I was going to sleep now, glad you posted this xD
See ya in two weeks then :P
Enjoy your vacation and be careful around certain parts.… more..I heard that mexico could be quite dangerous in some parts...
We'll miss ya !! The forum won't be the same without ya and Joe
@Clubremix_Guetta: I did the thing - I made myself. hehehee
And before anyone asks, no I don't know why I have a sword. Or an eyepatch. Or why there's a spider in a padded room.
Okay guys, leaving for Hell in two hours, so this is my last goodbye before I go. Probably nobody's awake right now, but it's all cool. Just… more wanted to say bye. So..... BYE!!! xoxoxox
ps: y did we have to go to Mexico in JULY? x_x i'm gonna die.
Okay guys, leaving for Hell in two hours, so this is my last goodbye before I go. Probably nobody's awake right now, but it's all cool. Just… more wanted to say bye. So..... BYE!!! xoxoxox
ps: y did we have to go to Mexico in JULY? x_x i'm gonna die.
I don't know will you deal with the heat, I was dealing with 111 Fahrenheit over here, you should bring a portable fan or something..
Bye! Have a safe flight and don't fuck with the cartel!
I'll try to visit for a little bit a day, but I'll probably be pretty busy. Oh, how will you guys surviiiiive. Jk, you'll be fine, lol. Just.... don't have too much fun without me ;-; AND IF TROLLS COME BACK, JUST IGNORE THEM OKAY? I don't wanna come back to see this thread permanently closed. >:(
I'll deal with them, just leave those guys to me, I handled the situation pretty well today and gave enough good argument to make justice being finally served upon the one who started all this...
Things might be different with me when you come back...I don't know yet..
I'll try to visit for a little bit a day, but I'll probably be pretty busy. Oh, how will you guys surviiiiive. Jk, you'll be fine, lol. Just… more.... don't have too much fun without me ;-; AND IF TROLLS COME BACK, JUST IGNORE THEM OKAY? I don't wanna come back to see this thread permanently closed. >:(
okay, going for real now. BYE
I'll try to visit for a little bit a day, but I'll probably be pretty busy. Oh, how will you guys surviiiiive. Jk, you'll be fine, lol. Just… more.... don't have too much fun without me ;-; AND IF TROLLS COME BACK, JUST IGNORE THEM OKAY? I don't wanna come back to see this thread permanently closed. >:(
okay, going for real now. BYE
IM NOT CRANKY, IM SAD. Lol, I wanted to stay up to say goodbye when Woodbury leaves.
THEN after a while when my sadness dies down, I will destroy all you guys couches so you will be forced to sit on the floor. >:3
I'll be careful, don't worry xD I've got my family with me.
God, I'm gonna melt into a big puddle of Rachelle right when I get there, I can just tell. x_x
Eyepatch is probably in inspiration of da govna.
Haha that's good, just don't go by yourself at night I suppose...
Have a safe trip
Hell take some pictures if you can :P
Lol, don't cheat on the votes, Matt! I was just kidding, whatever happens is fine with me. xD
Take care of yourself. And go to Mexico safely. We'll miss you crazy lady
Heh, well... Jk. We'll see what happens. Make sure you visit us when you can, WtW. B]
I don't know will you deal with the heat, I was dealing with 111 Fahrenheit over here, you should bring a portable fan or something..
Bye! Have a safe flight and don't fuck with the cartel!
Lol, you won't be saying that when you wake up cranky and go around messing people's couches!
The cartel better not fuck with me.........
lol jk i'd probably die.
Its not cheating, its voting wisely and in favor of certain characters. Not cheating at all actually. :P
Hopefully without humidity it'll be just fine...but I never went down there so I wouldn't know...
I came across a huge penis in the sky last night...
Gonna do some more reading now :P
Are you implying that she's a cat ? xD
I'll try to visit for a little bit a day, but I'll probably be pretty busy. Oh, how will you guys surviiiiive. Jk, you'll be fine, lol. Just.... don't have too much fun without me ;-; AND IF TROLLS COME BACK, JUST IGNORE THEM OKAY? I don't wanna come back to see this thread permanently closed. >:(
okay, going for real now. BYE
IM NOT CRANKY, IM SAD. Lol, I wanted to stay up to say goodbye when Woodbury leaves.
THEN after a while when my sadness dies down, I will destroy all you guys couches so you will be forced to sit on the floor. >:3
I'll deal with them, just leave those guys to me, I handled the situation pretty well today and gave enough good argument to make justice being finally served upon the one who started all this...
Things might be different with me when you come back...I don't know yet..
Heh, we'll manage.
See ya in two Weeks. Have fun. B]
You gais no like penis statue?
Dude, you don't know what DLB is capable of when she's angry or cranky, lol. Scary stuff.
Lol, just leave mine alone, though.
Don't forget that Monday you take over!
Monday : "Rise of the Rachel"
Why read a book when you have the forums?
When you're getting ready and your parents scream "we're leaving already" And your just like...
Stick to your choice, don't let us change it :P
Anybody else watching TWD marathon right now? Right now it's Season 4 Episode 5.
The phone sucks, yet still I didn't get to read because of you guys xD
Who organized a marathon?
I just tricked an airport worker into thinking I'm 16 in order to get better sits on my flight.
Since I'm almost 16 and already have an ID, I manipulated her to think I'm a bit older XD
I am. I'm waiting for that season 5 sneak peek.
Could this image mean something????

Is that Clementine's eye?
Wolfenstein price drop... £24... might buy...