Gone quiet and I'm bored so I'll try random idea :O
Stages for users when you first join the Forum Of The Dead Lounge.
First time … moreon the Forum Of The Dead Lounge ^
Lots of times afterwards on the lounge still very weird but you enjoy it more ^
After a while on the lounge you decide ^
Final stage you learn to love the lounge for the random awesomeness ^
When you leave the lounge ^
Anyone try do your stages just for a laugh?
I heard it was great and it had a good ending. I'm pretty sure there's going to be a season 2. Ever since I played the first episode, I knew this series would continue.
I heard it was great and it had a good ending. I'm pretty sure there's going to be a season 2. Ever since I played the first episode, I knew this series would continue.
Nice to meet you Rachelle xD
Where is everybody?
Everyone's dead, I killed everyone.
I told you not to get involved with the Cartels.
Noncy remains.
Sorry. :x
Didn't I tell you? Some guy stopped by last night and asked if I wanted to be a part of a gang. So..... I guess I'm in a gang now.
You joined the Pew Pew Gang HOLY SHIIIT you are a motherfucking badass goddamn.
I'm watching you...
Yup, the dude even gave me a free tattoo, of a Mexican drinking worm called Juan.
Also my gang name is Red Cobra.
Mark, well at least...
Gone quiet and I'm bored so I'll try random idea :O
Stages for users when you first join the Forum Of The Dead Lounge.
First time on the Forum Of The Dead Lounge ^
Lots of times afterwards on the lounge still very weird but you enjoy it more ^
After a while on the lounge you decide ^
Final stage you learn to love the lounge for the random awesomeness ^
When you leave the lounge
Anyone try do your stages just for a laugh?
WtW... please...
Im done Microsoft and Telltale are professional trollers xD
What's wrong Pro?
You'll have to wait until like 6 in the morning if you want to download it, lol. I'll just wait until later today.
WtW... are you okay?
Uhhhhh no, but thanks for asking,
XD dude i aint even gonna lie i had big ass smile in my face when i saw the Download button.
Lmao, damn it, WtW!
Julyer, WtW. Julyer!
i suck at spanish
I heard it was great and it had a good ending. I'm pretty sure there's going to be a season 2. Ever since I played the first episode, I knew this series would continue.
Eh it was an alright episode.
Heh, I'll see later on. It's probably short, but meh, hope I like it.
Actually, that wasn't bad.
Dafuq, Rachelle. Did you poison these?
40 minutes
Those were the revenge tacos I made for my brother. THEY HAVE CAT LITTER IN THEM HAHAHAHAHA You fell for it!!!! >:D
I'm going to sleep now so I'll leave lots of spam meh
Words from a retired Disney Princess.below meh got lots of thumbs on the website so must be good
Damn! It can't be THAT short. Guess I'll take my time with EP.5.
Re...Really, Rachelle?...You really just did this right now...Really?!
Keep playing, you'll see...
Lmfao funny gifs bro have a good night sleep.
Rah shell... Rah shell, what the hell?
huehuehue that rhymes
What the hell what? If you don't like my cute kitten gifs, I'll take them somewhere else, SIR