Yeah, I'm leaving tomorrow for two weeks. If I'm lucky, I'll be able to visit the forums for around a half an hour a day, but we'll see. I h… moreave family in Puebla, which my dad says is a pretty safe place. You never really know though. I'm sure I'll be fine.
Zu'u fey vok erei zos ko feyl einzuk. Anahlrii kuz dii rihahdrim hond nol zey. Uv ko daar trun, dii deykel hond nol zey.
lol dont question it i just hopped on the bandwagon also
Everyone, i would like to say something very important.
I know most of you don't know me very well, but i would like to say thank you to every single one of you. This forum has helped me through a very tough time in my life and has made me much happier. (Sorry, I'm not very good at this sort of thing)
Rachelle, you're going first thing tomorrow, or will you still be here before you go? Just want to know if we'll have a chance to say goodbye since we're all in different timezones and all that crap.
That's great to hear man, it's always great to talk to you, Azlyn already told us about herself and it was hard holding my tears while reading it, she wrote like 10 paragraphs about her life and about how we brought her happiness back, it was really fucking emotional
This place is great, I never in my life had met better people than you, it's like someone planned our meeting on this site.
Everyone, i would like to say something very important.
I know most of you don't know me very well, but i would like to say thank you to … moreevery single one of you. This forum has helped me through a very tough time in my life and has made me much happier. (Sorry, I'm not very good at this sort of thing)
So thank you to all of you!
Family that is visiting be like "Get off your games and come outside with us"
NAH. Its humid outside and I don't know how to communicate with people in real life and my family is boring. Just leave me alone in my cave. SIGH
Everyone, i would like to say something very important.
I know most of you don't know me very well, but i would like to say thank you to … moreevery single one of you. This forum has helped me through a very tough time in my life and has made me much happier. (Sorry, I'm not very good at this sort of thing)
So thank you to all of you!
Everybody is leaving the forum as soon as I joined..... Do I smell bad?
Pruzah vulon ruz Woodbury, laag los pruzah zaak :P
Yes. Lol
Fo real
Yay sounds like fun
Everyday I come back this thread is getting more and more quiet it's dying a slow and painful death while I watch helplessly NO
It was a compliment. I like your style. B]
Give me... TWAU. There's nothing to do.
I was just parasailing right now, I was 82 ft high, fucking awesome experience.
Sorry, I have a fear of heights so I don't know whether to congratulate you or question your choices.
Everyone, i would like to say something very important.
I know most of you don't know me very well, but i would like to say thank you to every single one of you. This forum has helped me through a very tough time in my life and has made me much happier. (Sorry, I'm not very good at this sort of thing)
So thank you to all of you!
Rachelle, you're going first thing tomorrow, or will you still be here before you go? Just want to know if we'll have a chance to say goodbye since we're all in different timezones and all that crap.
That was nothing, skydiving is my next goal, too bad it's so damn expensive...
That's great to hear man, it's always great to talk to you, Azlyn already told us about herself and it was hard holding my tears while reading it, she wrote like 10 paragraphs about her life and about how we brought her happiness back, it was really fucking emotional
This place is great, I never in my life had met better people than you, it's like someone planned our meeting on this site.
And to think it all started from a video game...
Hello everyone
returning home today
Pfff, only 260 new messages, That's... sad. ;_;
THIS IS ALL OF US. Family tells me go out more, and I'm like "Screw that!".
If you dont mind me asking what were you going through?
I know it's sad......I'll go sit in the corner
Dem mountains!
Nothing much just kind of, sitting.
Why are you mad?
Hi Big B!
See what I did there, huh? nudge nudge
Fun fact: My great-grandfather was the lightweight boxing champion of Egypt.
Lol, that's a light post xD
Close enough xD
Me when I came on GTA Online last night to play. Only one online. I decided to work on my comic instead. Oh well, next time I'll join.
The hills have lips? The hills have balls? The balls have eyes.