The people I really like on here are Crazy George, GOUSTTTT and omid as we are all big Nate fans!! Oh and that AWSOMEO is a nice guy.
How… moreever there are a couple who I hate and the member I hate the most is TheWalkingMustache, he is such a big douchebag and he always criticises any posts or threads I make, plus he's the most annoying Kenny fanboy so if Kenny finally dies I will be the first to rub it in his smug face! That Dark_Star guy is an asshole too and the other people I hate are the down voters and cry babies who don't want Clem to die just because they FEEL for her even though she's just fictional.
The people I really like on here are Crazy George, GOUSTTTT and omid as we are all big Nate fans!! Oh and that AWSOMEO is a nice guy.
How… moreever there are a couple who I hate and the member I hate the most is TheWalkingMustache, he is such a big douchebag and he always criticises any posts or threads I make, plus he's the most annoying Kenny fanboy so if Kenny finally dies I will be the first to rub it in his smug face! That Dark_Star guy is an asshole too and the other people I hate are the down voters and cry babies who don't want Clem to die just because they FEEL for her even though she's just fictional.
Figured I might as well make a list of people I think are cool or consider friends.
@Lingvort, @JonGon, @Dont_Look_Back, @Azlyn, @TWDFan8… more6, @xValky, @WhatTheDuck and of course Juice_Box - whose name doesn't work with the "@" thing.
That's all I can think of, for now.
And of course, everyone else who is a good presence outside of my story....
TheWalkingCommenter, Giraffehat, Welcome_to_Woodbury, Juice_box, AWESOMEO, GOUSTTTT, Ohyoupokedme, JonGon, Dont_Look_Back, and a shit ton of others I'm just spacing out on. If I didn't list you, either I rarely/never see you, or I forgot about you while writing this.
I must say while I am glad not to be considered one of your main enemies, at the same time I feel left out, since barely anyone around here … moreeven knows my name, but then again I probably have only myself to blame for that since I don't post here that often.
Basically everyone who is a part of The Typing Dead (my fan story), who are around regularily, ILY. Let's list 'em off!
Markd4547, Saltli… moreck123, MrLee, Cornpopper, Puncake32, walkingdead666, PowerfulStache, iHeartTWD, Imaginethosefandoms, Graysonn, Spooch, ArthurMatrix, Xemnes, Flog61, she-wolf_x1, ilovetwd, TheWalkingsheep, Purugly, angrykurd, Raging_Blades, Gobananas01, Conduit42, firedog122, ComingSoon, sardines, RubyWhale, IllusiveBroker, Domingez.
And of course, everyone else who is a good presence outside of my story....
TheWalkingCommenter, Giraffehat, Welcome_to_Woodbury, Juice_box, AWESOMEO, GOUSTTTT, Ohyoupokedme, JonGon, Dont_Look_Back, and a shit ton of others I'm just spacing out on. If I didn't list you, either I rarely/never see you, or I forgot about you while writing this.
I must say while I am glad not to be considered one of your main enemies, at the same time I feel left out, since barely anyone around here … moreeven knows my name, but then again I probably have only myself to blame for that since I don't post here that often.
Basically everyone who is a part of The Typing Dead (my fan story), who are around regularily, ILY. Let's list 'em off!
Markd4547, Saltli… moreck123, MrLee, Cornpopper, Puncake32, walkingdead666, PowerfulStache, iHeartTWD, Imaginethosefandoms, Graysonn, Spooch, ArthurMatrix, Xemnes, Flog61, she-wolf_x1, ilovetwd, TheWalkingsheep, Purugly, angrykurd, Raging_Blades, Gobananas01, Conduit42, firedog122, ComingSoon, sardines, RubyWhale, IllusiveBroker, Domingez.
And of course, everyone else who is a good presence outside of my story....
TheWalkingCommenter, Giraffehat, Welcome_to_Woodbury, Juice_box, AWESOMEO, GOUSTTTT, Ohyoupokedme, JonGon, Dont_Look_Back, and a shit ton of others I'm just spacing out on. If I didn't list you, either I rarely/never see you, or I forgot about you while writing this.
EVERYONE in the Forum of the Lounge thread- you know who you are I'd list you guys, but there are more than 20 people and I will feel super bad if I left anyone out.
I find that the vast majority of this forum are kind and interesting people. Some of you guys crack me up, and others make me "ooo" and "ahhh" at how clever they are! We all share an obsession with TWD/TWAU, and it's great to talk to people who understand the addiction to these games.
