The Result of Your Actions
How do you all think that your actions throughout the season will play out in the last episode?
I have a feeling that depending on how you treated various characters who appeared in the last episode with the Crooked Man (Dee/Dum, Georgie, Jersey Devil, etc.) they will either side with you in the final conflict or remain on the Crooked Man's side.
Also, how do you think side characters like Toad, Flycatcher, Clever Hans, and Colin will vary depending on your actions and words towards them? Will Lawrence factor into the ending for some players?
Just some questions I thought would be interesting to run past this community and it will be cool to reflect on the answers after Tuesday's release. I am SO HYPED!
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To be honest, I don't really think the choices/actions I've made in the game are gonna have a big impact in the finale. I want it to, but it's been 4 episodes in and I feel like the choices I've made haven't been really effective at all. Was the game seriously waiting for the last episode to see the true consequences of our choices? Is the finale really gonna show how not sending Toad or Colin to the farm, not killing Dee (or Dum, whoever you could kill in ep 3), or not burning down Auntie Greenleaf's tree, etc. works in/against our favor? I'd really like to have seen all of these things having more impact before the finale, but that's just me.
I'm hopeful with that you said, however, that depending on how we've treated people, they'll side with us in the final battle. Which is why I've been (mostly) nice to everyone because I need allies. I'd like all my choices to be weighed in the finale, but I just have little hope, I guess.
I saved Lawrence and hadn't put much thought into how he plays in all of this. We've only seen him once briefly in episode 3. I also forgot about Hans, I hope he's included in the end too. I guess depending if you were nice or a jerk to these characters, they'll help you/brush you off in the finale, if that's an option.
And glad you're HYPED!
I am too, but just doubtful if all my choices will really have anything of impact in the long run.
I could see Telltale maybe putting in brief cinematics in the epilogue/credits showing the fate of some characters. (whether you employed Greenleaf, whether Colin/Toad were sent to the farm.)
I hope that appearances by Greenleaf, Flycatcher, etc. and the decisions we made involving them weren't just done for fan service or just to pad out the game length and that we get some payoff in this episode.
I'm glad you're excited as well and thanks for your response!
TO be honest do you really think that anything you choose really changed the out come of any scene? Don't get me wrong I love this game but lets be honest no matter what dialog option you choose the scene will still play out no matter what and nothing you did prevents another scene from happening. Its the illusion of choice no games action keep a scene from happening or changing base on what you pick. I mean ripping of gren arm didn't change you from going back to the bar did it? that scene still happen and you still had all the option there that you would of had if you didn't rip it off. There is nothing wrong with that I am here for a completing story which I been giving It doesn't really bother me if My over all choices didn't affect the game.
Well, you might not visit Crane's Apartment/Tweedles Office or not see it's basement on episode 3 depending on our choices. Altough this is the only example I could find.
In answer to the OP, i don't think Georgie, Dee, Dum, etc. will ever be on our side. Perhaps Grendel or Holly depending on our choices, but even that I doubt.
Not much really changes though, you find the information you need and not much else is that interesting.
The biggest one would be ripping Gren's arm off but even then one line gets added and his arm is gone for the other episodes... and that is it.
But to the OP maybe the result will be The Crooked man saying you are evil too with the choices you have made.
I want to see how those other characters ended up also, so I hope Telltale will make a DLC modeled after 400 Days where we can play through different stories through different Fables' point of view.
No matter what you pick, ultimately all players will get the same ending. That's the weakness of Telltale Games as each player getting, in practice, same ending is clearly not tailored by how you play. This is something that I hope TTG improves on on the new releases they have planned.
You're welcome!
If anything, I hope Telltale puts in little cinematic credits to show what happened to the side characters in the end like you said. That would be fine with me.
I agree 100%! To be honest, I was interested in this game because my dad recommended it to me after we played Heavy Rain. He said it was the same concept with making choices and choosing your own story line/narrative. I thought TWAU would be similar, and it is to an extent, but Heavy Rain had at least 20 something endings based on the choices you made. I don't really like comparing the two games together, since they're both great in their own right, but I can't help it since Heavy Rain is what made me like the concept of TWAU. But if Telltale could make alternate endings depending on you play, I think it'd be a good step in the right direction.
I think telltale is not as wealthy as quantic dream,they don't even publish game on the Asia service,I had to buy the US ver game for my Hongkong PSN account :-(
I've heard they will publish the walking dead Japanese ver,maybe it's a good step
Wow! I'm still trying to process that ending! I'm glad that most of the characters made a reappearance and that some remembered how you treated them throughout the game! Hopefully there is a season 2, I would love to see any decisions made carry over. (I haven't yet played TWD Season 2 so I haven't seen whether your choices carry over).
Yeah I'm happy that most of the side characters reappeared again and they acted based on how you treated them (outside the business office everyone seemed happy and content when I walked by). I was satisfied by the ending.
So in the end my choices did matter of how everyone reacted to me. Although sending Toad to the farm was inevitable I guess, since he goes there in the comics, but I gave him money to get a glamour and it didn't pay off.
Very true, but at least we got to see him dance and whistle with glee after we gave him the money! haha
When I saw Toad all happy and whistling and what not I was actually suspicious that he was gonna use the money for something else :P I don't know, he seemed TOO happy about it. I felt like I got tricked somehow haha. Soooo since he didn't use it for the glamour, he couldn't give Bigby back the money tho? xD
Certain choices like Ripping off the guy's arm stayed through the season. The way you treated the other fables, Like if you made the witch work for you she sides with you at the end, Colin doesnt go to the farm if you decide he can stay. Not many choices but it seems like they are improved from the Walking Dead games.
So, is there the option that actually The Crooked Man is released free if not enough people back you???