How Much Would You Pay for TWD ?
Im not trying to start an argument I sincerely am just very interested in this because I think this a point many overlook. I have my fair share of problems with Telltale mostly relating to episode length, PR, and more importantly, timely release dates BUT this game does only cost 15 dollars (for US.) When you think about it, that is pretty amazing. This game is one of the best I have ever paid but I paid 60 dollars for the other ones. Now with all the complaints and problems (most notably episode length and time of releases) know that we are only paying such a small amount for the game in relation to other major platform games.
So, IF and this is a BIG IF ** Telltale could make **episodes last 2.5-3 hours AND release episodes more timely (I would say a month in-between episodes) would you be willing to pay more for the game? Personally, I would be willing to pay the full 60 if we got more content and less wait times.
Waiting 2 months for 90 minutes of game play is absolutely mind boggling. Like I said before in other threads, I don't care if this is the greatest game in the world but the wait times are unacceptable. Bizarre how they get away with making us wait 2 months for 90 minutes. None the less I am getting off topic.
Question: With longer episodes and shorter wait times, how much would you be willing to pay for all 5 episodes ?
$10,000,000. And then I'd be willing to rob a bank unarmed at 14 years old to get the money. Somehow.
Sorry I had to, but I like the ambition!
"They gon love me for mah ambition!" xD
I wouldn't have to pay anything I would give them this face
Thats essentially the face the fans already give to them, and they don't do anything.
With all the merch I've bought relating to the game I think it's safe to say I would spend much more than 60 dollars on the first season as it was, not sure about s2 yet, I'll just have to wait for the finale to decide.
You know you are doing this to the people who made you shoot a kid right?
Key word: wait. Or you could hypothetically pay and we probably would be done w/ season 2 and speculating about season 3 already.
I am a person with patients. I know something good when I see it and I don't mind waiting for it. Like that nice car down the road, or that pretty girl at the end of the bar. All in due time my friend.
25 cents
Let's see here...The regular price of the game is $24.99 on steam I'm already satisfied with the content I paid for but I would pay 30 bucks for a bit more content maybe 35.
So you hate the game?
No im just a cheapass motherfucker xD
Agreed. I just feel Telltale is leaving A LOT of money on the table. If they can employ more people + make more quality content, I don't understand why they can't raise the price. Even doubling it is a 100% return and that would only be 30 bucks!
I paid 25 for it. I think the most id pay is 70$.
well..downvoters will always pay at full price..or any price that TTG will ask for...
me personally .99 cents per episodes.
. . .ok ? A company can't survive with 99 cents an episode so I am assuming you don't like this game.
What I originally paid. This season's hate is nonexistent to me
As far as I can tell @Koban4max has never liked anything recent from telltale. The dude is WAY to negative.
I'd pay the same price.
$5 a piece just like I am doing.
Nah, the face the fans give is much angrier.
So, you wait for the pretty girl to come to you or...?
The most I'd probably pay for is an average price of $60.
neh, i'm just fuckin' with people's mind...
Nope. But you gotta wait for the right time
I'd buy the whole company bro.
You are whats wrong with the gaming community don't tell them that xD
I don't think you are understanding my question.If you all the things that were wrong with the season were right, how much would you pay? Obviously you would be willing to pay even SLIGHTLY more for that.
The price I'd get for my favourite toaster.
It's a good fucking toaster too.
i'll pay depending on the quality of the game...and length.
who are you referring to?
Kirbinator. I don't know if you realized, but it seems to me that all he does is whine and bitch about TTG not doing stuff right. I'd like to see him handle 3 games at once. People don't know hard it is to make games, let alone 3.
In NZ The Walking Dead GOTY Edition costs 70NZD for disc
With The Wolf Among Us the 90 minutes might be right, as far as I can remember TWD has always been longer.
I also think they are doing the best they can, no need to pressure them. But I was actually thinking about the prices recently and I thought I would pay 45 dollars, it's the first time I've been thinking that a game is sold too cheap But for all the work that goes into it, and to ensure that they are able to keep making games, you get your money's worth imo.
A cent more than the same price.
Oh, they do. There are plenty of armchair experts without actually trying something. Or they claim they create graphics etc. for work, yet their claims are quite outrageous to anyone actually in the know. In other words, they really don't, or they're just trolling/messing around.
I can safely say I know how much work goes into this stuff and I'm using something that's easy to use, with a lot of pre-made assets. Even then, it's still not easy to make something worthwhile.
PS: Not referencing people here, in particular. Speaking in general.