What cliffhanger?
I've read in a few threads that there's a cliffhanger at the end of episode 5 and that this relates to Nerissa being Faith. However, y'all are using it incorrectly, since a cliffhanger meant something from the plot was unresolved, and it wasn't. Crooky's punished, Mary's dead (thank bloody Jesus) and we've found out what happened in its entirety.
The fact that the game ended when we got the info that Nerissa was Faith was just something at the end to tickle our brains, as anyone with half a miligram of brain matter can figure out the unspoken details, given the knowledge we have of the world.
Seriously, what the hell. Am I truly sharing a forum with people who don't know how stories can be told?
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I think many people are referring to running after her, in which the screen cuts to black before the ending of it can be finished. I'm not a storytelling expert, but I would classify that as a cliffhanger. Personally, my theory is that Faith knew that Nerissa was going to snap and tell Georgie, so Faith went to Swineheart to ask that he try to save her after she is killed. After Georgie killed her, and Nerissa brought her head there, somehow Swineheart managed to get a hold of the body, and with his extremely wonderful surgical skills, pull off a miracle and reattach her head. Fables have been certainly dead, even more certain the beheading, and came back unexplained. Now, as I believe both Nerissa and Faith are alive, I do think it was Faith glamoured as Nerissa talking to Bigby at the end. Faith might want to live under the radar, and wanted a final chance to say goodbye to Bigby. To do this, she could have gone to Nerissa, so that she could have the necessary materials for a glamour and knowledge of recent events Bigby might bring up with her.
Yes. Yes, you are.
Kidding. I think it's more that folks are reading into it to give themselves more hope for a second season, no matter how much they have to read into something for it. Maybe if the board asks for it enough and makes elaborate enough theories about it all TT will give us an extra episode, if they get tired with grinding out the rest of WD, Tales from Borderlands and Game of Thrones.
Back to the Future ended with an explicit "To Be Continued..." and that never happened. So even if there was an explicit cliffhanger here and instead of a plug for the source comics it said "SEASON 2 COMING SOON!" I wouldn't take it as a given until there was a firm release date for s2 ep2.
You sure about that?
Here, I made a thread about this. I'm not too sure myself.
Again, we have enough knowledge of the world, and the characters, to make up what happens next after the cut-to-black. We don't need something to explain that since we the players, I hope at least, have enough knowledge of storytelling to be able to compose our own ending when given the right tools.
I agree that the ending was not a cliffhanger
the story has pretty much been told plus the bad guy were defeated and fabletown is now safe
the question of Faith's identity is irreverent in the grand scheme of things
It's my personal belief Telltale is gonna drop Fables now since the comic series will end in 2015 and they've chosen to fry bigger, more popular, more mainstream-accesible fish like Game of Thrones.
I think she is dead because, remember, when she moved all we heard was glass crackling, so she could be dead, but not necessarily. Depends if telltale makes a sequel where she returns, but I doubt it. Oddly enough, I found her monster form more attractive than her human one.
Some fans are just saying its a cliffhanger to give them a reason to hope for a season 2
I am ViralType, destroyer of hope.
I agree the odds for it being dropped are good for the same reasons. I haven't seen sales figures for the series though so it's possible that it'll get another season at some point, besides it might be a good idea to keep it as some kind of concern, maybe not a full season but a property to hold onto for a bit and keep in reserve, just to keep ties to DC/Vertigo and getting a foot in the door on future properties.
That's true, there's also other Vertigo comics they could make into games. I haven't yet read American Vampire, but I'd definitely check it out if Telltale made it.
And, of course, there's my dream game. Preacher: a Telltale Game Series. Read through most of the issues (skipped the ones with Tulip, never cared for her) and loved them to death. If Telltale made a Preacher game I'd have to go to a doctor, 'cause I'd have a day long erection to deal with.
I though the ending was perfect, it completed the main storyline, while leaving room for a possible sequel.
Preacher would be amazing... or painfully bad.
I think it was just a little twist followed by an abrupt end to reinforce the realization, not to be a cliffhanger. Whether Nerissa was Faith in EP1 or Faith was Nerissa the whole time seems to be the twist here...
So far I've yet to be disappointed with a game series they made. So long as they know the source material by heart it would be good. All I'd ask for is that Jesse and Cassidy aren't fucked up or out of character. Everything else will flow naturally from there because the characters drive the plot as much as it drive them in that series.
Pretty much, yeah.
