You had no reason to come over here and say what you said, and it pissed me off, cause I'm a regular visitor of this thread. And I'm not trying to offend you, I'm just expression "my opinion", am I right??
Indeed, yelling harsh words left and right never solves anything, but pointing out the flaws in their logic, now that works wonder my dear friend. I suggest you try it sometimes, it actually amuses me when I see them struggle to make sense.
Their ways are always flawed, their logic is nonexistent. They wouldn't be trolls and haters if they had any in the first place.
Yeah, I dont mind agreements and having opinions, but when someone presents an opinion and you say "fuck you, COD is the best" (just an exam… moreple). Statements like that make your opinion worthless, I hate to sound like every single english teacher I know of, but " No one cares about your opinion, they care about how you back it up.".
I do respect that you try to solve disputes peacefully, like you said, there is no point to add fuel to the fire.
Do you know anyone else who would dislike pictures of an innocent dogs?
What about the fact that the only comments that are disliked are … morefrom the last couple pages, just at the same time as he showed up?
Also, he has a known name for disliking comments, as 2 other people already said, he's a "famous troll".
What about the fact that every comment opposing his trolling has more dislikes than other comments?
Look man, I respect your opinion. But don't go around insulting people that don't agree with your opinion. If you don't like this thread then don't come here. It's as simple as that.
I got you the first time, it's ok, I can't stop and ignore someone who intentionally did this to piss us off, maybe you guys can, I can't, and if I'm banned for this, I'm just gonna be a victim of that guy's trolling, but at least I stood up to that nonsence, because we're dealing with very dumb issues right now.
Awesomeo...I warned you that you might get yourself burned in the past, which you apparently did, I advise you to drop it before you burn yo… moreurself again.
Dislikes are useless anyway, this forum doesn't even count them xD
If people want to waste their time disliking comments, there's nothing we can do to stop them. There's also no proof to accuse him of doing such.
Heed my warning don't want to do this again...simply drop it pal...
If anything, it makes him look like a complete fool and he should feel ashamed for doing so. Note that I didn't accuse him of doing it, but pointed out how ridiculous it would make him look if it was indeed him.
I know how trolls and haters work, their worst enemy is themselves, just wait for it...if he's one of them, he'll either accept the ridiculousness of his ways...or get burned as a result...
I don't know if there is any proof, but I do agree that it is odd that the moment the fight started more than 3 people came and disliked our comments who weren't there before.
Do we need a solid proof? This is not court, the guidelines never demanded a proof, and this guy has the highest chance of being the one who disliked us, another thing to show you I'm right is the fact that every comment saint something against him has more dislikes then the other comments.
I don't know if there is any proof, but I do agree that it is odd that the moment the fight started more than 3 people came and disliked our comments who weren't there before.
Not of that guy's trolling, but of yourself. You would have done exactly what he intended to do by grinding your gears.
Just ignore him, I'll deal with him if it comes to that. I know how they work...I've dealt with those before, online and in real life...They are so predictable...Just don't fall for his trap and you should be fine.
I got you the first time, it's ok, I can't stop and ignore someone who intentionally did this to piss us off, maybe you guys can, I can't, a… morend if I'm banned for this, I'm just gonna be a victim of that guy's trolling, but at least I stood up to that nonsence, because we're dealing with very dumb issues right now.
I'm just going to leave this as a new post since Horseman's comment already has several replies and mine wouldn't be as prominent.
Horsem… morean, you're welcome to voice your dislike on a thread and you aren't receiving any scorn so far from me, but at the same time, making a post about it wasn't really necessary. I'm not going to ban him or flag his post just for voicing his opinion (as long as he does not break the guidelines or start any trouble beyond saying he dislikes something), but I will ask that you just leave it be.
Just as Horseman can ignore this thread if he doesn't like it, the rest of you can ignore his opinion if you don't like it. As long as he is not harassing users or spamming the thread, he is fine.
I'm going to ask that everyone drop this and move on. As I said, I'm not flagging any posts that only voice a negative opinion, but I will flag posts if anybody insults another user.
I think we have interacted before and correct me if Im wrong. I honestly didn't expect the whole thread to lose their mind on just that but fuck it . I stopped and Im still being labeled a troll, bitch, etc, but of course Im still the bad guy. If they want to say im a troll cool, but Im sure as hell a more mature adult than all of them with these exceptions
Passwordsuck, Dark_Star, Sardines and maybe some others .
I think we have interacted before and correct me if Im wrong. I honestly didn't expect the whole thread to lose their mind on just that but … morefuck it . I stopped and Im still being labeled a troll, bitch, etc, but of course Im still the bad guy. If they want to say im a troll cool, but Im sure as hell a more mature adult than all of them with these exceptions
Passwordsuck, Dark_Star, Sardines and maybe some others .
Do we need a solid proof? This is not court, the guidelines never demanded a proof, and this guy has the highest chance of being the one who… more disliked us, another thing to show you I'm right is the fact that every comment saint something against him has more dislikes then the other comments.
I like your method, "hit and run" trolling, you cause as much chaos as possible and then start being protective and saying you already dropped it, heh, I dealt with better trolls than you.
Do you realize everyone stopped already? I can teport you if you want. You're as dumb as you look with those glasses.
You've called me bitch, mofo, troll, dumb... Go take a walk
I've seen you pointing out the flaws a few times before. Its fun to see the troll/hater being mind fucked and not having a decent comeback which leads to more flaws being revealed. I might try it if an opportunity opens up.
