Anyone Else Somewhat Confused About the Ending?
So anyone? You know when Nerissa and Faith started merging dialogue? Was that just a coincidence or..... omfg I'm so lost. We're they hinting that Nerissa was Faith? I don't even know... Can someone explain?
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Nerissa is Faith glamoured. Obvious from the beginning. Just observe the dialogue subtitle colours. And the fact that she didn't know who Woody was. And the letter she left for Lawrence. Too lazy to go into detail.
I'm still trying to work it out, definitely something going on... But even with the mystery I actually loved the ending.There's got to be a season two, no doubt whatsoever.
I reckon Swiney did some sort of hocus pocus or something because of the link with the same phrase both Nerissa and Faith said and that his results with head took so long. I'd like to think so anyway, but there are photos with the two of them so I'm not sure how the whole thing works.
This is why we need a season two ASAP.
If you remember Faith had a cloak that was used to hide her beauty from the world. Maybe she used the same cloaking to hide who she was to glamour as Nerissa. So to me it looks like that Faith is actually Lilly..... I was so shocked when Bigyby started placing it all together!
Faith did the same, "you're not as bad as" and Mary made Faith's own salute.
Why would they advertise the Comics then.
I think its just an advertisement in agreement with making the game, I wouldn't read too much into it.
I think Nerissa and Faiths bodys are switched because of glamour. Maybe Faith felt treathened and was afraid being killed so she switched bodys with Nerissa? And maybe killed real Nerissa. She said at the end she moved the head anyway right? And there is Georgie around no more to say otherwise. And did you guys see those photos at the Factory. One of them are Faith and Nerissa argueing.
That the end it was actually Faith

I hope i did not sound too much like Ace Ventura
At first I didn't get it but then I realized oh, it's Faith k, then... WAIT ITS FAITH!!! But it's probably because of glamour..
So Faith was dead even before the game starts, and the Faith that we see in start was Nerissa glamoured???
WB is making a movie. There won't be another season anytime soon.
wait what has lilly to do with all this now
I think Lily actually covered for Faith, Nerissa mentions her not being at her assigned job, so Faith glamoured Lily and Georgie killed her, then... I dunno.
Clearly either Nerissa was glamoured as Faith or Faith was glamoured as Nerissa. BUT I have no idea which way round aha :')
Please expand on your ideas, because I'm a little confused and definitely not observant enough to be able to work it out myself?
I really must go through the series again to say for sure, but there is one possibility that I don't see being considered around here: Bigby read too much into that final talk with Nerissa.
I think Nerrisa was glamoured, because Faith's head was not glamoured....
the coat hides Faith's beauty, so this means it Faith was using the coat and as effect made her look like Nerissa! Maybe that's it?
they never found the first body, so if she used glamour it would still be effective. we saw that it the spell breaks if you open those things. And we were never able to check whose clothe-piece that is, and that "nerissa" never had any wounds?
still confused
Doesn't Toad ahve it
Oh my, that's a non-sequitur if I ever did see one.
The story in TWAU only borrowed the characters from the comics. Like The Walking Dead. So just an ad
You don't know that. The doctor had to do tests on "Faith"'s head and we never heard of the results
I think it's the other way around because we hear something about hiding her beauty which is Faith's story.
I think that the reason behind starting this episode with dialog from the 1st ep. with Faith was a very conscious decision. They wanted to refresh us to make us aware that it was faith.
So what was with the repetition of bloody mary's dialogue? Is she bloody mary too?
The question is why? Did the real Nerissa took the blame for going to Georgie and decided to switch with Faith? There is a photo before you fight with Mary that shows them arguing.
I remember the finger salute thing.. I was like.. >_> now faith is mary.. or nerissa is mary... but I was like.. .noooo they wouldn't
nerissa also carried the same duffel bag as did jack when jack was taking cranes things from his apartment..
I JUST REALISED we still don't actually know if Faith died?! Nerissa said she put her head at the door step but it could have been anyone's head, glamoured to look like Faith (maybe Swiney was in on it too) AND we never see Faith's body either.
I also remember finding it odd that when you save Lawrence and tell him Faith is dead, a notice in the top left hand corner pops up saying - ! You told Lawrence Faith is dead. I thought it was odd at the time because normally it pops up with something like 'You told the truth' - but thinking about it now, maybe it was purposeful?
...So maybe Nerissa at the end IS Faith?! But yeah I guess that's just one theory, share your own?
I highly doubt that.
That can be "just anyone's head" though. Remember that the cut was a clean cut which means it was done through magic. And the only sense of magic in cutting heads is the ribbons. Which means it was one of the prostitutes. So.. 2 of the 3 girls are dead. One Lily, and one Faith. if it was another prostitute who died from the Pudding and Pie, Bigby would've known. And if it was Faith, Nerissa would have had to be glamoured as Faith at one point in time. So that means it has to be Nerissa at the end.
My initial thoughts that it hinted they were the same person. I hope this mystery is explained by a DLC episode. I'd hate to have to wait until season 2 to figure it out, which we won't get until atleast after borderlands and game of thrones.
Someone please explain how Faiths face from episode 1 was identical (bruises and all) to the 1st head BB encounters. Yet Its implied that that same woman from the beginning of episode 1(Faith who was presumed a decapitated murder victim) is the woman from the end of episode 5(Narissa).
I was 100pct with you guys on the Faith>=<Narissa theories at first. But the head being identical to someone whos still alive puzzles me even more than these theories ever will and kinda messes up both theories. Maybe I'm missing something about the effects of glamours but I had no idea you could glamour a decapitated head to replicate bruises and bleeding to a T.