What did you like and dislike about the final?
I enjoyed the season as a whole, really enjoyed it as a game but I kind of felt like the final was a slight let down. Don't get me wrong, it had its moments but the season was building up every episode to this grand finale and I felt like they really didn't execute that, it more fizzled out for me personally. Even the "plot twist" at the end wasn't really that monumental, I admit I didn't see it coming but I wasn't really blown away or shocked by it either.
Pros of final:
-Bigby's final wolf form and awesome fight with Bloody Mary
-Chase scene through the streets
-Scene at the Pudding and Pie
-Aspects of the court scene
-Final scene/revelation
-The crooked man was a let down as the big/main enemy of the season, I thought in the final every little detail I was puzzled about during the season would be cleverly explained to me but that really didn't happen. Just the crooked man bailing most scenes and then poorly trying to talk his way out of others.
-Georgie being the killer. The big mystery was "who is the killer" and we spend 4 episodes utterly puzzled as to who did it so I just thought there would have been a bigger explanation than 'it was that pimp that you guessed about in the earlier episodes', I know apparently the Crooked Man was all behind it but even that wasn't laid out clearly.
-The Court room scene wasn't as hard hitting as I'd thought it would be. I liked aspects to it but I didn't like how the characters would jump from siding to Snow/Bigby to the Crooked man after every sentence.
-Felt like there weren't any repercussions for some of my actions. Yeah, sometimes you get the odd mention of something you did (like in the court scene) but I felt like the choices you make wouldn't really alter the ending overall, and that I wasn't really punished for the bad things I did and was rarely thanked for the nice/merciful stuff I did. Just wish there would have been more consequences for my actions. I've heard people say they've done a badass and nice guy play through with them having pretty much the same results/interactions/endings both playthroughs. (I know telltale can only do so much but I'd rather they give us less choice and make it count rather than give us loads of options and have it mean nothing).
-The final "plot twist" didn't really do much for me. It seemed like that scene was really meant to blow our minds and though I really didn't see it coming I also wasn't really impressed/shocked by it.
Don't get me wrong, I don't think it was a horrible final or anything (and I love the game as a whole) I just thought it was a bit 'meh' rather than 'wow/awesome/amazing'. Again guys this is MY OPINION so it's cool if you loved/hated/liked the final, just wanted to express what I liked/disliked and wanted to know what you liked and disliked about it?
like = every frigging single thing you did on ur playthrough comes back to bite you, that was really job welldone. Untill now i had impression that TTG is not giving enough importance to this matter.
dislike = georgie as a killer
I didn't get the feel of accomplishment
I had the same feeling in the end. I did what I thought was best to protect Fabletown and help its inhabitants, but when I witnessed Fabletown's behavior during trial at the witching well, my heart sank.
I couldn't help but think that the whole bunch of people present at trial were nothing else but selfish bastards whining about their situation and denying any personal responsibility for their actions. It was their selfishness that allowed Crooked Man to exploit them in the first place and get whole Fabletown community into his grasp.
It was their ungreatfulnes that had me think that maybe I did not accomplish anything. But in the end, I just told myself that I don't need appretiation from people like Auntie Greenleaf or Beauty&Beast. In the end, I wouldn't change my decisions. Even though they may have been viewed as harsh ones, perhaps it is for the best if the Fable Town will be afraid of Big Bad Wolf from now on...
And that's what I liked about the final, how it made me to question my decisions
liked everything, disliked nothing
Like- the ending, the car chase scene, Bigby's true form.
