The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited July 2014

    Tonight :p

    ShaleReeve posted: »

    Hey, would you guys want me to start up the Forum User Elimination Game tonight or tomorrow?

  • Tonight :)

    ShaleReeve posted: »

    Hey, would you guys want me to start up the Forum User Elimination Game tonight or tomorrow?

  • I think so.

    CodPatrol posted: »

    WTF is the requirements for that game? I also wanna get DayZ. Can a Windows 7 Professional run them?

  • It's winter in the Southern Hemisphere. We are fuckad, simply.

    What? Why? That's bullshit man.

  • Hello everyone :)

  • Alive_Clem posted: »

    I'm obsessed with this one:

  • Hai.

    No one is on right now.

    Hello everyone

  • Hey!

    Hello everyone

  • edited July 2014

    I just talked with @Cluke_is_dumb on skype. We opened our camera. Man, you're handsome. And crazy :D That floor though, beautiful.

  • Hmmm, what's your Steam?

    I just made a Steam account. There's a sale on L4D2?!? When does it end?

  • HA ! good one, just add me on the social club, I can change the name of the ranks whenever I want.

    Rank 71 to 80 should be the Walking Urban!

  • Please tell me he was wearing Sponge Bob pajamas!

    Dark_Star posted: »

    I just talked with @Cluke_is_dumb on skype. We opened our camera. Man, you're handsome. And crazy That floor though, beautiful.

  • Hurtful? He showed me his fingers, elbows, his sexy duck face and his house's floor. If you want to add me on skype: live:ghost_spiderman ;)

    JonGon posted: »

    He was being hurtful in Skype made me cry evrytiem.

  • edited July 2014

    NO PAJAMAS! He betrayed you!!!

    Please tell me he was wearing Sponge Bob pajamas!

  • Hey Gustav, what's your Steam?

    Also what is your steam name?

  • Is that on GTA?

    HA ! good one, just add me on the social club, I can change the name of the ranks whenever I want.

  • My Mexican family members sometimes like to talk exclusively in Spanish, especially during meals with non-Spanish-speaking people (myself included)........ Like this morning, during breakfast, I just heard my aunt say my name, but she was talking to another guest, and I couldn't understand what else she was saying, and my face was just like:

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    "mi tia, what did u seh to me"


    anyway, my plane didn't crash. Sucks for you guys >:) And I think I lost like a bazillion pounds just from sweating. Ice baths are your friend in Mexico. Hhehehehe, I'm not even supposed to be on the computer, but I'm in the basement and everyone is upstairs talking, and people think I'm still in the shower shhhhhh don't tell anyone

    Also, this @AWESOMEO:

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    huehuehuehue and pictures from on the plane:

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    okay, see ya

  • DeceptioDeceptio Banned
    edited July 2014

    Anyone here have Steam that aren't friends with me yet?

  • DAMMIT RACHELLE, I'm planning to take over the lounge and I cant take over if you're here!! >:|

    Lol, Nah JK. And my friends used to do that to me all the time. xD They would talk in Spanish and say my name on purpose just to screw with me. And they would do it every freakin day.

    If I were in that plane and looked out of that window, id probably get sick. X_X But cool picture though.

    My Mexican family members sometimes like to talk exclusively in Spanish, especially during meals with non-Spanish-speaking people (myself in

  • Well, after being eliminated round 3 in that contest, maybe I can get a chance to get farther in the big one.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Goddamit, most of my comments aren't showing up here.

  • That was highly interesting...

  • Sorry! :x I'm leaving, so you can still take over... I'm just gonna read the new part of the story, and let you do your thang.

    Alt text

    DAMMIT RACHELLE, I'm planning to take over the lounge and I cant take over if you're here!! >:| Lol, Nah JK. And my friends used to

  • There has happened a deadly car crash just on the opposite street... I'm just hearing police and ambulance sirens and some girls crying. Damn...

  • Indeed, but apparently it transfers to each version of GTA, so I can have an FOTD crew on Xbox for example, just add me on the social club and join our ranks :P

    Deceptio posted: »

    Is that on GTA?

  • edited July 2014

    WAIT WAIT Anwer this questin before you go...

    Buying skyrim BLAH BLAH BLAH nothing to see here.... but there is no option to buy it. It only says "Overview" there is no Purchase option. -_____-

    Sorry! :x I'm leaving, so you can still take over... I'm just gonna read the new part of the story, and let you do your thang.

  • hehehehe "dragonburn"

    The original game is Skyrim! Dragonborn and Dawnguard are expansions! Along with Hearthfire. You can't play those three games without Skyrim, which is the base game. So get Skyrim.

    WAIT WAIT Anwer this questin before you go... Buying skyrim BLAH BLAH BLAH nothing to see here.... but there is no option to buy it. It only says "Overview" there is no Purchase option. -_____-

  • -_-

    There has happened a deadly car crash just on the opposite street... I'm just hearing police and ambulance sirens and some girls crying. Damn...


    My Mexican family members sometimes like to talk exclusively in Spanish, especially during meals with non-Spanish-speaking people (myself in

  • LOL typo.

    But it wont let me get it. -_- I'm officially pissed off.

    hehehehe "dragonburn" The original game is Skyrim! Dragonborn and Dawnguard are expansions! Along with Hearthfire. You can't play those three games without Skyrim, which is the base game. So get Skyrim.

    edited July 2014

    The song that got me to fall hard in love with music:

    If I get my mic working I can play this on my guitar for you guys.

  • I have never really posted in here, but if anyone wants to add me on PS3 my name is NOnamzRavailabl3. I don't go on much, but I do have GTA 5 if anyone wants to play.

  • You never played Skyrim ?!! Anyway, like Rachelle said, buy The Elder Scrolls : Skyrim.

    Have fun !! Kahjiits are the best !! :D

    WAIT WAIT Anwer this questin before you go... Buying skyrim BLAH BLAH BLAH nothing to see here.... but there is no option to buy it. It only says "Overview" there is no Purchase option. -_____-

  • The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim: Dragonburn


    The first, the other 2 are DLC's.

    WAIT WAIT Anwer this questin before you go... Buying skyrim BLAH BLAH BLAH nothing to see here.... but there is no option to buy it. It only says "Overview" there is no Purchase option. -_____-

  • Shit...

    There has happened a deadly car crash just on the opposite street... I'm just hearing police and ambulance sirens and some girls crying. Damn...

  • Don't leave Eddie, stay! STAY WITH US PLZ ;-;

    I have never really posted in here, but if anyone wants to add me on PS3 my name is NOnamzRavailabl3. I don't go on much, but I do have GTA 5 if anyone wants to play.

  • Alt text


    sigh i look stupid for asking that... -_-

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim: Dragonburn lol. The first, the other 2 are DLC's.


    My Mexican family members sometimes like to talk exclusively in Spanish, especially during meals with non-Spanish-speaking people (myself in

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