Satisfied with the episode. My game score is subjective (as well as my scoring system, heh), I think it's the best game so far (yes, under impression), but critics rated even higher. I'm not saying how masterful Telltale's work is, this is obvious, but measuring by their standarts (as I see them), the first point of ten (ideal) I would substract because of lack epicness almost anywhere except battles. The ending, which I didn't immediately relize, fixes it fully. Nonetheless, during the unique first playthrough experience I didn't know about this compensation. Another minus point for the scene where Crooked Man directs his gun at Bigby - it is clear that he is lawful evil, yet not that lawful. IRL to happen what happened, both (smart) men would have to go gaga at the same time. However, after ending I understand the reasons for which Telltale "tolerated" this, and still at that moment I felt facepalm. Mentioning the secondary characters - even though nothing is happening with them, they developed and revealed greatly (not per game but per episode). That's it, a little spoil in general terms, but I tried. However, need to think to spoil the ending, it's done really professional. No one expected it. And you know what, for showing that the world has never been divided into black and white, I rate 10/10.
I thought it was a little short but I didn't mind after I finished it. The final episode was a fantastic way to finish it and from start to finish it was packed with some fantastic choices
Probably wont come nor do i want it to altough i loved the series ( yet to play episode 5 ) it doesnt seem like it would fit but i will make my decision after episode 5
Nope, ios awlays come a day earlier than announced.
Still took awhile to get to the EP screen but I am presently downloading. Crosses Fingers
Finally got it. Good to go. Have fun all.
is it out for xbox360 yet??
iOS people! RISE UP!!!
PS3 Europe?
What time's the store update?
still waiting!!! come on argg i need it in uk
UK here too. Fuck, what time does it usually update?
I'm sitting here I can't fucking sleep because I'm too damn HYPED!
HURRY UP AND FUCKING UPDATE! I've been sitting on Xbox constantly checking TWAU for the last hour or 2...
i though it was 9 but haven't got a clue now just waiting now trying to avoid youtube at all costs
Tiny review, minor spoilers.
Satisfied with the episode. My game score is subjective (as well as my scoring system, heh), I think it's the best game so far (yes, under impression), but critics rated even higher. I'm not saying how masterful Telltale's work is, this is obvious, but measuring by their standarts (as I see them), the first point of ten (ideal) I would substract because of lack epicness almost anywhere except battles. The ending, which I didn't immediately relize, fixes it fully. Nonetheless, during the unique first playthrough experience I didn't know about this compensation. Another minus point for the scene where Crooked Man directs his gun at Bigby - it is clear that he is lawful evil, yet not that lawful. IRL to happen what happened, both (smart) men would have to go gaga at the same time. However, after ending I understand the reasons for which Telltale "tolerated" this, and still at that moment I felt facepalm. Mentioning the secondary characters - even though nothing is happening with them, they developed and revealed greatly (not per game but per episode). That's it, a little spoil in general terms, but I tried. However, need to think to spoil the ending, it's done really professional. No one expected it. And you know what, for showing that the world has never been divided into black and white, I rate 10/10.
I think you mean Handegg
How long...?
It's out on Xbox.
Yes, not PS3 though.
god darn it come on sony eu
the wait is killing me so close yet so far come on
I thought it was a little short but I didn't mind after I finished it. The final episode was a fantastic way to finish it and from start to finish it was packed with some fantastic choices
I can't download it though
EDIT: Nevermind it looks like TellTale are fucking me once again for buying the season pass.
PS3 EU -.- cmon Sony
Hurry the fuck up, Sony.
If episode 2 3 and 4 got deleted but my save file remained will my choices carry over to ep5?
Any updates yet? I swear am gonna fucking die.
Using the ps eu store for 4 years. It always updates 4-5pm
No, it can update at 9 and 12 too.
Is it out yet on EU ps3 ?
This episode is better than all other 4 episodes combined.
Release the game, Sony!
And now waiting for season 2
Episode 1 and 3 are still pretty damn good.
Probably wont come nor do i want it to altough i loved the series ( yet to play episode 5 ) it doesnt seem like it would fit but i will make my decision after episode 5
Its out now on EU ps3
downloading now just look manualy on the store