It's all fun and games until your boss says you have to work over. Lol I actually love my job, but I'm gonna wanna play it!
I just realised that I won't be able to play this episode calmly in my house.... they love soccer and it's going to have a game on 8th.... I hate soccer.... all my neighboors will be screaming and making noises. I'm sad now, T.T
I just realised that I won't be able to play this episode calmly in my house.... they love soccer and it's going to have a game on 8th.... I hate soccer.... all my neighboors will be screaming and making noises. I'm sad now, T.T
I just realised that I won't be able to play this episode calmly in my house.... they love soccer and it's going to have a game on 8th.... I hate soccer.... all my neighboors will be screaming and making noises. I'm sad now, T.T
I think the only way to make everyone happy without releasing episodes sooner is to get Telltale to communicate more.
Though I personally would love a trivia game and it would probably ease some tension. Just chatting with some people so they feel like someone noteworthy is paying mind to them might make people feel better too.
I was contemplating on finding a way to make release date threads more fun (and bearable for that matter) since most posts only consist of p… moreeople getting upset about length in-between episode releases.
I was toying around with making up trivia questions or something so that the atmosphere in the waiting threads would be more upbeat and fun. However, this Episode is fortunately releasing sooner than later (as evidenced by how this thread only has 15 pages, despite Wolf's popularity) so I just decided to hold off. That, and I also decided that for the time being, It was better to just let people vent and get things out of their system here in the thread.
I still am open to ideas to make release date threads more upbeat if you all have any ideas to throw out.
Well guys I think I was wrong about my about my calculation the other day I believe soooooo here we go. If Telltale store brings out the episode at midnight then we literally have LESS THAN 24 HOURS!!!
So aside from the obvious story of who the killer is and what happens to the Crooked Man and his crew, what are the other plot strands that we want resolved?
For me, I'd love to see Colin, Mr Toad and Woody but I'd feel fine if we don't see them. It feels like those three had their stories mostly resolved by the end of episode 4. Same with the lovable Jack (though he didn't really have a story).
Crane will hopefully show up in a flash back or something but present tense Crane can disappear for all I care (the comics deal with his eventual fate).
I kind of feel like we need to check in with Beauty and Beast one last time, especially considering their dealings with the Crooked Man.
The major plot I really want to see that may or may not be dealt with is that red head guy who's been driving cabs all season long!!! Seriously! What is his deal?
Oh and one more episode means one more chance for a fan service cameo from the likes of Boy Blue and Frau Totenkinder!!!
The time depends on what platform you are playing on, there is never a exact time so i would recommend checking the forum tomorrow to see if anyone else has started downloading.
Indeed. We are vile people who wish it in our hearths to see the last episodes of TWD flop! Look around you, the last 5 pages of this thread are dedicated for this only!
Whispers:Before people get any ideas, I was sarcastic. Just like you.
I highly doubt it. Usually the moderators are much more active once a new episode releases, and people here usually don't spoil anything. Still, if the episode will be released at midnight, I'd wish that a spoiler-free review thread will be made.
I have to wait till bloody wednesday so I just wanna chill on a spoiler free thread and... when it's wednesday I'll just keep asking if it's out and refresh every five minutes.
I have to wait till bloody wednesday so I just wanna chill on a spoiler free thread and... when it's wednesday I'll just keep asking if it's out and refresh every five minutes.
Are you an Aussie, sir CodPatrol?
I don't recommend hanging out on TTG forums by that time, because you won't find anything else here except the spoilers when the episode releases...
Exactly! See, he haven't confess to have being responsible for their death, but since everyone is somehow owned by him through favors he did for them, we can see he is the most likely suspect of them all.
Are you an Aussie, sir CodPatrol?
I don't recommend hanging out on TTG forums by that time, because you won't find anything else here except the spoilers when the episode releases...
Really, I'm fourteen years old and she is elven, not a big age gap if you think about it. plus she is so mature that she'll probably turn me down. Also, for god's sake, drop it, it just a crush, no harm, and she is not real. Also, I'm going through puberty so at least giver me some slack! Also, if you must know, I like her for her bravery, her kindness, her badassness, and yeah a small factor of how she looks, but it very small. Addition, can we just drop the whole matter, I mean, it was stupid for me to even post that discussion in the first place and I've learned my lesson: never reveal your crush or bad things will happen. If it makes everyone feel better I'm sorry and I've moved on as Clem being my crush, not that I don't like her, but she'll always remain as a 11 years old (until maybe season 3) and I'll just keep getting older. But I still think of her as one of the best female character to be created.
