Why I have hope for Determinant Characters

Before "Cry Wolf" was released, nearly every character in Telltale's Determinant Character Status was killed(Carley, Doug, Ben, Pete, Alvin). So going into the season finale of The Wolf Among Us, I expected to see all the characters who I went through the trouble of keeping alive(Price Lawrence, Dum, etc) die an unjust death. Well, I was pleasantly surprised when none of that happened. I felt like keeping those characters alive actually mattered in the end. They all affected the trial in some way shape or form. I applaud Telltale for taking the extra time to give all these Determinant Characters meaning and weight on the story. Now, while still unlikely, I now have more hope that characters such as Nick, Sarita, or others will survive. So, thank you Telltale for both an amazing episode and season. Now, #SaveNick!


  • Determinants either die or stay in the background. I honestly feel if season 1 had been the final instalment ben would have lived

  • True. I hope Nick survives and have more dialoge and role in the story.

  • I really hope they don't kill of all the determinant characters in TWD, as you stated saving a determinant character for the first season didn't really have any meaning since they just ended up dying... except for minor/background characters who we probably won't meet again. If determinant characters survive one Season, then past Seasons and DLC will have a greater impact on future Seasons, and maybe even change the story itself?

  • edited July 2014

    Yea, some determinant characters are expendable income. Plus, I think the only reason why Wolf Among Us determinants are kept alive to the end rather than Walking Dead characters is because the style of both games are different. Characters in The Walking Dead come and go because it's set in the Apocalypse, That's when everyone has to fend for themselves and death becomes inevitable. The Wolf Among Us follows a murder case, but some of the determinants there can play an important or semi-important role to the story(at least for Lawrence and Crooked Man).

    EDIT: Also, murder and crime was seriously looked down upon and laws were present in The Wolf Among Us.

  • I think that determinants will become more important in The Walking Dead game series as the story continues, they will have to learn teamwork in order to survive and in order to recreate humanity and start a new thriving community, they will need as many people as they can. But even if TWD gets to the point where they begin to build a safe place, there are still other groups and Walkers, not to mention a safe place never last as long as you'd hope.

    Yea, some determinant characters are expendable income. Plus, I think the only reason why Wolf Among Us determinants are kept alive to the e

  • SaveNick (AKA, Vanilla Ice)

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