Yeah, I've been "busy" these past few weeks and this thread is sooo similar to what happened to the "Everyone Appreciation Thread" and Tobi's Comic Thread XD
Don't worry, My will is unbreakable and I have guts of steel.
On a side note, pages like this make my browser lag. So I doubt this thread will suck me in.
LeeThePro's the one to thank for it... Without him and his awesome story, there probably wouldn't be a Lounge, and I don't think we'd be as close as we are now.
Speaking of which, I'd definitely recommend catching up on the story, so that maybe you could be a part of it with us. It's really a very interesting and fun experience. I'm lucky to still be alive in it, but... depending on how to votes go, that might not last very long, lol.
What the fuuuuck.....? >.>
He shaved his whole body, is he a stripper or something??
Yeah, I've been "busy" these past few weeks and this thread is sooo similar to what happened to the "Everyone Appreciation Thread" and Tobi's Comic Thread XD
Still, you have to tell me she really did improve, like what the hell?
Good one! XD
Hello, I'm alone
Well there's no reason not to like someone unless he's being a douche so... whaddya tryin' to say?
Don't worry, My will is unbreakable and I have guts of steel.
On a side note, pages like this make my browser lag. So I doubt this thread will suck me in.
What? No! Nothing :c
Good morning!
it's 5 am and i have to be up at 6:30
Hello there again
Hello, I think I never met you here
How are you liking the forums so far?
I think you're both good looking, not in a pervy way, just wanted to cheer you up :P
Damn, your description sounds like mine!
i saw you around but i never introduced myself! i'm Devyn! nice to meet you!
That actually does sound like me...
Well, shucks. Thanks Daniel, lol.
You'll regret this decision... Better not go to sleep now, you'll just wake up more tired, trust me.
That wave always gets to me... xD
A lot, I come here everyday now, what I don't usually do in other forums
Nice to meet you Devyn (btw I really like your name xD) I'm debora, or Debbie as you like (I rather Debbie) xD
Hello Simon!
Shalom to you too! Watcha doin?
That's good to hear.
Yeah, the people in this thread are really cool people, and really nice too. If you don't already love them, you will soon, lol.
I'm not gonna be hypocritical and lie, honesty is important
Uugh. I guess I'll try to send each of you guys a PM later, lol.
Well I think I already do xD everyone here is so nice, this is like TWD family
Hearing music, beheading some scums on Shadow Warrior, you know, the usual.
I was gonna ask if I can call you that instead of Debora all the time, I know someone with the same name and it's way easier.
yeah you can call me Debbie, I like it wayyyyy moreeee
yep the usual, I'm donwloading games, as usual xD
LeeThePro's the one to thank for it... Without him and his awesome story, there probably wouldn't be a Lounge, and I don't think we'd be as close as we are now.
Speaking of which, I'd definitely recommend catching up on the story, so that maybe you could be a part of it with us. It's really a very interesting and fun experience. I'm lucky to still be alive in it, but... depending on how to votes go, that might not last very long, lol.