Singing sucks. So does dancing. So does doing anything that relates to music other than just listening to it. While I listen to music, I iso… morelate myself in a state of peace where I imagine the Earth engulfed in flames, structures collapsing on top of innocent civilians, and death. Death everywhere. The sounds of their bloodcurdling screams echoing throughout the streets warms my heart. So much destruction. So much beauty.
But yeah, don't sing unless you wanna make yourself look like a fool.
Lol, I wasn't born here so I don't care. B^]
Lol, definitely, bro!
Yeah, like once or twice a week..... THAT'S NOT OFTEN ENOUGH!!
Where were you born then?
The sunglasses face has a nose now, wut is dis pro
Wow, I don't know what you guys would do without me
They're making it sound like the end of the world without me here xD
He's evolving...
It could be more than that! We don't know that
Then again, it could also be less than that too...
Somewhere nowhere...
Evolution, WtW... B^]
Here's something random:
Lol, what if we all left at the same time?
Meh since everyone's doing it, here's my impression of Joseph's recording xD
Ah, I see, it's a secret. shhhhhh I get it.
You guys made me shed a tear. No joke. ;_;
I'm sorry! I shouldn't have really said that!
Aww, I'm sorry! I'll be back!
Heh, that video brings back memories...
I'd probably feel worse xD
That song is so catchy ^-^
Yeah, Cartoon Network used to be so awesome back then. And its surprising the troll hunter is out here not hunting trolls XD
It's the best DLC I've played to date, tons of content.
I saw this SECONDS before I was going to put the phone down and sleep. -_-
But you did say it, which means it's probably true..... ;-;
Trolls haven't been common lately, so I'll think about posting more often.
There's plenty more. B]
What the hell? How? How did puberty do that to her? SOMEONE TELL ME!
Lol I remember all of these XD
But what if it's more than that?
See? It could go either way ^-^
It probably won't be, though.
You'll be having too much fun in the DR and you'll forget all about us.
That's literally the exact same thing Devyn said xD
No, I will not forget you guys at all. You'll be in my mind all day everyday!
Here's some more, these are awesome. B]
Lol, at this one.
What. The. Fuck.
Gengar! Where have you been, bro?! Good to see you again, and welcome to the madness of this thread, haha. B]
I like my guitar equally :P
Damn, this place really wouldn't be the same without everyone here, heh. B]