We do not need a season two.

Telltale has told the perfect story with this game. Maybe they left a lot of things unanswered, but that's all part of the game. Is Bloody Mary alive? Was it Faith posing as Nerissa, or Nerissa posing as Faith? How are the Mundies going to react to a 6 foot tall werewolf-like humanoid running around New York City in the dead of night? What were Bluebeard and Snow talking about at the end of the game? What happens to the rest of the Crooked Crew?

We may never know. But that's all in the sport of the game. You, the player, are left to fill in the gaps.

I don't want, nor do I believe that Telltale will milk this franchise for another five episodes just because some players want to know what happens to Nerissa/Faith, or Bloody Mary and others. They left all of this unanswered for a reason. For us to discuss for years to come. If someday Telltale has a great idea for another season in the world of Fabletown, I have faith that they'll do it right. But for now, let's accept that this franchise is to be put to rest, and we've been left with so many questions for our imaginations to play with.



  • We DON't need a new season but it's NOT going to ruin the story if we do get one. I would love a new season but I'm not going to throw telltale down the witching well if it doesn't happen.

  • If Telltale has plans for a second season, I'm open for it. But I don't want it to be forced.

    We DON't need a new season but it's NOT going to ruin the story if we do get one. I would love a new season but I'm not going to throw telltale down the witching well if it doesn't happen.

  • edited July 2014

    We definitely need a season 2. It's just that Telltale needs to take their sweet, sweet time on it, that's all.

    EDIT: What I meant by "sweet, sweet time" is that if Telltale were to ever make a season 2 (preferably one that's at least 10 plus hours long), I just want them to take their time on it. You know, instead of them rushing it like they supposedly did with season 1.

  • edited July 2014

    You're completely right! We don't need a Season 2! But we want a Season 2...

  • Who says a Season 2 would have to take place immediately following the events of Season 1? Hell, who says it even has to star Bigby, Snow and the like? Personally, given all the possibilities, I'd like a season starring the Woodsman. Or Grendel. There's so many colorful characters and so much room for expanding upon backstories and adventures and so on.

  • the way it ended for me implies there will be a season 2 or DLC like 400 days, it was a nice change of pace instead of my beloved TWD, actually with borderlands and game of thrones coming soon I would be happy to see bigby next June

  • I think season 2 should take place somewhere else other than Fable Town, I got a pretty good idea where :3

  • I love how we all downvoted the OP!! Shows you how much we all really want there to be a Season 2. Yeah, there doesn't need to be one (in some retrospect), but that doesn't mean that there shouldn't be one. We want, Telltale can make...... Supply and demand people. So let's hope.

    SEASON 2 TELLTALE! MAKE IT HAPPEN!! More Bigby please.

  • I'd rather the series stick with Bigby Wolf as the main protagonist, hence "The Wold Among Us". This isn't like TWD where Lee dies, so your forced to change characters. But I would like for more characters to make appearances, like Cindy.

    Bralef posted: »

    Who says a Season 2 would have to take place immediately following the events of Season 1? Hell, who says it even has to star Bigby, Snow an

  • I'd like Season 2 to continue upon Season 1, after all that HUGE cliffhanger needs an answer.

    Bralef posted: »

    Who says a Season 2 would have to take place immediately following the events of Season 1? Hell, who says it even has to star Bigby, Snow an

  • Sometimes getting a answer is actually worse than been left with a Cliffhanger.

    hihitwd posted: »

    I'd like Season 2 to continue upon Season 1, after all that HUGE cliffhanger needs an answer.

  • Bigby is banned from the farm.

    Didn't Telltale say that, Bigby would visit the farm in a interview long ago?

  • Didn't Telltale say that, Bigby would visit the farm in a interview long ago?

  • (Not about this post) How to get the book of fables slot between The Pudding n' Pie and the big bad wolf?

  • they did...?!

    Didn't Telltale say that, Bigby would visit the farm in a interview long ago?

  • edited July 2014

    Other way around. They need to fill the blanks for the comic. Also we need to know where Bigby got his coat and if Grendel gets to state what his problem is to snow.

  • edited July 2014


    That will be the extra episode DLC!

    "The Wolf Among Us Episode 6:Grendel's Snow Coat!"

    Razerhdd posted: »

    Other way around. They need to fill the blanks for the comic. Also we need to know where Bigby got his coat and if Grendel gets to state what his problem is to snow.

  • I prefer having an answer. I don't want to ponder for the rest of my life thinking what could have happened.

    Sometimes getting a answer is actually worse than been left with a Cliffhanger.

  • I agree, I would buy the next season but I don't think we need one.

  • Maybe they could introduce new people to Fabletown during a DLC, how you make them react to Bigby and the town and the events that partook during Season 1, will affect their personality and behaviour in Season 2?

