don't possess exceptional gregarious skills. It's my unique personality that makes me a likeable dude.
Figured I might as well make a list of people I think are cool or consider friends.
@Lingvort, @JonGon, @Dont_Look_Back, @Azlyn, @TWDFan8… more6, @xValky, @WhatTheDuck and of course Juice_Box - whose name doesn't work with the "@" thing.
That's all I can think of, for now.
I pretty much like everyone here they are mostly all nice except for clukers and trolls
no love for jewfreeus?
The people I really like on here are Crazy George, GOUSTTTT and omid as we are all big Nate fans!! Oh and that AWSOMEO is a nice guy.
However there are a couple who I hate and the member I hate the most is TheWalkingMustache, he is such a big douchebag and he always criticises any posts or threads I make, plus he's the most annoying Kenny fanboy so if Kenny finally dies I will be the first to rub it in his smug face! That Dark_Star guy is an asshole too and the other people I hate are the down voters and cry babies who don't want Clem to die just because they FEEL for her even though she's just fictional.
Figured I might as well make a list of people I think are cool or consider friends.
@Lingvort, @JonGon, @Dont_Look_Back, @Azlyn, @TWDFan8… more6, @xValky, @WhatTheDuck and of course Juice_Box - whose name doesn't work with the "@" thing.
That's all I can think of, for now.
Figured I might as well make a list of people I think are cool or consider friends.
@Lingvort, @JonGon, @Dont_Look_Back, @Azlyn, @TWDFan8… more6, @xValky, @WhatTheDuck and of course Juice_Box - whose name doesn't work with the "@" thing.
That's all I can think of, for now.
At least you've got the guts to speak your mind. I may not agree with a lot of the things you say, but I like it when people don't give a damn what other people think about them.
The people I really like on here are Crazy George, GOUSTTTT and omid as we are all big Nate fans!! Oh and that AWSOMEO is a nice guy.
How… moreever there are a couple who I hate and the member I hate the most is TheWalkingMustache, he is such a big douchebag and he always criticises any posts or threads I make, plus he's the most annoying Kenny fanboy so if Kenny finally dies I will be the first to rub it in his smug face! That Dark_Star guy is an asshole too and the other people I hate are the down voters and cry babies who don't want Clem to die just because they FEEL for her even though she's just fictional.
You might think it's pathetic (and probably more than telling), but there are things I've told people here that I've never told almost anybody I know personally... Perhaps the anonymity is a factor, in addition to the distance (granted, I've told strangers in bars things that I haven't told my closest friends...)
So, it's nice to have a place to come to give my opinions unadulterated, just between you, me, and the NSA.
Because I made you put me on your list!
Same to you Woodbury! Thank you
I must say while I am glad not to be considered one of your main enemies, at the same time I feel left out, since barely anyone around here even knows my name, but then again I probably have only myself to blame for that since I don't post here that often.
LEFT OUT?! cough look up cough You're not left out anymore my bro. You're part of that family.
Nice to hear that.
I didn't know this place would come my top 5 internet site so I created a stupid username.
But yeah, everyone pretty much calls me just Vince.
As a Ps3 gamer. Did I hit the nail on the head m'lord.
ok Vince, nice to meet you then ahah
Word of advice, don't talk about the fallen, you'll be banned
How did you know my name? Are you a wizard?
He's right you know.
Welcome to the forums!
I'm awesome indeed, my dear. But not because I'm nice. I don't possess exceptional gregarious skills. It's my unique personality that makes me a likeable dude.
And i thought you were banned.
The only one who mentioned me, Called me a "Hipster". Well, That's interesting.
So now you're unbanned.
You're cool and i wasn't mentioned either so don't feel bad all of the non-mentioned have to stick together!
I pretty much like everyone here they are mostly all nice except for clukers and trolls
no love for jewfreeus?
Well, you can believe what you want, Salt. I know the truth.
We're all in this together!
Yeah, all of those people are cool......
I don't even know if that gif is boredom or disappointment ;~;
Her facial expression very closely mirrors mine at the moment.
I know the feeling
You seem like a reasonably nice person, but in fairness, we haven't interacted on a personal level. And don't go dissin' mah bros >:(
The people I really like on here are Crazy George, GOUSTTTT and omid as we are all big Nate fans!! Oh and that AWSOMEO is a nice guy.
However there are a couple who I hate and the member I hate the most is TheWalkingMustache, he is such a big douchebag and he always criticises any posts or threads I make, plus he's the most annoying Kenny fanboy so if Kenny finally dies I will be the first to rub it in his smug face! That Dark_Star guy is an asshole too and the other people I hate are the down voters and cry babies who don't want Clem to die just because they FEEL for her even though she's just fictional.
I'm back from the dead...
I'm not dissing anyone. Pretty much everyone you mentioned are my bros too. :P
Well, Welcome back, mate. You surely were missed.
checks urban dictionary
Every day's a school day...
I'm not making an urban joke >:(
It's understandable, no one likes pedophiles.
Why doesn't Juice_Box's name work with the '@' sighn??!
Something to do with the underscores, I'm pretty sure.
You're more of a highly esteemed acquaintance. It's not like we're close or anything, but you're still likeable.
Heh, except for, like, one person.
That would be me.
At least you've got the guts to speak your mind. I may not agree with a lot of the things you say, but I like it when people don't give a damn what other people think about them.
You might think it's pathetic (and probably more than telling), but there are things I've told people here that I've never told almost anybody I know personally... Perhaps the anonymity is a factor, in addition to the distance (granted, I've told strangers in bars things that I haven't told my closest friends...)
So, it's nice to have a place to come to give my opinions unadulterated, just between you, me, and the NSA.