edited October 2017 in The Wolf Among Us

"Nerissa" HAS to be Faith. I can prove this through the knowledge of multiple playthroughs. Be patient and read all of this to fully understand.

Before I get into it, we all know that Telltale does EVERYTHING for a reason, and even the most subtle of hints have been carefully placed in the game by them,
some examples are: Georgie's "stop laughing" line and the fact that his choice in cigarettes matches the killer's unpopular brand. Clues like these are present well before act 5. On that topic, there are actually a load of other subtle clues, some that are the more relevant to this topic are as follows:
while being interrogated in Act 2, the Woodsman mentions that faith stole something and in act 4 at the Tweedle's office, a document mentions that what Faith stole was a photograph from the crooked man.

These are some things hide in plain sight and Telltale do these things intentionally!
if you've never played a Telltale game and are unaware of how subtle they are, you should also consider all the research they would have to perform before writing a story about fable characters; they CANNOT create an event that would conflict with fable comics, or the history of the characters.

Keep in mind, all of Telltale's research and of course, their notorious sneaky nature, these events are NOT coincidences:

Now, consider Faith's original story that was intentionally drilled into our heads back in act 1, "She flees her town while in a disguise". Its not a coincidence that "Nerissa" does this at the end, nor is it a coincidence that Bufkin quotes that very line during Bigby's thoughts at the end.
The lines Bigby remembers are mostly similar dialogue between the two girls, there's no other reason to throw in Bufkin's line other than to differentiate which one is alive, clearly implying that Faith disguised herself and left. Think about it, when Telltale was choosing which lines Bigby recalls, that line wouldn't be there if they weren't trying to make it clear who was who.

The thought of Nerissa being alive seems more logical at first, but think about Faith's personality in contrast to Nerissa's, Faith is clever, witty, and can be deceitful at times, Nerissa is more emotional and not quick on her feet like Faith. So HOW ON EARTH could "Nerissa" be so prepared to lie to the entire community INSTANTLY after her spell was broken? Furthermore, the next day at the crack of dawn she is already packed and ready to leave town, surely this decision had to have been planned.
This begs the question, If it was truly a traumatized Nerissa confessing herself to Bigby at the end why would she avoid telling Bigby she glamoured herself as Faith in the beginning? We know one of them is the other, so a humbled, emotional Nerissa would surely have opened up about this...UNLESS (take a guess) she is actually Faith trying to escape!

The very last line in the entire game is a quote from Faith where she says, "See you around, Wolf."
To me, this is a HUGE indication that Faith planned on seeing Bigby again. Surely the decision to make it the final line in the game must've had Telltale feeling that they're making it obvious.
(This is certainly her voice as the subtitles for this line are blue.)

Additionally, something that irked me during the actual end conversation with "Nerissa", is that she seems to answer some things with ambiguity, and it almost seems as if shes trying to distance herself from all the conflict, "Faith did this, then Faith did that" she tries to blame it all on the "Faith" that Bigby believes is out of the picture. This is more clever writing from Telltale and closes the case in my eyes, but on the topic of how this could all be possible, it is noteworthy that the butcher's shop in Act 4 has a chalkboard which shows that Faith, Lily AND the real Nerissa purchased glamours, so this would support the idea of the real Nerissa being killed in Faith's place.

Let me know what you think, I have yet to find anything that conflicts this theory overall, I think i've cracked it.



  • Faith is alive. The Wolf Among Us' main secondary character was Faith from the beginning.

  • I agree with your theory, but i'm still confused about the beginning... was it nerissa's head glamoured as faith's head? If it was really faith in the beginning and she was glamoured after she left woody's then why does the fake Faith's head have bruises too? I'm confused :\

  • Any line that Bigby remembers at the end doesn't have to be in there for the specific reason of indicating the correct answer. It is there to indicate the possible answers that are in Bigby's head at the time, because Bigby hasn't figured it out, yet.

    Bigby is a great detective, but he doesn't solve things automatically (particularly not in the game...).

  • edited July 2014

    It would be cool if Faith were alive, but it can't be true. The special statistics at the end of the game confirms that Faith is "Deceased". Also, Nerissa's confession to Bigby at the end revealed how she already guided the investigation along. Nerissa's "You're not as bad as everyone says you are was just her own clever way of implying, "Oh, and by the way, the Faith you met was actually me". Bigby being able to confront her would be due to anger in how she greatly manipulated his feelings and is now just calmly walking away.

