He does, he steals internet videos and shit. Like frigen' whatever the fuck it's called. Ain't nobody got time for that, and other shit. And he's not even funny so.... yeah... he's not funny.
even in l4d2 you can't get away from shrek as you can see gary oak and john were raped by shrek the only survivors were juice box and I
shrek is love shrek is life
That's your opinion, don't say it like it's a fact, he is one of the most popular YouTubers and there's no denying of that, he did a webisode series, dozens of original songs and podcasts, and just like all of those, his content is not stolen, videos on youtube are for everyone to share and that's what he did, the videos were not copyrighted and if the creators would've tried demanding credit for one of the videos, he'd never hesitate to give them credit, he never stole anything.
He does, he steals internet videos and shit. Like frigen' whatever the fuck it's called. Ain't nobody got time for that, and other shit. And he's not even funny so.... yeah... he's not funny.
That's your opinion, don't say it like it's a fact, he is one of the most popular YouTubers and there's no denying of that, he did a webisod… moree series, dozens of original songs and podcasts, and just like all of those, his content is not stolen, videos on youtube are for everyone to share and that's what he did, the videos were not copyrighted and if the creators would've tried demanding credit for one of the videos, he'd never hesitate to give them credit, he never stole anything.
even in l4d2 you can't get away from shrek as you can see gary oak and john were raped by shrek the only survivors were juice box and I
shrek is love shrek is life
I would get it on PC but this PC I'm using is shit. Well... it might be. I recently got all the viruses of it so maybe it'll work better. I don't really want to buy something and then it ends up being unplayable.
I went to Ottertail Lake, one of the many lakes in Minnesota. We have a cabin up there.
We got to go kiaking, tubing (arms are still sore from it), and relaxed on the beach. Plus, we have a bunch of rich folks near us, so we got to see some pretty awesome fireworks. You could see the fireworks people light off all across the lake. It's cool.
He does, he steals internet videos and shit. Like frigen' whatever the fuck it's called. Ain't nobody got time for that, and other shit. And he's not even funny so.... yeah... he's not funny.
It's on sale for 5$
Thinking real hard if I should buy 2-4 more copies and give them away...
That shrek mod is just epic lol.
Wish you could get it on PS3 or PS4.
That's your opinion, don't say it like it's a fact, he is one of the most popular YouTubers and there's no denying of that, he did a webisode series, dozens of original songs and podcasts, and just like all of those, his content is not stolen, videos on youtube are for everyone to share and that's what he did, the videos were not copyrighted and if the creators would've tried demanding credit for one of the videos, he'd never hesitate to give them credit, he never stole anything.
That sale actually ends in 28 hours.
There indeed was a crooked man. It's actually quite a good rhyme.
Damn, that's so generous man! I'm sure they'll treasure it.
not even worth it on consoles simply cause you can't mod it imo the shit you see on pc is just unbelievable
especially when it has music suited to shrek in the background
I never said it was a fucking fact. Stop accusing me off that!
I should've gotten a steam card when I had the chance. >.<
I would get it on PC but this PC I'm using is shit. Well... it might be. I recently got all the viruses of it so maybe it'll work better. I don't really want to buy something and then it ends up being unplayable.
You make it sound like it's a fact by saying:
That's the vibe I got at least...
I don't care if it's the vibe you got. I didn't say it was a fact so it wasn't a fact.
NOOOO!!!! Can't buy it from my phone ;~;
I added them to my cart, hopefully the sale is still in effect since I added it while 75% off.
Nobody listened to my epic rhyme? Well that's just sad.
I just made a Steam account. There's a sale on L4D2?!? When does it end?
It's like a ghost town here.
It ends in 26 hours.
lol So how was your week away?
It isn't... Anymore.
I did. But I don't think you pronounced crooked right.
Also what is your steam name?
There's 26 hours left in the sale.
How do you pronounce crooked then?
Will do.
Clem got a universe traveling machine
Add me on steam, my ID is JonGon.
Good, good.
I went to Ottertail Lake, one of the many lakes in Minnesota. We have a cabin up there.
We got to go kiaking, tubing (arms are still sore from it), and relaxed on the beach. Plus, we have a bunch of rich folks near us, so we got to see some pretty awesome fireworks. You could see the fireworks people light off all across the lake. It's cool.