  • Agreed. I want them to keep the questions open. It's too fun watching all the competing theories for Telltale to just come and shut them down. If Telltale does decide to make another season, I want it to be unrelated to Season 1. Either showing a much earlier Fabletown or a story about Jack or Cinderella (a badass in the comics) or something.

  • We do not need a second season, however I still want a second season. This takes place around twenty years before the events of the comic books, they have plenty of time to show all sorts of new things.

    I'd love for perhaps a Mundie to find out about Fabletown or something but instead of freaking out, they actually take it quite well and want to help the town or something. I don't know, the possibilties for stories in this universe is endless, and I'd love to have decisions from the first season affect this one.

    I'd love to see perhaps Colin still around if you didn't send him to the farm, I'd love to see Nerissa back, I'd love to see the Crooked Man perhaps escape if he was "locked in".

  • Sorry, but it definitely deserves a season 2. The characters are very interesting and there is a whole world to expand upon. A season 2 makes more sense for this game than it ever did for TWD.

  • Telltale's games are all quite successful so far, making a sequel is beneficial!

  • You're trying to discourage a season two. I can't disagree with that more.

  • The Wolf Among Us DLC would be cool.

    But check this out: http://www.telltalegames.com/community/discussion/75136/season-2-plans-ideals We want season 2 so badly.

  • PorkytheWalker is right. Bigby is not allowed access to the farm because the residents won't allow it since they 'fear' him, most notable in his talking with Colin in Ep. 1, and in the Book of Fables on an Ep. 3 or 4 unlock.

    Didn't Telltale say that, Bigby would visit the farm in a interview long ago?


  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Don't try to hit Bloody Mary while her back is turned. She'll insult your mother and you'll get a book of fable about Bigby's mother.

    ComingLate posted: »

    (Not about this post) How to get the book of fables slot between The Pudding n' Pie and the big bad wolf?

  • edited July 2014

    During "Cry Wolf," during the trial and the your talk with Nerissa and TJ, you see in the corner "Fabletown will remember that" or "Snow will remember that" or "TJ will remember that" etc. All of this leads toward a Season 2, but I don't know if it will be Telltale's top priority at the moment, considering Tales from the Borderlands and Game of Thrones. Keeping my fingers crossed of course, but not expecting the first episode for it to come out until mid-2015.

    If there is a Season 2 we can expect it to still take place during the 20 year prequel sequence, perhaps a few years after the Crooked Man. It will most likely follow a new story where we can introduced to a lot of new characters from the comics or characters that were barely touched upon in S1, like Flycatcher.

  • I just like to assume that there will be at least some thoughts about making a season 2 going around at Telltale. I mean of course they wouldn't give us a definite answer about making a second season right now but I like to think that if they really had NO intention at all to do so they could write it here couldn't they? You cannot promise to to make some more and then you end up not doing it because of circumstances but you could surely state you're not gonna do it and do it anyways later on. Even if that's not the way it is I am gonna stick with that explanation cause it leaves me in a happy state of anticipation :)

  • You got a lot of people buttblasted there, champ. Don't you know? They want a second season because they weren't allowed to slap Snow's titties and pee in her butt - they're hoping that'll happen in Season 2.

  • Carley will remember that.


    During "Cry Wolf," during the trial and the your talk with Nerissa and TJ, you see in the corner "Fabletown will remember that" or "Snow wil

  • I disagree. I really liked this game and honestly....I wouldn't mind if this took priority over the Walking Dead ( Forgive me my Queen.)

  • Thats.. fucked up man.

    ViralType posted: »

    You got a lot of people buttblasted there, champ. Don't you know? They want a second season because they weren't allowed to slap Snow's titties and pee in her butt - they're hoping that'll happen in Season 2.

  • ....Dude....

    ViralType posted: »

    You got a lot of people buttblasted there, champ. Don't you know? They want a second season because they weren't allowed to slap Snow's titties and pee in her butt - they're hoping that'll happen in Season 2.

  • Im down with more Bigby but... TWD s2 is so blandly average, do i want same treatment for TWAU? NO!

    So TT, if one day you're making a sequel, DO NOT FUCK THINGS UP! please?

  • Wtf?

    ViralType posted: »

    You got a lot of people buttblasted there, champ. Don't you know? They want a second season because they weren't allowed to slap Snow's titties and pee in her butt - they're hoping that'll happen in Season 2.

  • If there was a ever time where I said please don't speak for me this is it.

    ViralType posted: »

    You got a lot of people buttblasted there, champ. Don't you know? They want a second season because they weren't allowed to slap Snow's titties and pee in her butt - they're hoping that'll happen in Season 2.


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