E5 Release Discussion:PC/Mac/PSN/XBLA/iOS out now;Vita/PS4/XOne:Nov 4 NA/Nov 7 EU;Kindle/Android:TBA



  • edited July 2014

    It feels like new years countdown.

  • Lol this is crazy. I just thought a theory up and the next episode comes out today (I live in EST)

  • I never said 24/7 updates, but a LOT of people have gotten extremely agitated in the past at Telltale's lack of information at times.

    Like I said, the only way to actually please everyone for sure would be to release all of the episodes fast. I'm not saying it's reasonable though. People are dicks, they put too much pressure on Telltale sometimes.. D:

    then people would complain they weren't replying fast enough... never mind actually making the episodes instead, no people want 24/7 updates :P yes that's an extreme but the way some people go on here that still wouldn't be enough for them..

  • Alt text

    I've been trying to make this gif for a long time but always messed up. I got it to work this time though...

  • Woooooo! Final episode!! Hope you all enjoy it as much as i enjoyed working on it! :D

  • wait what? lol

    loki_beta posted: »

    Woooooo! Final episode!! Hope you all enjoy it as much as i enjoyed working on it!

  • Welcome to the community.

    loki_beta posted: »

    Woooooo! Final episode!! Hope you all enjoy it as much as i enjoyed working on it!

  • Yes.

    wait what? lol

  • I'm sure Bloody Mary will be the judge of that.

    loki_beta posted: »

    Woooooo! Final episode!! Hope you all enjoy it as much as i enjoyed working on it!

  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni

    Not sure if troll...

    Send me (Laura) an email so I can get you a staff badge on here tomorrow!

    loki_beta posted: »

    Woooooo! Final episode!! Hope you all enjoy it as much as i enjoyed working on it!

  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni

    Almost 11pm here. Normally I'd be thinking about bedtime right now, but tonight, I think I'll stay up a little longer...

  • Oh hey laura! :) thanks but i like it without a badge.

    puzzlebox posted: »

    Not sure if troll... Send me (Laura) an email so I can get you a staff badge on here tomorrow!

  • What does the effect in the trailer mean? The smoke curtain dissipating, like, a metaphor for finally finding the truth?

  • The Crooked Man and his crew are going to feel pretty stupid when they find out.

  • like uhhh I don't know.....an hour longer? :3

    puzzlebox posted: »

    Almost 11pm here. Normally I'd be thinking about bedtime right now, but tonight, I think I'll stay up a little longer...

  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni

    Aaaaand banned.

    loki_beta posted: »

    Oh hey laura! thanks but i like it without a badge.

  • Im getting all excited here!!!

    puzzlebox posted: »

    Almost 11pm here. Normally I'd be thinking about bedtime right now, but tonight, I think I'll stay up a little longer...

  • They are fucking with the wrong fable.

    find out what? That they're screwing with the wrong people?

  • edited July 2014

    find out what? That they're screwing with the wrong people? :D

    The Crooked Man and his crew are going to feel pretty stupid when they find out.

  • I cant wait to play episode 5 !

  • Meh... PS3 Europe...

  • I interpreted it to be a blood puddle.

    What does the effect in the trailer mean? The smoke curtain dissipating, like, a metaphor for finally finding the truth?

  • Heh, I woke up to heavy rain and bloody thunder and lightning this morning. I hope this is a sign for TWAU in 8 hours.

  • Telltale Games is in the United Staes Pacific time zone.... That means 3 AM release for us U.S. East Coasters... 29 minutes to go!

    Heh, I woke up to heavy rain and bloody thunder and lightning this morning. I hope this is a sign for TWAU in 8 hours.

  • That's if anybody's at the office. IDK their work schedule, but they might just wait till tomorrow morning to release it. I can be wrong, so keep your downvote machines off for now.

    Killabyte posted: »

    Telltale Games is in the United Staes Pacific time zone.... That means 3 AM release for us U.S. East Coasters... 29 minutes to go!

  • me to

    I interpreted it to be a blood puddle.

  • I think it'll be here....

    in 20 minutes! :)

    That's if anybody's at the office. IDK their work schedule, but they might just wait till tomorrow morning to release it. I can be wrong, so keep your downvote machines off for now.

  • I was more referring to TWAU being like a thunderstorm. It'll release in 8 hours here because that's when Steam updates.

    Killabyte posted: »

    Telltale Games is in the United Staes Pacific time zone.... That means 3 AM release for us U.S. East Coasters... 29 minutes to go!

  • 30 mins past 12 on the west coast. My Steam not yet updated.

    Cracks open another can of caffeinated soda

  • edited July 2014

    Wait nine and a half more hours.

    Lucazzy posted: »

    30 mins past 12 on the west coast. My Steam not yet updated. Cracks open another can of caffeinated soda

  • Does Puzzle box(Laura) or anyone know what is the time release 4 episode TWAU?

  • You sure? Why would Puzzlebox tease that it's coming at midnight then?

    Dammit Trolltale....not again

    Wait nine and a half more hours.

  • edited July 2014

    Because Steam updates in - actually - ten, no, nine (fuck basic arithmetic) hours from now, not the Telltale store. Ever since A Crooked Mile Telltale has been releasing the episodes some hours earlier than Steam through their store.

    Lucazzy posted: »

    You sure? Why would Puzzlebox tease that it's coming at midnight then? Dammit Trolltale....not again

  • Crap...well now I feel dumb XD

    Well it seems to be getting good reviews so far from IGN and the like, so it'll probably be worth it. Gonna play it tomorrow night.

    Thanks for the info though. I know better for next time now.

    Because Steam updates in - actually - ten, no, nine (fuck basic arithmetic) hours from now, not the Telltale store. Ever since A Crooked Mile Telltale has been releasing the episodes some hours earlier than Steam through their store.


  • edited July 2014

    It's toad jr.

  • [removed]

    I would if I had the money to buy it.

  • Sleep is for the weak... nah, I'm actually doing this to wake up just as it is released on Steam.

  • What about steam cards? We will finally drop them?

  • I want Steam Trading Cards for this game so bad.

    Rippo posted: »

    What about steam cards? We will finally drop them?

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