  • edited July 2014

    I am currently replaying the game and found something particularly interesting in Episode 2. When leaving Georgie to phone in his complaint at the Pudding and Pie, Bibgy goes to the dressing rooms where "Nerissa" is. Whilst inspecting the cubbyholes, Faith's belongings are scattered on the floor (her makeup, lipstick etc) with the lock broken from where they were meant to be found. Where I see fault in the theory that Faith is Nerissa, is that if Faith really was Nerissa disguised, she wouldn't have to smash open the boxes, unless Nerissa glamoured as Faith and busted her way into her belongings. To be honest, this has only confused me even more, because when reading your theory, I was rather convinced but this 'loophole' (if it could be called that) has just made it even worse for me to stick with one theory.

    Also, if going on the basis that Nerissa was Faith, then I believe there is an explanation for her behaviour in the trial. Due to the spell, she couldn't talk openly about the investigation, but with it broken, the somewhat "real" Nerissa comes out and has free will again to make her own choices and decisions. That's how I see it.

    Still though, it's confusing!

  • Very interesting, I hadn't noticed that before. Also I appreciate your opinion on my theory.
    Perhaps the broken lock was caused by Georgie (or whoever else that was involved) searching for the picture Faith stole? It would definitely be a place they'd ransack while she was gone.

    Cazzara posted: »

    I am currently replaying the game and found something particularly interesting in Episode 2. When leaving Georgie to phone in his complaint

  • I considered that as well, but don't forget in Act 1 Bufkin and Snow declare Fatih "Deceased" despite the proper evidence to fully conclude that the body is indeed Faith, so I feel that Telltale wouldn't change her status to "Alive" as they want things to be as abstract as possible

    It would be cool if Faith were alive, but it can't be true. The special statistics at the end of the game confirms that Faith is "Deceased".

  • Wow, I was adamant that the person at the end was Nerissa and she just glamoured herself as Faith in episode 1 to help Bigby with the case or something like that. But reading this, I think you're right. Season 2 confirmed then? xD

  • edited July 2014

    A very good point, however I feel that Telltale used the flashback from a story-teller's standpoint, imploring the player to be the detective from the "facts" so to speak, that they present, especially since you are given a choice immediately after learning this information

    Any line that Bigby remembers at the end doesn't have to be in there for the specific reason of indicating the correct answer. It is there t

  • edited July 2014

    I thought the same thing about the "Deceased" stamp at the end, during the stats. The book that Bufkin brings out is stamped with that and as far as everyone in Fabletown is concerned, Faith is dead. So, it's just following what is believed in Fabletown. It would take some of the impact of the Faith revelation away if Telltale wrote "Alive" under Faith's picture. We're supposed to debate over and wrestle with it. I, too, believe Faith is alive. The whole "leaves the kingdom in disguise" seals the deal for me. Even if we're just hearing Bigby's own subjective, possibly inaccurate conclusions, why would Telltale choose the story of Donkeyskin if not to tie it in at the end? It just fits too perfectly. The Little Mermaid's story is not like what we see in the end, but Donkeyskin's is identical. That's not coincidence. My main questions are how and when. How did she pull of the glamoured head without anyone knowing (Dr. Swineheart must be in on it) and when did she glamour herself as Nerissa?

    Romano7 posted: »

    I considered that as well, but don't forget in Act 1 Bufkin and Snow declare Fatih "Deceased" despite the proper evidence to fully conclude

  • Thank you very much! I previously thought it was Nerissa as well! Now, I really feel that Telltale would try to dig for a deeper meaning by having Faith as the survivor.

    Healoz posted: »

    Wow, I was adamant that the person at the end was Nerissa and she just glamoured herself as Faith in episode 1 to help Bigby with the case or something like that. But reading this, I think you're right. Season 2 confirmed then? xD

  • Very well said! Im obviously biased because your comment supports my point haha, but in all honesty I don't see why it would be set up so similarly to the story of Donkeyskin if it wasn't meant to be interpreted that way.
    Also on the topic of glamouring Nerissa and Faith, we know that Faith was covering Lily's shift (which she had to give up because of her appointment with Crane) so perhaps some sort of shift switching between Nerissa and Faith could be the cause.

    I thought the same thing about the "Deceased" stamp at the end, during the stats. The book that Bufkin brings out is stamped with that and a

  • OH MY GOD. You sir are amazing. Make love to me! jk don't. seriously.

  • Well thank you my friend! oh and yea i don't plan on it ahaha.

    OH MY GOD. You sir are amazing. Make love to me! jk don't. seriously.

  • edited July 2014

    I just started replaying some episodes, and came across a quote from Bigby to Colin in Act 1, "It is better to be feared than loved, you know who said that?"
    Colin cuts Bigby off before he could reveal the source of the quote,
    I thought this sounded familiar and it was a quote from Niccolo Machiavelli, a famous philosopher I studied. Bigby wouldn't ask "who said that?" if Telltale didn't want people to find out who said it, which is interesting because Machiavelli notoriously advised FAKING ONE'S DEATH to fool their enemes! This might only shock me because I learnt about the guy, but I think its a huge hint from the writers!

