Bandwagon? I join that.
That'd be me on the left (I was like 5 or 6) and my bro is on the right, he was like 12 … moreand had braces at the time. The story behind it was that he saved up his allowance to buy me a gameboy advanced, I may still have it actually...
I'll consider your point. But I derive very little enjoyment from this place now. There's not much reason for me to stick around. I don't know, maybe I'm just burned out. Maybe I just need a break. We'll see.
Giraffe I saw you stating before it was because your personality clashed with users you cannot quit when the going gets tough I was the most… more hated user and clashed with everyone when I first joined the forum a strong opinion will always get you in trouble or annoy users it comes with the turf even today I still get shit. I can tell you if you stick to the forum and stand by your words and actions over time all hate turns to respect all anger turns to admiration you can't leave your a rare and very talented user believe me. I never saw you as a quitter Giraffe
I figured I should explain why I'm leaving. Firstly, this place has completely run dry on interesting threads to read. Secondly, I feel more… more comfortable at the other forum. My personality goes smoothly with them, and I don't have to endure serious personality clashes like here, with certain members. Being so opposite to many of the members here has made it a lot less enjoyable. And all the downvoting of unpopular opinions has made this place an insufferable pit of suppression and tedium. Finally, I'm tired of all the off-topic conversation that goes on in certain threads.
As I said, I may come back now and then. And I can keep in contact with my friends through steam.
Lmao, dafuq... I just saw it. Speaking of, I tried to copy ATR's pout today, the only thing is, that I didn't have an "action figure" that I could use, lol.
Agree only reason I'm still here is my bro's/sistah's the lounge/Lee's story and Tobi's comic the rest of the forum is dead and really negative even TWD game is getting worse and shorter every episode take a break but know your always welcome back here any time
I'll consider your point. But I derive very little enjoyment from this place now. There's not much reason for me to stick around. I don't know, maybe I'm just burned out. Maybe I just need a break. We'll see.
Lmao, dafuq... I just saw it. Speaking of, I tried to copy ATR's pout today, the only thing is, that I didn't have an "action figure" that I could use, lol.
If anyone is wondering who's holding me in the picture. It's my grandpa. He told me that I was too scared to take the picture that he had to hold me.
Oh lawd, another trend has begun. <_<
Ugh, I know what you mean
That girl on the left reminds me of when I had bangs like that as a kid.
I have a freakin fever.
rolls off bed and crawls to the PC
Must.. play.. twd..
I'll consider your point. But I derive very little enjoyment from this place now. There's not much reason for me to stick around. I don't know, maybe I'm just burned out. Maybe I just need a break. We'll see.
Boat loads of selfies and a new trend... Baby pics
Off topic convos? You mean this thread xD
Watch this.
Lol, I'll pass.
Drinking beer so young... The second one was taken right after my brothers pushed me into a puddle lol.
Lmao, dafuq... I just saw it. Speaking of, I tried to copy ATR's pout today, the only thing is, that I didn't have an "action figure" that I could use, lol.
I missed the pic with your Sarah glasses?! And the new pro pic is cool, told you it wouldn't be that bad. B]
Agree only reason I'm still here is my bro's/sistah's the lounge/Lee's story and Tobi's comic the rest of the forum is dead and really negative even TWD game is getting worse and shorter every episode
take a break but know your always welcome back here any time 
Yeah you missed it!
And thanks. :P
Lmao, at the beer pic! Jon liked to live dangerously. B]
Lol, no fair! And you're welcome, DLB. B^]
I've seen this video before, nice.
What happened to Azlyn? She hasn't been on in a while, she's missing the story.
Excuses, excuses.
Two week holiday I miss her so much
I don't even wanna show when my Mom thought it would be funny to put a dress on me -.-
That's too cray for me lmao!
Jongon ^
This forum is really special. I choose it over sleep and I love to sleep.
Lmao, damn! You should burn that picture, lol!
I'm not Mark but she isn't on steam either so i can't tell but shes a complicated girl, must be having problems
So many people missing! She's the reason I have this song stuck in my head, lol.
Are we posting childhood pictures today?
Lol, I have two pics of me doing the pout, but no action figure in them, haha. It won't be the same, man.
She'll be back in the next few days.
I was like 2 or 3 bro lol.
Nah, she's just on a school trip.
AAAAHHHH so cute. ^-^
Just look at the flowers, SweetPea...
Don't look at the flowers...
Glad to hear! Thought it was something else.
My headache lowered down,to where I can tolerate it.
But yesterday, I felt like I was being beaten every second. ;-;
So adorable!
You look alot like my niece lol.