Indeed, yelling harsh words left and right never solves anything, but pointing out the flaws in their logic, now that works wonder my dear f… moreriend. I suggest you try it sometimes, it actually amuses me when I see them struggle to make sense.
Their ways are always flawed, their logic is nonexistent. They wouldn't be trolls and haters if they had any in the first place.
OMG!!! YOU CHANGED YOUR F**KING PROFILE PICTURE AGA- nevermind... we have handsome right here... Seriously, you look cool my bro. Awesome as always
I think we have interacted before and correct me if Im wrong. I honestly didn't expect the whole thread to lose their mind on just that but … morefuck it . I stopped and Im still being labeled a troll, bitch, etc, but of course Im still the bad guy. If they want to say im a troll cool, but Im sure as hell a more mature adult than all of them with these exceptions
Passwordsuck, Dark_Star, Sardines and maybe some others .
OMG!!! YOU CHANGED YOUR F**KING PROFILE PICTURE AGA- nevermind... we have handsome right here... Seriously, you look cool my bro. Awesome as always
I've seen you pointing out the flaws a few times before. Its fun to see the troll/hater being mind fucked and not having a decent comeback which leads to more flaws being revealed. I might try it if an opportunity opens up.
You had no reason to come over here and say what you said, and it pissed me off, cause I'm a regular visitor of this thread. And I'm not trying to offend you, I'm just expression "my opinion", am I right??
You dont like my Glass?
you hurt felings.
HeadlessHorseman, please stop. You are rattling everyone up and I don't want anyone getting banned and I don't want everyone arguing.
Indeed, yelling harsh words left and right never solves anything, but pointing out the flaws in their logic, now that works wonder my dear friend. I suggest you try it sometimes, it actually amuses me when I see them struggle to make sense.
Their ways are always flawed, their logic is nonexistent. They wouldn't be trolls and haters if they had any in the first place.
XD Im not sensitive about that so dont worry about it.
Why u reply that to me?
Why u reply that to me?
Its not illegal, but its certainly not needed.
If you're not a troll like you said, then I suggest you stop insulting everyone on this thread.
Take that as a friendly warning pal...
My bad this website is getting loony on mobile it wasnt directed towards you.
Hmmm... innocent dogs... I wonder why...
Look man, I respect your opinion. But don't go around insulting people that don't agree with your opinion. If you don't like this thread then don't come here. It's as simple as that.
I got you the first time, it's ok, I can't stop and ignore someone who intentionally did this to piss us off, maybe you guys can, I can't, and if I'm banned for this, I'm just gonna be a victim of that guy's trolling, but at least I stood up to that nonsence, because we're dealing with very dumb issues right now.
LOL, am I the only one that comes here everyday and keeps refreshing every 2 minutes to see if there's new comments?
It is, but I don't think it violates anything.
If anything, it makes him look like a complete fool and he should feel ashamed for doing so. Note that I didn't accuse him of doing it, but pointed out how ridiculous it would make him look if it was indeed him.
I know how trolls and haters work, their worst enemy is themselves, just wait for it...if he's one of them, he'll either accept the ridiculousness of his ways...or get burned as a result...
Its his choice really..
I'm guessing you didn't mean to make this a reply to me, but I do like your glasses xD
Double post.
Do we need a solid proof? This is not court, the guidelines never demanded a proof, and this guy has the highest chance of being the one who disliked us, another thing to show you I'm right is the fact that every comment saint something against him has more dislikes then the other comments.
Not of that guy's trolling, but of yourself. You would have done exactly what he intended to do by grinding your gears.
Just ignore him, I'll deal with him if it comes to that. I know how they work...I've dealt with those before, online and in real life...They are so predictable...Just don't fall for his trap and you should be fine.
I think we have interacted before and correct me if Im wrong. I honestly didn't expect the whole thread to lose their mind on just that but fuck it . I stopped and Im still being labeled a troll, bitch, etc, but of course Im still the bad guy. If they want to say im a troll cool, but Im sure as hell a more mature adult than all of them with these exceptions
Passwordsuck, Dark_Star, Sardines and maybe some others .
Nah it was i was joking around tho.
Yo where's your pic?
Does it really matter? And where'd he go? Why he no like dogs ;(.
I like your method, "hit and run" trolling, you cause as much chaos as possible and then start being protective and saying you already dropped it, heh, I dealt with better trolls than you.
Did somebody say glasses?
I've seen you pointing out the flaws a few times before. Its fun to see the troll/hater being mind fucked and not having a decent comeback which leads to more flaws being revealed. I might try it if an opportunity opens up.
Point proven.
I see you're angry just like me, don't use that word though, he will use it against you just like all the others.
xD omg CiD!
OMG!!! YOU CHANGED YOUR F**KING PROFILE PICTURE AGA- nevermind... we have handsome right here... Seriously, you look cool my bro. Awesome as always
Ahem, sir. I am not on that list, can you please explain this mistake of yours?
Yo Pro, I found that thread... It gave me bad memories lmao!
What point has been proven?
I certainly do. Right now I'm like
Im not even gonna waste my time on some dumb back and forth, learn from @PasswordSuck . He still thinks I'm a hater but he respected my opinion .
Oh that's not me. That's my other twin brother. Just kidding were fraternal
I saw it again, too... lmao. I think it's better if we just leave that as an inside joke, lol!
Its simple psychology my dear friend, it works wonder xD
You don't want to know the extent of my profiling abilities...