  • Sorry Romano7, but these “evidences” are not new or even so conclusive as you believe they are.

    About the second point you raised (the personality), considering that your hypothesis that Nerissa was dead from the beginning, we do not know how her personality was. On the other hand, the same is true about Faith if we consider that she was the one that was dead. What most of us agree is that one was already dead from the beginning and this means that we only know one of the characters (that was, in fact, acting as to different people). We cannot really say how these different people truly are and, therefore, we cannot contrast them.

    You are mostly trying to lead the evidences instead of been guided by them. In aonther example, when you say that “the butcher's shop in Act 4 has a chalkboard which shows that Faith, Lily AND the real Nerissa purchased glamours, so this would support the idea of the real Nerissa being killed in Faith's place”, you ignore that the fact that Nerissa and Faith both have glamours means that both can play this hide and seek game (not just one of them).

  • Wow, I wish I was that observant in these sort of games. I was completely mind fucked on the Faith/Nerissa thing.

    Romano7 posted: »

    HUGE MINDFUCK I just started replaying some episodes, and came across a quote from Bigby to Colin in Act 1, "It is better to be feared than

  • edited July 2014

    Interesting that you said you studied Niccolo Machiavelli when you're not even aware of the fact that he's infamous for something he never did. It is a common misconception that he faked his own death but there is absolutely no proof that he did. He did however write a book which addresed the topic of how it was a great way to fool your enemies.

    I think you probably discovered Machiavelli through the 2pac conspiracy theories. Him renaming himself to Makiaveli is just a referance to the fact that he read some of his books in prison, not a historical reenactment of something that never happened.

    Romano7 posted: »

    HUGE MINDFUCK I just started replaying some episodes, and came across a quote from Bigby to Colin in Act 1, "It is better to be feared than

  • edited July 2014

    I had studied Machiavelli in Law and Philosophy courses back in high school, and briefly in University. I had heard about his supposed fake death outside of school, a "fake death" which is generally inconclusive yet he still is associated with, nevertheless my point still holds value as Machiavelli advised doing whatever possible to fool one's enemies and is heavily theorized as a person who faked his death. Tupac's involvement in this means nothing to me.

    Interesting that you said you studied Niccolo Machiavelli when you're not even aware of the fact that he's infamous for something he never d

  • at first i tought Nerissa was glamoured as Faith in Ep.1 , but if you ask Magic Mirror for Faith in Ep.1 it can't tell you where Faith is, so does that means Faiths ribbon still works ?
    Which would mean that Faith is still alive ?

  • The Magic Mirror is actually what convinced me since the beginning that Faith was still alive. If she were dead, I believe Bigby would have been shown her head or body, not have been confronted with "these lips are sealed".

    I really need to play this game again from the beginning and try to look for more clues!

    Zeke500 posted: »

    at first i tought Nerissa was glamoured as Faith in Ep.1 , but if you ask Magic Mirror for Faith in Ep.1 it can't tell you where Faith is, so does that means Faiths ribbon still works ? Which would mean that Faith is still alive ?

  • Right on, TMLC! It's weird, crazy theories like this that end up as "the moon landings were fake" and "no jet hit the WTC, it was a hologram". This wild, unnecessary complexity in explanations is like a plague in this country. If there's a simple, obvious answer, then the answer is almost certainly simple and obvious.

    TMLC posted: »

    Sorry Romano7, but these “evidences” are not new or even so conclusive as you believe they are. About the second point you raised (the pe

  • It struck me...
    Nerissa/Faith left Faiths head at the doorstep... Did she also leave Lily's? She made no mention of it, right?

  • The Magic Mirror isn't really an indicator here, since if you ask about Lily after she's dead it still replies "these lips are sealed".

    The clue that puzzles me most are the bruises on the head we find at the Woodlands. If the woman at the start and the woman at the end are the same person, which it seems like they are, then how is it that the first victim's head has bruises? It seems that the glamour of the first victim (if the head was glamoured) must have been put on after Faith received bruises but either before the first victim was killed, or after to convince Bigby that the two Faith's he sees are the same.

    If the woman at the start was Nerissa, then she would have to be wearing the glamour of an already beaten Faith, since Nerissa's bruises wouldn't be transferrable to Faith's head. This works, but only really if you think the first scene happens before Faith is killed and that Nerissa would go to a job already bruised (and you need to have a reason for leaving the Donkeyskin coat there). I don't find it as elegant as a Faith-survives solution.

    nursethalia posted: »

    The Magic Mirror is actually what convinced me since the beginning that Faith was still alive. If she were dead, I believe Bigby would have

  • Colin confirmed as Machiavelli in pig glamour.

