Am I the Only One Who Isn't Bothered by the Short Lengths?
The episodes, to me, didn't feel that short. I thought they were pretty good lengths and I'm completely satisfied with the episodes. Unlike, a lot of people in this forum who claim that they'll stop playing Telltale's games just because their episodes are short.
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You're probably not the only one but 90% of us think that they're too short.
Nope I don't mind the episode being a shorter as long as it doesn't feel rushed and weak in some areas.
No, but you're almost certainly in the minority. Shorter length = less character development, rushed or abandoned plotlines and a generally less coherent and interesting story. I like character development and coherent plotlines.
I'm sure there will still be a few people who won't mind even if they cut the episode length to a half hour. There's always someone who doesn't mind. I mean, there were a very small number of people who approved of Mass Effect 3's original ending.
But in the minority? Oh yes.
I don't mind the length either. Would I like longer episodes? Of fucking course I would! But I'm completely fine with 90 minute episodes.
I will agree on the abandoned plot lines, but there's still an interesting story and character development. There isn't as much character development as there was in Season One, but it's still there.
Right, there isn't as much character development as in Season One. The result is that the primary reaction I've seen on YouTube to characters suddenly dying is surprise rather than grief or anger. Why would you feel any more grief for Alvin dying than you did for that cop who died at the start of Season 1 Episode 1, or Shawn Greene's friend Chet? I know just about as much about him as I did about them. Maybe more, in the case of the cop.
That's a step back from the work they were doing. People should be telling them that and encouraging them in a return to their original standards of quality, not settling for the diminished standards they're working with now.
So do I. Does it have its issues? Yes, but what game doesn't?
Yes, but you're acting like there's no character development at all. There's more to character development than just a character's backstory. Granted, that can be part of character development, but there's really a lot more too it. Like the character's personality, the way they interact with others, the way they speak, etc. And I'm pretty sure most of these character's have their own personality, interaction with others, and speech.
While I wouldn't mind an extension to the length slightly I don't mind it overall, for me the experience is still worth it, no matter the length.
No me too
Yeah they're definitely too short, they should make them at least 3-4 hours long since they're usually around 2 hours long and also for the long agonizing waits!
Same here. Part of me wishes the episodes were longer, but if they only need 90 minutes to tell their story, then we shouldn't stand in the way of that.
If they were 3-4 hours the waits would most likley be longer.
Of course not, there is the Telltale Staff and a handful of people here on the forums and what seems to be a lot more outside of them. I am somewhere in-between.
I'm not bothered by the lengths at all, in fact, they feel like the same length as the first Season to me, most of the times. I know they aren't, but I'm just so immersed that it doesn't really matter. There is one instance I can see a bigger HUB working (when you cross the bridge in Episode 2), but other than that, I feel the character development is fine. It's not perfect, no, but neither was Season 1's.
In fact, the only reason I feel we got as much development as we did in Season 1 for the majority of the characters is because they thought the epidemic would blow over in a couple of days, so everyone tries to connect better by relaying their stories and what they did before the shit hit in the fan. In Season 2, they've all seen everything, and they all know people can lie and etc and don't feel the need to delve into the past. Yes, some tidbits are nice, like with Pete and Nick, but I personally won't care if Sarah does or doesn't talk about her mom, I know a lot about her already. I know a lot about Alvin and Rebecca and even Luke and Carlos. Not to the extent of the S1 cast, of course, but I know enough to care and appreciate their characters.
The only thing I'm disappointed about with S2 is Kenny overshadowing the cabin group since his arrival. I hope Amid the Ruins tones him down a bit.
I like S2, but obviously I would prefer to have longer episodes, so for that we would have more hubs and all that stuff.
People think the length of each episode is a bit disappointing only because they don't want it to end at that particular point. So for example, the first episode of the second season ended in a strange place, so people would get pissed off by the length.
Yeah personally I don't think "A House Divided" was that long, but it had quite a bit in it to be honest
It isn't the waiting that bothers me, I could certainly survive having to wait longer, that is as long as the episodes were longer aswell.