I will admit that I think some individuals can act a bit rude or condescending, but I don't think that they intend to be that way. I don't think that there are any active members that I truly dislike, even if I might disagree with them time to time
So, what do users here think about me? Am I liked or hated, or am I just there and usually unnoticed? I haven't seen me mentioned in any of the pages so I'll ask here.
Also, give a reason why you feel that way about me, whether it's positive or negative. Honesty is best.
So, what do users here think about me? Am I liked or hated, or am I just there and usually unnoticed? I haven't seen me mentioned in any of … morethe pages so I'll ask here.
Also, give a reason why you feel that way about me, whether it's positive or negative. Honesty is best.
So, what do users here think about me? Am I liked or hated, or am I just there and usually unnoticed? I haven't seen me mentioned in any of … morethe pages so I'll ask here.
Also, give a reason why you feel that way about me, whether it's positive or negative. Honesty is best.
AWESOMEO is quite the stubborn asshole, just saying...
I believe he means the literal website "Urban Dictionary".
The one with words like [CENSORED] and [CENSORED].
Well, I don't really know you very well, lol.
Likewise. I'm just pointing out this fact.
Yeah, take a like for being able to speak your mind, unlike some people (I don't mean to insult anyone just saying not everyone would do that)
Walk into this thread like
Toast to my homies though.
Basically everyone who is a part of The Typing Dead (my fan story), who are around regularily, ILY. Let's list 'em off!
Markd4547, Saltlick123, MrLee, Cornpopper, Puncake32, walkingdead666, PowerfulStache, iHeartTWD, Imaginethosefandoms, Graysonn, Spooch, ArthurMatrix, Xemnes, Flog61, she-wolf_x1, ilovetwd, TheWalkingsheep, Purugly, angrykurd, Raging_Blades, Gobananas01, Conduit42, firedog122, ComingSoon, sardines, RubyWhale, IllusiveBroker, Domingez.
And of course, everyone else who is a good presence outside of my story....
TheWalkingCommenter, Giraffehat, Welcome_to_Woodbury, Juice_box, AWESOMEO, GOUSTTTT, Ohyoupokedme, JonGon, Dont_Look_Back, and a shit ton of others I'm just spacing out on. If I didn't list you, either I rarely/never see you, or I forgot about you while writing this.
What a fuckin douche bag that Awesomeo is. It's like we're steam friends or something
IKR?! He's a Jew, and you know what they say about Jews...
I'm pretty sure I mentioned you, Jon! If not, I meant to.
That fuckin shitbird Awesomeo....
Yea i know
I just realized I haven't been mentioned once on this forum. I'm not sure if that's good or bad...
Unless you ship CLUKE or Clem Rule 32, your alright.
Omg gurl, you gonna make me cry.
WooW! thanks bro! hahah! [HUG @BuDDy100]
You are awesome too and you really look like Harry Potter. (this joke will follow you forever! ^ ^)
How are your skills in PS? improving?
I'll answer your hate with Love. because hate is too easy to feel. and I like noble challenges! -_-
(enters the room with the cell phone still in his hand ..)
-I need to hug him after that!
(HUG @Dark_Star with teary eyes..-_-)
Welcome Debora! excuse the boldness, but your name and surname are beautiful. and you also.
If you are here. you are with the guys! ;D
Thanks bro. I try to be a force for good on here.
You're a jew?!
EVERYONE in the Forum of the Lounge thread- you know who you are
I'd list you guys, but there are more than 20 people and I will feel super bad if I left anyone out.
I find that the vast majority of this forum are kind and interesting people. Some of you guys crack me up, and others make me "ooo" and "ahhh" at how clever they are! We all share an obsession with TWD/TWAU, and it's great to talk to people who understand the addiction to these games.
I will admit that I think some individuals can act a bit rude or condescending, but I don't think that they intend to be that way. I don't think that there are any active members that I truly dislike, even if I might disagree with them time to time
What's wrong with that?
@TheGoodTheBadTheDead is definitely a bro.
Everyone here is my bro! I love everyone
xD Lmao!
And of course, @HiggsBoson2142. One of the best users, EVER!
So, what do users here think about me? Am I liked or hated, or am I just there and usually unnoticed? I haven't seen me mentioned in any of the pages so I'll ask here.
Also, give a reason why you feel that way about me, whether it's positive or negative. Honesty is best.
You're actually pretty cool. And i like you. However, You're not much open in debates.
I wish to receive attention. Describe me at once!
Your a nice user.