The PewDiePie "issue"
I don't get it. I haven't been here for very long and I really like this forum and the users in it but there's one thing that has bothered me. Whenever someone asks what youtuber they like and watched a twd play through from most users will say tons of different youtubers and everything is fine and peachy.
But the instant a user says "I watched PewDiePie's play through, he's funny" this user will be nuked with downvotes and repeatedly bashed by other users, one time I saw a user say they like him and another user said something like "What has the world come too" I don't get it. I honestly really enjoy PewDiePie's play through for the walking dead and the wolf among us. He's nice to most of the characters and he usually doesn't talk over them, he's protective of clementine, and doesn't swear every 5 seconds. I'm not asking you to like the guy; honestly I don't like him sometimes. In my opinion he can go too far sometimes, I find some of his period jokes make it look like the video is meant for an 8 year old boy.
I'm asking users to stop bashing other users who like pewdiepie or any youtuber for that matter. I do understand that not everyone likes the same person and as I said before I'm not trying to persuade you to become a über fan of him. Thank you for reading
Honestly down votes don't really bother me anymore if I bring him up.
Cause a lot of people don't like Pewdiepie.
They might do that because most of pewdiepies fans are annoying little kids that rage when you say something bad about pewdiepie and don't accept others opinions about him. So they might think that because this person watched pewdiepie that they will be annoying also, even though not all of his fans are annoying. At least this is why I think they bash on the pewdiepie fans.
Because pewdiepie is an annoying child who does nothing but scream at his camera and act like an idiot.
"Well that's a hell of a thing to say"
Edit: He isn't bad for being funny on the internet, and he didn't ask for this much money (sorry I'm a huge Pewdiepie fan
I can't speak for everyone, but I hate the guy for making money and gaining fame doing what I've always been told not to do. Scream like a retard and play games all day. He has made more money in the last two years than I ever will in the next 100 - by doing what I do to relax: play games, and what I did as an infant: scream like a retard.
I also hate the way he acts in general. God almighty, there's eccentric millionaire, and then there's a grown-ass man acting like a child who should've gotten the belt more often in his life.
I'm neutral down-votes have no effect once your honest who's gives a f**k after that in my opinion
I like Pewdiepie, I'll watch him. Not my 100% favorite, but I still consider myself a fan of his.
Now look at me! I'm an annoying little raging prick!
I agree sometimes he can sometimes do stupid things like that, but he has lots of positive videos were he talks right to the fans, he has a charity which he has raised a ton of money for and also he will talk about personal things in his life as well. I think how he acts really depends on the video.
That's because they are meant to be for 8 year old boys. That's his target audience, really.
Whis is fine, but also one of the reasons why I really don't like the guy. But the way I deal with that is simple. I don't watch his stuff.
And as far as downvotes go, the best strategy is to ignore them. Of course an even better solution would be to demolish the voting system, but that won't happen I'm guessing.
Because he is annoying, he acts like a 5 year old and screams too much.
I'm sure you hate him for donating thousands, or millions, or whatever, to charity too?
Jus'ayin. Shouldn't rip on him for giving half of it away to good causes. Who cares then?
I don't know, I think pewdiepie more aims for teenagers than 8 year old boys. I just think some of the teenager fans ACT like 8 year old boys.
I hate when a "famous" person opens a charity and people applaud them for it. With the money he has coming in how much of a percentage do you think goes to his charity directly out of his pocket? A laughable amount. I respect those who give what they can when they have little, the person who has 50 dollars and gives 40 of it to those less fortunate, they deserve your aspirations. Anyways, I just don't enjoy him.
I love you Mark.
You are a god amongst men, Mark.
Double post? How dat happen?
I understand most of you think he acts like a 7 year old girl, and sometimes I agree. But I was more trying to stop disrespect between fans and those who don't like him. I wasn't asking why you guys don't like him.
Honestly I don't see how people could enjoy watching him play this game. He's so immature and obnoxious, and it's such a serious game. Having to sit through his inane attempt at humor would just ruin the story for me.
Oh hi Mark.
XD love you to bro
Okay but think of all the famous people who don't give any of there money to any charities and spend all there fucking money making a bad reality television show. I wouldn't expect the guy to give all his money to charity but at least he has several videos on the charity and puts time into it. I'm not trying to make you like him.
lol You didn't use the video YOUR TEARING ME APART XD
This video made my life.
Anyway, how is your sex life?
That's fine. I just don't feel like tipping my hat to a good con man.
It's the same reason why everyone believes this generation is "the worst" in terms of people (And I agree): It's because of the internet. I stand by the belief that children of a young age should not be exposed to profanity and innuendo, or at least, not so much of it until they can understand it's meaning and it's effects on others. They may not understand it, but they understand that it's "funny". It's like how a little kid will say the same thing over and over again to make sure you heard it. But now, the conceited adolescents are taking what is basically the toilet jokes of the modern age and repeating them to infinity.
I just went full-on PSA.
EDIT: So I think the main problem we have here is not the man himself, but the fan-base. Which is usually the problem with most things. I mean, it's how wars are started.
Join the group, I don't get why people can hate him so much, it must be because of his comments and all that stuff, well, not everyone can like him, and yeah I agree he sometimes can go too far, but still I don't hate him.
Lol, you're not annoying!
Under the TWAU Episode 3 walkthrough of Pewdiepie, there was a fan who "discovered" Snow White is the character from Snow White and the seven dwarfs. And the other smart fans praised him, because they didn't notice until now.
My only problem with Pewdiepie is, that most of his 27 million subscribers are idiots.
You're to kind...
Oh come on why cant we close this thread? Its senseless! Some people like this pewdiepie and some dont. Its always the same shit with those kind of threads.
That's the stupid part! Judging the subscribers, because people only give attention to the stupid things that some of his subscribers do (and a lot of them are just trolling), the others normal subscribers, are just ignored, because nothing can be used against them.
I've watched Pewdiepie's TWD gameplays because he seems like a sincere guy. Naturally I stay away from all his other videos because he has fallen victim to his fanbase. It's his job now to entertain, I don't hate him for making other people excited about a game. All this hate is just personal shit that you yourself have to deal with. I don't know why people feel the need to so easily give out hate, makes me lose faith in humanity, because we aren't mature enough to accept what others do and just continue on with our lives.
Say what you want about Pewdiepie but he is great at exposing games to people. Look at all the people he got to play TWD and TWAU. I don't love the guy but I don't hate him either.
I admit you're right about it. I didn't really think it through.