I agree. Not to say Episode 5 was bad, but the way the story was told in Episode 1 was with out a doubt the best of all 5. I felt the most connected with the game during Episode 1.
Well Episode 1 was better. It was longer the atmosphere was better and it was more exciting. Episode 2 was the lamest episode from telltale … morein my opinion. The ending of Episode 3 was good again and ep4 was...yeah it was not bad. Episode 5 was really full of action and really cool, but short. Wolf among us failed a little with the length of the episode and some characters. Whats making me angry is that some characters are really stupid. They bitching no matter what I do
I like episode 3 more than 1 or 5
that was the episode that really hooked me because up until that episode I thought this was going to be… more a simple and Clichéd murder mystery
but when bloody mary and the crooked man showed up at the end I knew this was way bigger than that
episode 1 is the start of this epic series ... so it'll be best ..
i agree
i never said that they arent
next time analize a comment better before replying
I somewhat agree. I thought the 2nd episode was the worst. 4 was ok.
you did say episode 4 is worst .
Can i get a thanks too?
lol thank u
i prefer episode 1
I like episode 3 more than 1 or 5
that was the episode that really hooked me because up until that episode I thought this was going to be a simple and Clichéd murder mystery
but when bloody mary and the crooked man showed up at the end I knew this was way bigger than that