Since I am desperate to be one of the Kool Kidz I'll post a childhood picture as well. If only I could still get away with wearing princess dresses wherever I went u_u
Since I am desperate to be one of the Kool Kidz I'll post a childhood picture as well. If only I could still get away with wearing princess dresses wherever I went u_u
Since I am desperate to be one of the Kool Kidz I'll post a childhood picture as well. If only I could still get away with wearing princess dresses wherever I went u_u
I literally had it two seconds ago and didn't move it or anything and all of a sudden its gone. W.T.F.
omg no! I looked everywhere and ca… morent find it. The only place i think it might be is in my moms room. I went to go try to sneak in here room and see if its there but the moment i touched the door it made this loud screeching sound. NOPE. NOT DOIN IT. Sigh Seriously... I have no freaking idea right now.
Since I am desperate to be one of the Kool Kidz I'll post a childhood picture as well. If only I could still get away with wearing princess dresses wherever I went u_u
UGH screw it, I'll just look in her room tomorrow. If it isn't there then I will buy another one with my own money when I go with my dad. EVERYONE'S HAPPY.
I think I was reaching out to grab some candy? I have NO clue!! Oh my God that picture is so embarrassing lol x_x
Just me with my stupid poodle hood, looking all derpy, and my dumb pillow case. -___-
UGH screw it, I'll just look in her room tomorrow. If it isn't there then I will buy another one with my own money when I go with my dad. EVERYONE'S HAPPY.
Nah.. My mom went out and bought it for me and brought it inside. I even took a pic of it.
So there is no way that its in the car. And that pic proofs it. I only had it in 3 places, my counter, my other place on the counter, and my couch. I looked in all those places and couldn't find it. I even took the damn couch apart.
Nah.. My mom went out and bought it for me and brought it inside. I even took a pic of it.
So there is no way that its in the car. … moreAnd that pic proofs it. I only had it in 3 places, my counter, my other place on the counter, and my couch. I looked in all those places and couldn't find it. I even took the damn couch apart.
Thing is, if I ask her and it turns out she didn't move it, she will know I lost it. I'll go on a search tomorrow. I can't really run around the house and look for it now considering how late it is, I don't want to wake anyone up.
How did you do the gif???
Lol, I remember you said she hides things... so, it has to be her.
Oh my God so much cute
can't handle the cute ^-^
You're opening your mouth like "WHERES MAH CAKE??!"
Rachel pls ;-;
y does dis happen
Damn it, Rachelle. Lol... so uh, because of this, I'm going to use one of your poodle pics for a moment. Don't reply just yet.
This website is my everything.
It solves so many problems.
Well right now she just hid herself. -___-
You can still wear princess dresses. Nothing is stopping you, ATR, lol. You'll stand out in front of the crowd. B]
UGH screw it, I'll just look in her room tomorrow. If it isn't there then I will buy another one with my own money when I go with my dad. EVERYONE'S HAPPY.
She knows! Evil little doggy, haha. B]
Her hand here reminded me of that dude on the scooter who wanted someone to Photoshop the red eyes out but he got screwed over.
This? xD
Lmao, he looks like CiD, too.
Lmao, can you even remember why you had your hand out like that?
You right.
I think I was reaching out to grab some candy? I have NO clue!! Oh my God that picture is so embarrassing lol x_x
Just me with my stupid poodle hood, looking all derpy, and my dumb pillow case. -___-
Ha, yeah.
Awww I'm sorry Rachel
I still don't know if i lost it though. My mom could have taken it, she does alot of random crap for no reason.
Damn, I hope its in her room. O_O
LOL no, i think the person just held out the bowl for me and let me grab a handful xD
Maybe you left it in the car? Or something?
Your not saying what I think your saying O_o
At least you're not a pink poodle.
xD My thoughts is that you literally bought it and carried it with you everywhere you went hugging the shit.
Nah.. My mom went out and bought it for me and brought it inside. I even took a pic of it.
So there is no way that its in the car. And that pic proofs it. I only had it in 3 places, my counter, my other place on the counter, and my couch. I looked in all those places and couldn't find it. I even took the damn couch apart.
Maybe your mom moved it somewhere? Maybe you can ask her where she put it.
When my mom carried it in the house, I actually did hug it. xD no joke!
I wore something similar when I was younger
Thing is, if I ask her and it turns out she didn't move it, she will know I lost it. I'll go on a search tomorrow. I can't really run around the house and look for it now considering how late it is, I don't want to wake anyone up.
xD i had a feeling.
Lol, like what?
A dog costume. I'll try to find a pic sometime