the hype just intensified
TheWolfAmongUs Season Finale
7/8 - PC/Mac worldwide, @PlayStation Nth Am
7/9 - @Xbox 360 worldwide, @PlayStationEU
7/10 - iOS @AppStore
the hype just intensified
TheWolfAmongUs Season Finale
7/8 - PC/Mac worldwide, @PlayStation Nth Am
7/9 - @Xbox 360 worldwide, @PlayStationEU
7/10 - iOS @AppStore
the hype just intensified
TheWolfAmongUs Season Finale
7/8 - PC/Mac worldwide, @PlayStation Nth Am
7/9 - @Xbox 360 worldwide, @PlayStationEU
7/10 - iOS @AppStore
Thanks. Yeah, I figured the huge rush of reviews would seem odd compared to my usual output. I've actually got two new reviews up, the rest of them are all migrated over from Associated Content. Which is good, since there was a huge gap in my Telltale reviews so this plugs it up a bit. Actually, there's still a huge gap (I can't believe I never finished reviewing Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures, even though it's my favorite Telltale series), but at least it's a little bit less obvious now.
Associated Content was always hit and miss in quality, and the pay for articles wasn't that good, and it didn't improve much with the purchase by Yahoo, so I'm not surprised that they're closing it down. I had most of my reviews up as direct payment (which was really small, like ranging from less than 50 cents to just over a dollar) and two reviews that I had on there for revenue through page views instead of direct pay (which let you keep the rights to the articles) that I put up there as a test to see if it was worth it. Sadly, it wasn't. It is nice though that I can finally host everything on my own blog though. I'm glad to see that Yahoo is letting the rights revert back to the creators instead of just letting them be lost to the internet abyss.
Jennifer, I have your Adventuress blog on RSS - it's awesome! I saw a whole slew of review posts today, which I haven't read yet, but I tho… moreught, "Wow, she's been busy!" Now I see there's an explanation for the sudden flurry of activity.
(Yahoo's been messing up a lot of its properties, but at least this time, it had a positive result!)
Damn, that's really cold for me. I'm having 30 degrees celsius here right now, and that's the temperature we normally have where I live. I hope you get better from your fever though.
I had it like 5 times, try drinking water and if it hurts stop. That shit is annoying but I think a doctor will just give you antibiotics, unless it's a virus, then you just have to wait and cope with that shit until it goes away...
I had it like 5 times, try drinking water and if it hurts stop. That shit is annoying but I think a doctor will just give you antibiotics, unless it's a virus, then you just have to wait and cope with that shit until it goes away...
Yeah! At least it comes 'cos it's quite mainstream, but some movies I would really like to see don't come at all and I will have to wait the blu-ray...
the hype just intensified
TheWolfAmongUs Season Finale
7/8 - PC/Mac worldwide, @PlayStation Nth Am
7/9 - @Xbox 360 worldwide, @PlayStationEU
7/10 - iOS @AppStore
I think my body can tell that Joe is leaving, and it's all like, "hahaha your friend is leaving? Let's make you sick as hell to make the experience even worse for you than it already is, muahahaha!"
The trailer for The Wolf Among Us gave me chills down my spin. If any of you in here don't play it, I suggest you do!
In case you haven't watched the trailer yet...
The trailer for The Wolf Among Us gave me chills down my spin. If any of you in here don't play it, I suggest you do!
In case you haven't watched the trailer yet...
Don't worry, I will. I'll probably have to go to the doctor though, so if you guys suddenly stop hearing from me, its because I'm getting checked out, or I'm sleeping.
I love how the Crooked Man shot him and he's just like "Bitch dafuq is wrong witchu?!".
I sleep about 6 hours a day since a week or so, damn.
I woke up and my throat was so sore I couldn't even swallow ;-;
I think I have a fever.
Holy shit final wolf form!
Hot? What temperature?
Thanks to the damn forum and my brother, I slept about four and a half hours last night.