    Romano7 posted: »

    HUGE MINDFUCK I just started replaying some episodes, and came across a quote from Bigby to Colin in Act 1, "It is better to be feared than

  • Also "Nerrisa" didn't want Bigby to take off her ribbon at the end of the game. Maybe it helps her disguise

  • in ep:1 it had to be the real faith because if it was nerissa she would still have bruises because a glamour doesn't protect the body from physical damage. thats why lilly still had rope marks on her ankles after bigby removed her glamour.

  • This was also a detail "Nerissa" left out that seemed shady to me, why wouldnt she mention it? Certainty doesn't seem consistent with the Nerissa character from her fable

    Vvardenfell posted: »

    It struck me... Nerissa/Faith left Faiths head at the doorstep... Did she also leave Lily's? She made no mention of it, right?

  • Im really confused now. Like you said, Telltale really pays attention to details. If you compare the brand of cigs smoked by Faith in ep1 and Nerrisa in ep3, you could clearly see that they are different, first one smokes regular and the other slims. Which means, if Nerrisa was Faith, she would've taken her own cigs with her I guess, and they would be slims.
    Also, Nerissa said that when she left Faiths head, she cut her leg. And in ep2 when shes dancing almost naked, we couldnt see even a scratch on any of her legs. There was a lot of blood, and i know that some fables can heal really quickly, but as an example, Woody had a real bad cut in the skull and wears a bandadge. Same with mr Toad after being cut with the poker. If she hurt herself so badly, shouldnt she have some sort of bandadge? Or a wound, healing one even?
    The piece of fabric found on the crime scene doesnt match, during the game until the last scenes, Nerissa doesnt wear denim.

    Im just so confused, at first i thought it was Nerissa being Faith too, but now? I just dont know anymore.

  • its hard to believe that Faith and Nerissa are the same person because they seem to have very different personalities e.g. Faith is fine after the woodsman beat her up but Nerissa was in tears when crane was just shaking her. If it was faith she would have probably punched him. Nerissa seems like a much softer character than Faith. think about if you were glamoured as someone else even if you were trying to copy that person it would be very hard to just change yourself. I would hate to find out that the Nerissa we know was actually just an act because i really liked her.

  • If Nerissa was Faith in the beginning, wouldnt 'Faith's glamour expires and returns to Nerissas body as how we saw with Snow & Lily?

  • Not if the glamour tube wasn't opened, although we don't know how long glamours last.

    rookirab posted: »

    If Nerissa was Faith in the beginning, wouldnt 'Faith's glamour expires and returns to Nerissas body as how we saw with Snow & Lily?

  • edited July 2014

    well eventually it will wear off if its glamoured too bad we can't see it.

    rookirab posted: »

    If Nerissa was Faith in the beginning, wouldnt 'Faith's glamour expires and returns to Nerissas body as how we saw with Snow & Lily?

  • edited July 2014

    has anybody got any theories on where the first body is? im surprised it gets forgotten so easily no one even mentions it after the first episode.

  • edited July 2014

    Edit: I stand corrected. I didn't know you get a different choice if you interrogate the Woodsman.

    The Magic Mirror isn't really an indicator here, since if you ask about Lily after she's dead it still replies "these lips are sealed".

    Nope. You don't ask the Mirror for "Lily", you can only ask "Who's the victim?".

    The mirror will reply saying that he needs you to be more specific The mirror never mentions "these lips are sealed" when it comes to Lily.

    Signyl posted: »

    The Magic Mirror isn't really an indicator here, since if you ask about Lily after she's dead it still replies "these lips are sealed". T

  • There could be a possibility that she could have cut herself before she used the glamour and that the glamour could be covering up her cut.

    laaaneful posted: »

    Im really confused now. Like you said, Telltale really pays attention to details. If you compare the brand of cigs smoked by Faith in ep1 an

  • Faith has a history of acting like someone or something else. She probably knew Narissa well enough to know how she would react in those situations.

    its hard to believe that Faith and Nerissa are the same person because they seem to have very different personalities e.g. Faith is fine aft

  • Tsk. You only get it if you interrogate the Woodsman.
    Alt text
    Alt text
    Alt text

    Edit: I stand corrected. I didn't know you get a different choice if you interrogate the Woodsman. The Magic Mirror isn't really an in

  • Which happens before you find Liliy's body.

    Signyl posted: »

    Tsk. You only get it if you interrogate the Woodsman.

  • Yeah, but she's already dead. TJ just gave evidence, Bigby saw the head, and the body's over in the next room. So as a test for the ribbon spell, it works.

    Razerhdd posted: »

    Which happens before you find Liliy's body.

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