What matters is the finished product, and if the only way we can get an at least 2 hour long episode that has proper hubs(meaning you can talk to everyone instead of just a select few characters) is by giving Telltale more time to finish it, then I ask you why can't we do just that?
I mean its long already.. at least make the time worth it
I think an episode should take an appropriate amount of time and be a certain length to tell what happens in that part of the story. If the story for Episode 4 only pans out to about 90 minutes, then it should be that way. Adding additional filler just to make it longer will get rather boring (Unless you're talking about hubs. Hubs not only extend the episode, but in a good way). This rule also applies for a long episode like 150 minutes. They shouldn't shorten it if it affects the story.
It bothers me I paid $25 to get a game that isn't even as long as season 1 was.
Honestly, putting hubs into the episodes probably wouldn't increase the length significantly enough. You guys do know what made the episodes long in the first place right? It wasn't the hubs, it was the awful puzzles. Think about how much shorter episode 3 would've been if they just removed the train puzzle (Which is awful by the way). That's kind of why I like season 2 a lot, while the loss of hubs is unfortunate, removing those puzzle segments made the pacing of season 2 way better.
How the hell was that awful? It made it feel like you were playing a video game more than just an interactive TV show. Not only that, but the train puzzle was a creative puzzle and it helped us take a breather after what just happened on road with Doug/Carley's death.
It wasn't awful but it certainly was tedious.
Yeah, a really boring and repetitive video game.
Basically, all the parts where S1 tried to act like a video game were it's worst moments to me, (Train section, walking around Crawford, The Drugstore.) While I did like those parts where you just talk to people, I'm glad those puzzles are gone.
It's not that it doesn't bother me it's just that i wound't stop playing because of it. I love the walking dead and I can accept it's flaws and hope that they improve later on.
It's not just the length. It's the length, combined with the long waits for episodes, combined with abandoned plotlines, combined with the lack of hubs, combined with the lack of options to communicate with your group (remember how every episode had a few chatting options with your group members in group 1), etc.
You want puzzles? Go play Professor Layton. Now seriously, the puzzles in Season 1 were boring. They were "creative"? To the universe TWD yes, but what made them look so boring was: they were so repetetive, they were easy but you had to go there and go back(like MMO quests >.>) and it's obvious that they were there to make the episodes longer and give the "vibe" that you're playing a game.
Now hubs, yes, this is something I want again. But so far I'm good with Season 2.
The length of an episode doesn't bother me, as long as it captivates me and makes me feel the tension and emotions of a situation or event, that's more than good enough for me
The shorter length isn't bothering me too much. 2 hour episodes feels more complete than 90 minute ones, but some of the longer episodes in season 1 did drag a bit for me, so I don't mind the tightening in this season.
I do think that some storylines feel dropped, and some resolution or at least acknowledgement in the story would be nice. TWD is still my favorite, but in general, TWAU has done an overall better job for me of using their shortened episode times more effectively. And the episodes have felt longer while I played them than when I looked at the clock afterwards (although I don't know how much of that is due to me generally being tired when playing for the first time).
You know there are allot of popular games that are regarded as too short and sometimes even too long by some players
As far as content goes, season 2 can feel a bit more bare-bones than season one. I don't have a quota for drawn out puzzles or action sequences, but at its core the shorter run-time means less character interaction, less time for pacing, less variation in lasting choices, etc.
It's not that I hate season 2, I just think that there's wasted potential in how it's watered down some of the things that made season one so memorable.
You know what I'd do if I want puzzles? Play a Telltale game actually. It was actually their thing only until recently when they started TWAU. TWAU was actually the first game they made that didn't have puzzles.
Okay. I understand that before their games were full of puzzles, but as I said before the puzzles on TWD were repetitive and boring. If they manage to make puzzles that aren't boring in the TWD universe I would love it. That's it.
And no, I not saying that they should stop it doing puzzles in their games, I'm just saying that if they're going to make more puzzles at least make them more not "tedious". As you said just look at the past Telltale games.
PS: Professor Layton is good. Seriously you should play it.
They could be longer but I'm not complaining! Quality over quantity. I personally prefer this season to the last.