Dislike- The Bloody Mary fight was too short. She has been built up since episode 3 as a massive badass that could break Bigby's arm with one blow, then suddenly as soon as Bigby wolfs out it's like hes an invincible god, i at least wanted her to put up a fight after he wolfed out.
liked the bloody mary fight (I was so surprised there were multiple bloody marys), the fact that my choices did matter in the end, the ambiguity of nerissas identity (the ending reminds me of inception where no matter how many times I watch it I keep thinking and rethinking new theories, which is fine with me), a lot more action, finding out georgie was the killer.
disliked georgie dying because I wanted to put him in jail, the fact that the game said I let georgie suffer because I didn't wanna kill him (I saw it as mercy but whatever)
what I thought was funny Bigbys true wolf form (it looked like an overgrown puppy to me but thats what he looked like in the story book. Not complaining, he just looked cute. He looked more badass as a werewolf), and the fact that CM offered him a drink in the beginning and I said yes, but he was out of scotch and didn't give me anything. What a rude host xD
Like (as in, really liked) Faith's line in the last scene: "It's true enough." Just more evidence to admire intelligent characters over ones who simply look good.
DIslike Some of Georgie's audio came through pretty rough, and the quality didn't sound very good, like the VA was too close to the mic or something. Also, some of the scenes which relied on what characters remembered came across as patchy and disruptive, as in, the flow of the conversation felt broken up because of how quickly those lines came in and didn't leave a pause at the beginning to bridge the previous line into the next.
Other thoughts It seemed like the Crooked Man needed his walking stick for support due to some physical disability, but when he was walking around without it, I was like, "Um... OK, then."
Disliked: The fact that Bigby was an incompetent detective, and we never got a chance to connect the pieces together( for example the knowledge of the photos and the case files in the Tweedle's office to name one), instead Nerissa/faith saves us with a lie after the crooked man makes us look like fools. I just feel like the detective "Bigby Wolf" in Fables would have handled it differently, similarly to the end of the first volume of the Fables comic book series, which also had someone in disguise.
Liked: the car chase.
well Bigby is kind of a demigod
"It's true enough"???
Yes, she admitted she didn't actually witness the Crooked Man giving orders to Georgie, but considering what happened anyway, she may as well have.
Hence, "true enough".
Above all I disliked it to end in a cliffhanger. I could have accepted if for example Bigby realized it as she gets into a taxi and it's too late to get to her and he sees her go with a smile on her face, and he watches her go not knowing what to do. A black screen as he moves to her (if you choose to catch her) was too cheap. We need answers! :-p
Like: Nearly everything. The car chase and the Bloody Mary fight was really great. The Pudding and Pie scene was tragically beautiful. The fate/trial of Crooked Man was interesting. And the ambiguous "twist" ending was good.
Dislike: It seemed like Episode 4 and 5 could've been combined as an epic long finale. Georgie and Toad's audio was abnormally loud at some moments.
Oh right, I'm sorry. I almost thought that I missed a post credits scene or something lol!
Liked: Ripping off CM's head infront of everyone.
Disliked: Bloody Mary's fight. Don't get me wrong I loved when Bigby transformed and all. But I disliked it having less of an "impactful" feeling to it compared to the fight with Jersey. With Jersery it was a nice tight fist brawl, and after you can stomp his face in feeling more satisfied. But with Mary you shatter her and that's her end. I would of liked her to suffer a bit before finishing her. Overall it felt a bit rushed. Her first meeting with Bigby felt more complete, eventhough Bigby was on the recieving end. For a great villian like Mary I was expecting more.
and mary had to make copies of her self to fight him..
but for me the let down was mary just being smashed into a wall and not thrown in to the molten metal that was moving around the building..in a few scenes... like it was a big huge red herring and false hope..
yeah giant cute badass shaggy furred puppy dog
Overall I really liked the episode, TTG did an excellent job of wrapping things up. I really liked how most of major choices came together at the trial.
Disliked - choice to kill or spare Tweedle Dee didn't had a big impact, if you spared him he actually mocks you at the end as I recall and thats it.
Same here ^^
The thing about Georgie being the killer is... It had to have been someone we knew in the game. Technically it was Vivian if you think of it, who was someone I wasn't expecting, Georgie just loved her. But it had to be someone we knew as a character already cuz if episode 5 came and it turned out to be some guy we never met that would've been like "Well I just wasted my time guessing all this time. We hadn't even met the real guy."
I guess that ending has got some of us split. I think Nerissa was Faith, instead of the other way around.