I just realised that I won't be able to play this episode calmly in my house.... they love soccer and it's going to have a game on 8th.... I hate soccer.... all my neighboors will be screaming and making noises. I'm sad now, T.T
Play it with headphones! That's what I do.
Real term is "Football"
Sometimes you have to melt the butter in order to get the most... satisfactory of tastes, if you know what I mean.
when the trailer comes out the next week is when it will be released thats how TT works sorry about my grammar
i have to wait till tuesday
This made me laugh more than it should have....
Us Xbox players...
We have to wait until Wednesday
i have xbox too i thought tuesday
I have to wait till wednsesday too..... I live in new Zealand
I have to wait till Thursday
I think the only way to make everyone happy without releasing episodes sooner is to get Telltale to communicate more.
Though I personally would love a trivia game and it would probably ease some tension. Just chatting with some people so they feel like someone noteworthy is paying mind to them might make people feel better too.
Well guys I think I was wrong about my about my calculation the other day I believe soooooo here we go. If Telltale store brings out the episode at midnight then we literally have LESS THAN 24 HOURS!!!
Yeah, they are.
Nope, Wednesday for Xbox users.
Can someone post clock(timer) when episode coming out? i know it 8 july but what time???
me to
NZ buds yay
So aside from the obvious story of who the killer is and what happens to the Crooked Man and his crew, what are the other plot strands that we want resolved?
For me, I'd love to see Colin, Mr Toad and Woody but I'd feel fine if we don't see them. It feels like those three had their stories mostly resolved by the end of episode 4. Same with the lovable Jack (though he didn't really have a story).
Crane will hopefully show up in a flash back or something but present tense Crane can disappear for all I care (the comics deal with his eventual fate).
I kind of feel like we need to check in with Beauty and Beast one last time, especially considering their dealings with the Crooked Man.
The major plot I really want to see that may or may not be dealt with is that red head guy who's been driving cabs all season long!!! Seriously! What is his deal?
Oh and one more episode means one more chance for a fan service cameo from the likes of Boy Blue and Frau Totenkinder!!!
I love how everyone is hating TWD in the section comments under the trailer...
The time depends on what platform you are playing on, there is never a exact time so i would recommend checking the forum tomorrow to see if anyone else has started downloading.
Indeed. We are vile people who wish it in our hearths to see the last episodes of TWD flop! Look around you, the last 5 pages of this thread are dedicated for this only!
Whispers: Before people get any ideas, I was sarcastic. Just like you.
Will this thread have spoilers tomorrow?
where is the fucking episodewiohjefgeirfpvuj3um8r}{Kg
I highly doubt it. Usually the moderators are much more active once a new episode releases, and people here usually don't spoil anything. Still, if the episode will be released at midnight, I'd wish that a spoiler-free review thread will be made.
I have to wait till bloody wednesday so I just wanna chill on a spoiler free thread and... when it's wednesday I'll just keep asking if it's out and refresh every five minutes.
It's just 1 day more that you will have to wait so...
I'm scared, someone on YouTube could spoil or Twitter.
Are you an Aussie, sir CodPatrol?
I don't recommend hanging out on TTG forums by that time, because you won't find anything else here except the spoilers when the episode releases...
Exactly! See, he haven't confess to have being responsible for their death, but since everyone is somehow owned by him through favors he did for them, we can see he is the most likely suspect of them all.
The only thing to do is avoid Youtube, Twitter and the Forum.
I'm British, sir Bob Jackson.
Really, I'm fourteen years old and she is elven, not a big age gap if you think about it. plus she is so mature that she'll probably turn me down. Also, for god's sake, drop it, it just a crush, no harm, and she is not real. Also, I'm going through puberty so at least giver me some slack! Also, if you must know, I like her for her bravery, her kindness, her badassness, and yeah a small factor of how she looks, but it very small. Addition, can we just drop the whole matter, I mean, it was stupid for me to even post that discussion in the first place and I've learned my lesson: never reveal your crush or bad things will happen. If it makes everyone feel better I'm sorry and I've moved on as Clem being my crush, not that I don't like her, but she'll always remain as a 11 years old (until maybe season 3) and I'll just keep getting older. But I still think of her as one of the best female character to be created.
The forum is love, the forum is life. I can't abandon these sites for a day! Impossibru.