Its not even that bad, its like 23 C. I think im just hot because I'm getting sick ;-;
Try drinking some water and eating something, it sometimes helps. It sounds just like Strep Throat.
I only got to sleep for 3 and a half hours. And now I have to go somewhere >.>
Hope you feel better. See ya later!
And I'm relieved, at least this time PSN EU doesn't say "fuck you" to us TWAU fans.
I'll be back in about 2 hours from now, I'm going to "22 Jump Street" with a friend, anyone seen it?
Yeah, I figured the huge rush of reviews would seem odd compared to my usual output. I've actually got two new reviews up, the rest of them are all migrated over from Associated Content. Which is good, since there was a huge gap in my Telltale reviews so this plugs it up a bit.
Actually, there's still a huge gap (I can't believe I never finished reviewing Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures, even though it's my favorite Telltale series), but at least it's a little bit less obvious now. 
Associated Content was always hit and miss in quality, and the pay for articles wasn't that good, and it didn't improve much with the purchase by Yahoo, so I'm not surprised that they're closing it down. I had most of my reviews up as direct payment (which was really small, like ranging from less than 50 cents to just over a dollar) and two reviews that I had on there for revenue through page views instead of direct pay (which let you keep the rights to the articles) that I put up there as a test to see if it was worth it. Sadly, it wasn't. It is nice though that I can finally host everything on my own blog though. I'm glad to see that Yahoo is letting the rights revert back to the creators instead of just letting them be lost to the internet abyss.
Damn, that's really cold for me. I'm having 30 degrees celsius here right now, and that's the temperature we normally have where I live. I hope you get better from your fever though.
It comes to Finland 22.08 xD I heard it's quite good though, one of those sequels which are actually better than the original.
You make me crack up. Its 90 degrees where I am. Or, 32C.
Dude, that sounds so painful D;
I don't think I'll be able to even swallow water.
Yeah, its probably just because of my fever. Right now I'm shivering x_x
I had it like 5 times, try drinking water and if it hurts stop. That shit is annoying but I think a doctor will just give you antibiotics, unless it's a virus, then you just have to wait and cope with that shit until it goes away...
Take your temp. If you do have one take some Tylenol or Advil or something. And put a cold towel on your forehead. Lol, idk I'm trying to help. :P
What a delay.. XD
Ugh freaking seriously.... I was fine yesterday, but I suddenly just wake up feeling like a litter box
wut is dis and pls stahp ;-;
Yeah! At least it comes 'cos it's quite mainstream, but some movies I would really like to see don't come at all and I will have to wait the blu-ray...
Try salt water. Don't swallow it though. Get well soon.
After this episode i'll pop my eyes out because i'll never see something as awesome!
Scumbag body never gives you any warnings y'know!
Thanks, I'll try that.
The trailer for The Wolf Among Us gave me chills down my spin. If any of you in here don't play it, I suggest you do!
In case you haven't watched the trailer yet...
Who wants the secret to post pics and gifs from a phone?
I already know how. :P
married a lesbian, left a man at the altar, fell in love with a gay ice dancer, threw a girl’s wooden leg in the fire, LIVE IN A BOX.
I think my body can tell that Joe is leaving, and it's all like, "hahaha your friend is leaving? Let's make you sick as hell to make the experience even worse for you than it already is, muahahaha!"
Be sure to Tell us when you feel better!
That trailer is probably my favorite trailer ever. I feel like this episode is to going to be AMAZING.
Best trailer to date, I'd say.
Don't worry, I will. I'll probably have to go to the doctor though, so if you guys suddenly stop hearing from me, its because I'm getting checked out, or I'm sleeping.
I don't have your voice, but i aspire to be an actor eventually. I know how to imitate your awkwardness xD
I sang at least three songs i do believe xD
I just said "fuck it" ! I don't care and i'm not ashamed at all :P
Apparently i sound like a rockstar....XD