Hm, the window where all that was supposed to happen, the way you describe it, would've been small indeed. I'm thinking it all happened slightly before. Maybe.
I actually think the ending wrapped things up instead of being a huge cliffhanger and season 2 is so confirmed (not).
I didn't chase after her so I didn't even know there was a "cliffhanger". :P
Where the hell is faiths body at?
Yea those teeth, bloody eyes, and glass shards are pretty damn appealing. I also really don't think she's dead to be honest.
I think it all depends on what Telltale had in mind for the final scenes in particular. Sure, it could have just been a device used to 'tickle our brains' with, but In my opinion, the ending hinted that there was another layer to the story, one that we had not bee fully aware of while playing the game.
Sure, we could all just use our imaginations to fill in what happened. I do that all the time for whatever game, TV show, book etc... that I am currently obsessed with anyway. However, given the character in question and the world the game is set in, it just seems plausible to me that there is more to explore with this character, an arc that could lead us to another series worth of storytelling.
I would call that a cliffhanger personally, although each to their own. Time will tell if we get a series 2, and whether the events of the final scene have any impact or involvement in the next story.
That's the thing. The only reason this season could have a cliffhanger is if you decide to follow her. What would happen if a real season 2 was coming? If you decide to not run after her, would you not be able to use your save file at all? I suppose you had to replay that part to change it to you chasing her to you can play the continuation of the story.
That depends. Bigby may not follow her, but that dose not mean Faith could not have an impact on a future storyline. Besides, to all we know she may pull a vanishing after chasing after her anyway. There are many ways how TT could make it so both ending lead into another series involving said character, so I think our save files will be save no matter our choice.
Well, I've been reading this post and read quite some definitions of a "cliffhanger" to be sure. This is the top ones (in no particular order) taken from Oxford dictionaries and Wikipedia.
The plot does not need to be unresolved, you just have to be left with suspense or a shocking revaluation. In both cases, we were. I didn't see the Faith/Nerissa twist coming from a mile away, and I really want to see what happens next
Many series end with a cliffhanger, but does not have a season 2/3 etc. due to funding.
TL;DR: Episode 5 ended with a cliffhanger.
Fair enough but then the choice at the end never really mattered cause you would end up in the same place anyway. Just a thing for shits and giggiles that would make us talk until (and if) S2 comes/came out.
Fables isn't ending in 2015. The Fairest in All the Land is ending in 2015.
So Narissa was disguised as Faith in episode one? Is that the twist? It seems really weak if so and I don't understand why she did that.
Willingham said that Fables is ending with issue 150 in early 2015. Fairest is supposed to end one month earlier.
You're right. Though if a Preacher game happened, it won't be until after the AMC series launches and I have to admit that my hopes aren't very high for that at the moment.
Hellblazer would be a great TT style game also. Original Hellblazer, none of this reboot nonsense.
Damn, I hate and love cliffhangers.
I really hope we get season 2, episode 5 was perfect.
I still want a second-season where we can explore this in full, I chose to go after her.
I've rarely been so satisfied with an ending. To satisfy and excite at the same time is a great accomplishment, like I'm still shaking my head with how pleased I am morning after.
It's not a freaking cliffhanger, because it didn't leave anything in suspense - it just cleared up several points.
AMC did a good job with Breaking Bad, and the first season of The Walking Dead was good (stopped mid 3rd season because I was so sick of the shit writing and C-grade Spanish soap-opera acting so I'm thinking the Preacher series will be OK. They'll definitely need to cut down on some of the more visceral material (Jesus de Sade's little party, anyone?), but I never read Preacher for the shock moments, I read it for the characters. Even Herr Starr was lovable in his own fucked up way.
Never read Hellblazer. It's on my list, but I'm on the fence. What's it like, in your opinion?
It's not the sharp bits, but rather the coloration. For some reason it just worked for me. To me she's dead until the series says otherwise.
I'd rather have a new story in season 2, with maybe a nod to the ending of 1. But I swear, if they make Jack the main character I will go to TTG's HQ and shit on their doorstep.
There really is nothing else. We can deduce what miniscule holes in the plot are left. Nerissa/Faith obviously changed the story when she told it to us, but otherwise it all falls into place. You're just partaking in wishful thinking.
The potential for a new story with familiar characters doesn't mean the ending hinted at something deeper.
That's one theory. The other is Faith never died and she was glamoured as Nerissa throughout the whole game.