Damn! The picture wasn't supposed to be that big! Lol. I didn't even notice since I found him instantly, haha. But now that you mention it, I do see some strange things.
Damn! The picture wasn't supposed to be that big! Lol. I didn't even notice since I found him instantly, haha. But now that you mention it, I do see some strange things.
Nah but in all honesty Daryl, obviously, you can't compare a guy that appears for the length of a movie , to a guy that appears for the duration of an entire TV series.
Not the same length of character development for each so its kind of unfair really....
found him right away...I was always beast at those when I was a kid, which always deceived my parents because they had to buy me another one a day after xD
I was like 5 too...but then again, I've always been a cool and smart kid, best of both world I do believe :P
found him right away...I was always beast at those when I was a kid, which always deceived my parents because they had to buy me another one… more a day after xD
I was like 5 too...but then again, I've always been a cool and smart kid, best of both world I do believe :P
This one was actually easier to find than the last one, I just split the pic in two sides, the middle train divided top and bottom and I looked at the bottom first and found him before looking at the top half.
These pictures are sort of messed up, there are two policemen chasing someone on the top of the train!
The thread is dying! It needs more people!
Find Waldo. I literally found him in 1 second.
There is ALOT of weird things in this picture...
Damn! The picture wasn't supposed to be that big! Lol. I didn't even notice since I found him instantly, haha. But now that you mention it, I do see some strange things.
I can't FREAKING find him!
There is 2 girls without clothes and a old person being pushed in a stroller. Those are the odd things I saw.
He is next to a table.
I got back into pixel-arting ..

lol, a table that's towards the left of the picture.
he's pretty damn easy to find xD
Wyatt: "I don't see anything."
Where the twinkees at !!?
Nah but in all honesty Daryl, obviously, you can't compare a guy that appears for the length of a movie , to a guy that appears for the duration of an entire TV series.
Not the same length of character development for each so its kind of unfair really....
Dem Twinkees Dough..
Find the table that has socks on it. He is around that table.
Lol, I think that old person is just a big kid.
This one is harder. I think I found him, but let me know what you think.
Lmao, seriously?!
found him right away...I was always beast at those when I was a kid, which always deceived my parents because they had to buy me another one a day after xD
I was like 5 too...but then again, I've always been a cool and smart kid, best of both world I do believe :P
CiD needs new glasses...probably...
CiD's having a hard time, lol.
Can you make Lee or Clem?
Yeah, i think I found him too.
Found him, I think. The one I see is him partially behind the train door.
Heh, nope. I thought it was that one, too. He's close by to that spot though. B]
Where do you think he is?
Where is he, Password?
Cant find it. -_-
I'll try.. wait..
Help me decide.. A or B?
sorry was busy writing something else, I sent it to ya btw.
In the middle-ish, right side. Just before the first train track. He's wearing a bag and carries some stuff with him apparently.
if I remember well, he lost a different object you had to look for on each page :P
Ill put spoilers for those who want to find out there selves.
Behind the 2 people(a couple?) holding a baby carriage
Edit: I FEEL SO ALONE! ;_;
Heh, yep! Next to the person with the green jacket, too, haha. B]
Thanks mom
He's behind two people.
Lol, nice hint! But I found him already. :P
Im not bae material with glasses on. It works for some but not me
LOL I really just wanted to use the word bae
"Don't judge"
-gives you cookie-
Now go play!
This one was actually easier to find than the last one, I just split the pic in two sides, the middle train divided top and bottom and I looked at the bottom first and found him before looking at the top half.
These pictures are sort of messed up, there are two policemen chasing someone on the top of the train!