TWAU and TWD Characters Parallels
Bigby-Lee: A man with a troubled past trying to do better.
Snow-Kenny: The protagonists best friend. Even though they disagree with each other on occasion, they are always there for each other.
Crane-Lilly: A person who is the douche of the group and makes a bad decision.
TJ- Clementine/Duck: A kid whom with the protagonist shares a close relationship with.
Faith/Nerissa-Carley: Characters with whom the protagonist shares a slight romantic interest in.
Toad-Ben/Nick: The constant screw up that leaves our protagonist cleaning up the mess.
The Crooked Man-Carver: The main antagonist that pushes our protagonist to their limits.
Gren-Rebecca: The player initially starts off as enemies with them, but become friends later in the game.
Bluebeard-Larry: The players frenemy
Georgie-Troy: The creep and antagonists goon
St. John's-Bloody Marry: The psychopathic enemies our protagonist faces
Stranger-The Woodsman: The antagonist whom our protagonist can sympathize with.
Jersey-Tavia: The blind follower of the antagonist.
Vivian/Bonnie: The person who is neutral
Flycatcher/Sarah: The confused nice person
Bandits-Dee and Dum: Nothing more than goons
Katjaa/Sarita and Kenny: The couple who argue but still love each other
Walter/Butcher: The nice guys with demons
Colin/Bufkin/Omid- The comic relief
Auntie Greenleaf-Tavia: The people who appear nice but really aren't all that nice.
I'm sorry but I don't really see many similarities there
I like this list. I see a lot of flaws in it but, I can get what you're trying to do.
Kenny is not always there for you... in fact he can be quite an asshole (cough not helping you find Clementine cough).
Some of these I do have to disagree with, I really wouldn't consider Snow and Kenny parallels nor Flycatcher and Sarah. Sarah is naive and sheltered, Flycatcher is just ignorant and bliss. He's also too nice of a guy to want to think of any negatives. He's Mr. Optimistic quite a good lot of the time.
Cool list. I like thinking of Snow as the TWAU Kenny, while Faith/Nerissa is the TWAU Carley. It just makes a lot more sense than how I was seeing it. I saw Snow as TWAU Clementine because she was kinda Bigby's moral compass. But she really is less a moral compass than a best friend you disagree with a lot. And while I don't ship Lee/Kenny, I think that Bigby/Snow has a more shippable, tumultuous best friend dynamic to it. At least, I feel that way that now that I'm seeing her as the Kenny parallel. But I also like the much sweeter relationships of Lee/Carley and Bigby/Nerissa. In fact, those are my principal ships. Lol it's fun to see in parallels.
The only similarities I actually saw were between Nick and Prince Lawrence, to be honest. Talking to him at Lily's funeral, felt like he was expecting me to give him a watch or something.
Seriously. They both look very similar what with the mullet and the shirt, and they're both depressed and determinant. Don't tell me I'm not the only one who saw that.
Well if you do ship Bigby and Snow, you'll love reading Fables itself since she's Bigby's primary love interest in Fables
Some of these are nice, but I disagree in a few of them.
Yeah, I was thinking I should check out the comics to see where Bigby and Snow's relationship goes.
Bloody Mary is TWAU's Nate.
Do I need to go over the similarities?