Who would bigby fight in full wolf
Why would he go full wolf on BM or JD if he beat the shit out of Grendel in only his second form. The final fight must be with something a lot bigger and stronger than them
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Why would he go full wolf on BM or JD if he beat the shit out of Grendel in only his second form. The final fight must be with something a lot bigger and stronger than them
Silver bullets.
He can only withstand silver bullets full wolf. He fights most of his battles in partial wolf as it's the most agile, werewolf is more for muscle.
Maybe everyone gangs up on him at once, we really have no clue. We'll just have to wait 4 days and find out!
True but still 1 or 2 human sized fables fighting a t-rex sized wolf is wasted potential
The only problem with that theory is that if everyone gangs up on him his size will become a disadvantage. Have you seen how wolves (normal wolves) take out elk and bison. Numbers beat size
50 foot wolf that's agile as hell.
Bigby would only go full wolf if the odds are very very VERY stacked against him... Either everyone gangs up on him and heaps of Crooked man's people trying to kill him.. Or something or someone has pushed him over the edge and has made him so angry that he turns full wolf. This episode looks like there is going to be heaps of fights... Jersey devil..bloody mary and full wolf fight.. Plus the car chase..
I admit bigby in full form would be fast and agile but he still would be at a disadvantage. He would become confused who to attack and while he attacks one the others can attack him as seen in the pic
Or he calls in "the big guy" (not hulk but his biggest henchman)
I think you're way underestimating his senses, endurance, energy, and lethality.
It wasn't deleted
I dont know if its possible, but I feel like Bigby is triggering every stage kinda spontaneously. By anger. Sometimes its just he is really mad (E3), sometimes it can trigger itself when someone is beating him too much (E2). If he will get to the final stage, it will be most likely not his choice. Something laso telling me that Crooked Man's shooting scene in trailer will have something to do with this.
One more thing: I heard at IGN I believe, Bigby cant turn back to human form once he's in final stage (full wolf). Something with glamour i guess. I would like some your opinion about this.
Edit: Oops, I just noticed I ddint really answered the question. Bigby will most likely fight with Crooked Man, Mary, or one of those girls. Also dont forget about Blue Beard. He seems suspicious as hell.
I don't think I am.in the pic you can see him with a werewolf between his jaws but 4 others are biting and scratching him. What if they were the crooked man's goons with silver bullets.then he would be in trouble
Bloody Marry of course or its The crooked man pet.
Nah, Bigby can travel really fast as full wolf. I have a feeling he doesn't want to because he wants to change and cant control it.
Pretty much what I thought.
Look at that face. Look at how many fucks he gives.
Bigass wolf is too noticeable by mundies out in public, that's why he becomes werewolf and jumps rooftops to follow the car in the trailer.
to me he is fucking pissed
More vicious savagery than anger.
I dunno wolves aren't as espressive as humans
lets hope for something big to fight
Well, keep in mind this is a drawing, not a picture. Wolves don't have big human tits either.
bigby vs vivan.... not the epic battle I wanted
Heh, reminds me of Jabba and the rancor.
Holly Could be the killer now im not sure why she would kill the girls, but if you read other people theory it makes sense. Holly could be the one Bigby is fighting.
from experience in E1-4 i would say never underate glamoured fables. U never know who's the big, strong main boss.
why would she kill her sister
Anyway, versus just Jersey, Georgie (Scrawny fuck), Dee, Dum (Determinant), Mary, and any other 2 or 3 goons that may come outta nowhere, Bigby can still fuck them up full wolf form. What's questionable is him in werewolf, and what's definitely impossible is that battle with partial wolf.
Keep in mind we're fighting most of those battles separately, so this probably won't be the case. I'm truly at a loss for what's to bring about Bigby's transformation, it'll sure be a surprise!
does vivan even have a glamour
There is no killer, the girls took their ribbons off themselves to expose the Crooked Man. If anything, they committed suicide. Off with the ribbon, off with the head, just as "The Girl with the Green Ribbon" story. I'm surprised I'm the only one who knew this from the get-go of episode 1.
Crooked Man placed the ribbons there as a means of control, Georgie just oversaw it and took his cut.
Georgie would run like a little bitch
"Bigby cant turn back to human form once he's in final stage (full wolf)"
Yes he can
As revealed in the trailer, someone with a black hat is in the back of the car Vivian is driving. Georgie Porgie!
Shame, I really liked punching that bastard.
I hope we get to crush that son of a bitch between bigby's jaws
No idea
it might not be possible... but who knows. I dont like to presume too much things. It only cause you will be more suprised
HAHA georgie you have no idea what is happening