Why does everyone think this? It's ridiculous!

In several threads here, people take it for granted that the girl in the final scene was Faith. WTF??? FAITH IS DEAD. She got killed in the first episode, and in the last scene with Bigby, Nerissa even says she left Faith's head on the sidewalk. Georgie admitted killing her. Plus, there is not a reason on god's green earth why we should think Faith is alive. And if Faith IS alive, who's head was it in episode 1? Why didn't she show up until the last scene? Are you people stupid or just crazy? Or am I missing something? --- lotsa questions!
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People think that it may have been Faith because of that bit of internal dialogue at the end. Where Bigby starts comparing things that Faith and Nerissa said to him in his mind. Then they add that Dr. Swineheart never got back to them about the test results, and that Faith has a history of concealing her true identity so that she can get out of bad situations (the Donkeyskin story).
So, that kind of leaves it up in the air. I think there is evidence to support either. Since magic and glamours exist in this world, it's possible that Georgie killed who he thought was Faith, but it may have actually been Nerissa. Then it would have been Nerissa's head (made to look like Faith's) left at the Woodlands. And Faith would have just been pretending to be Nerissa all along while essentially steering Bigby exactly where she wanted him to go so that she could bring down the Crooked Man's operation and get out of the whole thing for good. Faith stole the photo, Nerissa ratted her out, so maybe Faith switched places with Nerissa because she was scared for her life?
I don't know. Then again, it could have been Nerissa the whole time. I say it was Faith. My husband says it was Nerissa.
Just read some of the theories, though and you may understand what people are getting at. There are some interesting ideas floating around.
Well thanx for the long reply! But I still think that's adding unnecessary complexity.
It does complicate things. That's why my husband thinks it was Nerissa. He just sees it as more of a straightforward story.
It was faith at the end, if you ask the mirror about faith in episode 1 after the head is found he says ''these lips are sealed'' so faith was still alive with the ribbon but just wearing glamour, she glamoured herself as nerissa and vice versa.
I don't know why the mirror's lips were sealed since it wasn;'t wearing a ribbon, but why does that imply that faith was still alive?
The story does seem cut and dry until previous game dialogue starts playing over the scene, implying that Faith may have yet again disguised herself to escape danger - it's a pretty good hint that the story was more complicated than we'd assumed. Naturally, this is going to make players try to think more analytically about what they've just played and try to formulate alternate theories expanding on what we've already been shown. Calling other players "stupid" and "crazy" for this reason is incredibly rude and shortsighted.
I think faith at the start was actually Nerrissa, and faith was already dead, then Nerrissa put faiths head at his door step!
She said "you're not as bad as everyone says you are",this said Faith to Bigby.Maybe she had uses glamour and Bigby gets the Flashbacks.....these are good reasons
Because the magic coming from the ribbon hid faith and the mirror was unable to reveal her location.
Well then shut the fuck up if you're going to make excuses for your false statements.
Where's the false statement? I'm a scientist IRL and "you made a false statement" is fightin' words to me.
You'll just post what you think in your head and then try to defend yourself if someone argues with you by telling him or her that you've got a disorder? That you're a scientist in real life? Do you seriously think people actually care and that they will treat you differently because of that?
I wouldn't think too hard about this. Telltale certainly didn't. If they had it planned from the beginning there would have been clues scattered throughout the season. Instead, we get some flashback with no evidence other than a repeated line of dialogue. Bigby's a better detective than that. It was a disgraceful ending, in my opinion.
if it was nerissa in episode one she would have bruises because a glamour doesn't protect the person from physical damage. we know this because lilly still had rope marks on her legs after bigby removed the glamour
Suppose but would swineheart not have told snow or big by it was a glamour? Because eventually the glamour would run out?
Hey, I'm not sure what to think and I believe that was the point. Nerissa threw a considerable amount of doubt on the whole thing.
The evidence is Bigby's memories and the things he picked up. I'd say that's significant and proves him to be an effective detective.
we don't actually know how long glamours last before they have to be renewed . regardless it had to be the real faith in the beginning.
Bigby was a terrible detective in Season 1. He thought it was a serial killer, then thought it was Crane. He's been wrong pretty consistently throughout the season.
Following clues and making conclusions doesnt make him a bad detective. You expect him to know everything right away? Maybe you do if you read the comics and saw how he solved the murder in the first volume but if that happened, there would be no game. He has been working the case the way a mundie would I guess because he has all of us playing the game going along for the ride and we need to be able to follow his chain of thought and make conclusions for ourselves.
You are definitely right. Hey you can even play it the way Bigby would, but wouldn't know it till episode 5. We aren't exactly like Bigby but we can make some sense of it once we put the pieces together.
Telltale have to tell us sooner or later they can't leave us guessing for ever thats just cruel. for a period of time its good to get the community more active but eventually people are gonna get bored of guessing they'll want to know the truth. i know i do because no matter what theories i come up with i will always have doubts if I'm actually right.