Well, it'll be over soon...
Wow, it has been nearly a year since Faith was released and now we are finally wrapping up the story! By tomorrow we will know everything; no more mysteries, no more dead ends, no more crooked miles. It is the moment we have been waiting for and I am excited as hell!!
It has been an honor to get through this season on these forums. From the excitement and detective work to the agonizing wait for episode 2, it has been fun and I'll be somewhat depressed to see it go (but probably not as sad as Walking Dead lol). Now good luck to all you Bigby's out there
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All of you are Awesome (except trolls) and I can't wait for Episode 5, I hope there's a season 2 but since it's a prequel chances are slim
But Can't wait for the end!
I really want Nerissa to stay alive but I think she will die in episode 5
It was a hell of a ride that's for sure. I'm sure Ep. 5 will be awesome!
I agree with everythin that u said!
Well done dude!
It really bothers me that there probably won't be a second season, but THAT WON'T STOP ME FROM DREAMING. ;_;
This game is amazing and is has been so fun playing it and doing these forums. Keeping my fingers crossed for a S2! Even though it will be hard I'm sure Telltale will be able to pull it off for another amazing season.
Well, i would love it if TTG was like "The story's ended now, see you all later!" and then after tales from the notimportantlands and game of thrones, they said "oh and btw TWAU s2 is coming out right now". But that would take too long XD
Don't talk negative, that hottie must live on.
But what if she is involved in everything??? We will know in just a few hours
Almost a full year for about 400 minutes worth of game play. . . but yes I am excited as well.
On Telltale's twitter it keeps saying that TWAU is almost done with the first season, so surely a successful series like this has got to get a sequel, right? Either way, I'm happy and sad to finish up
I will kill anyone i get the option to kill , anyone.
Yep, and on the trailer it said "Season Finale". Normally, at least with television shows, it's only called a "season finale" if there is going to be another season. They call it a "series finale" if the show is ending. I took that as a good sign, since these games use television lingo like "episodes", "seasons", "series", etc. My hopes are definitely high.