This I liked. It made them feel like real people. It showed that everyone in Fabletown is really only out for themselves, trying to twist the situation to their advantage at every opportunity. And that makes sense, given their background.
Liked - Car chase, Georgie's and Vivian's touching deaths, Bloody Mary's "final form", the trial of the Crooked Man, the role of Nerissa, the day after scene.
Disliked - The slightly confusing ending, the fact that I couldn't say I believed Georgie for a while. All of the choices went against him, so I stayed silent for a while.
lol that's the same thing I thought. When Bigby transformed into a giant wolf it looked cool but in the same time i said awwwww so cute.
Liked- the chase, the trial, the ambiguous ending, the Pudding and Pie scene. Also loved getting a taste of Bigby's full form. Also, the fact that your choices do matter in the end, even if it's just by small lines of dialogue. Still, it felt like the decisions that you made throughout the game helped shape your version of Bigby and who he is, which was reflected upon in the eyes of Fabletown Citizens during the trial.
Disliked- the Bloody Mary fight. Yes, it included Bigby's full form, which I loved to see, but the fight itself was somewhat underwhelming. I would have liked to see more usage for the enviroment as the locale was nice. I know for a fact I enjoyed the Woodsman and Jersey fights more, so for the last action sequence in the season, it felt lacking somewhat. And the length of the episode could have been longer. It didn't necessarily feel rushed, all came together nicely in the end and we had lengthy epilogue scenes with nearly all of the characters we've met, but it still could have been longer. Then again, I say that about almost every good game I play.
Liked: The Bloody Mary Fight (it was everything I wanted it to be and then some), the ending (I love ambiguous endings if they're done well), the car chase and the one where you throw the Crooked Bastard down the Witching Well or not is one of the most difficult choices I ever had to make in a Telltale game.
Dislike: Not all that much, but I think that scene with the residents of Fabletown coming together to talk went on slightly too long, would've wanted more time to walk around and talk to more people too.
You were playing as Bigby in his real form, it wouldn't even make any sense for him to use the environment since he's stupidly powerful. That's like telling Superman to use a crowbar.
I for one thought it was an excellent fight, my favourite of the series. I'm always replaying it all the time because of how b/a it was.
I thought the Bloody Mary fight went on a bit to long. Maybe that's because the fight gave me a extreme headache (like a real one) I still loved the fight though.
The worst thing in the episode (This is a nitpick) was Georgie's voice audio like when he coughed you could just here the static in the mic.
Like: They finally let you skip the credits! Graphics style and voices are great too.
Dislike: Too short, no real conclusion, felt like on rails.
Plus: Bigby looks so cool with cigarettes, I feel like smoking again. If I'd live in the US, I probably could sue Telltale for endangering my health.
Much sameness
aww bless someones a delicate little flower...
soppy gets aren't we :P
True! I was also thinking the real mastermind behind everything wasn't the Crooked Man, but someone we've already met. But that would've been a whole different story :P
I button mash so hard that it gives me a headache.
. I suck at button mashing anyways.
I didnt like the Bloody Mary fight. I mean I liked the action and plot of the fight and witnessing Bigbys true wolf form, but the end of the fight and Bloody Mary's fight was not satisfying at all. It would've been much better if you had a conversation with her at the end, and you could choose to torture her, force some information from her, and ultimately end her life. At the end you just snapped her and her mirror form just shattered...and afterwards I was like...eghhh damn, no, I wanted some up close personal confrontation
I watched my brother play more of a harsh/unmerciful Bigby in Cry Wolf, and the experience was WAY different than my own. Of course the ultimate ending is going to be the same, but it was undoubtedly different.
You could always skip the credits in TWAU.
You could always skip the credits.
Liked: Everything, especially that ending. Holy jesus.
Disliked: Nothing. Apart from a few somewhat hilarious moments where the game was "stuck" as it was loading. One part, was when the Crooked Man is looking at Bigby after he murdered Bloody Mary. It was just stuck there for ages, so it just looked like he was constantly staring at Bigby for moments until it decided to load.