Am I The Only One...
That doesn't want to have Rebecca's baby survive and be just a carry-around plot device? Because literally, that's the only purpose that I can see it serving... It just hinders so much of the player-choice aspect if it becomes something central, and I think that between trying to survive as a kid on her own, Clem already has more than enough on her plate... I just think it's been done too many times in The Walking Dead and hope that if the baby does survive they don't drop it on Clem because it'd just be ridiculous because no matter what you'd probably be forced into lugging the baby around forever trying to keep it safe. Maybe it would be a reprisal of the Lee story, i.e. Now there's Clem's Lee, but still... We already played that story... And Clem isn't the right one to be honest. Just no. I don't want to see that happen. At. All. Best hope is that Christa comes back and takes it, cause honestly I don't see Rebecca making it out at all, what with them deliberately showing her taking Carver's gun (which will definitely be used at some point, why not on herself?).
Never noticed her taking Carver's gun. Good find.
I don't care about this baby as I don't care about Sarah. I'm done with saving useless people. If i could leave them, I'll do it. Waiting for downvotes...
EDIT: Thank you.
Yes, Carver.
Well, to be fair, I am saying "Am I the only one who doesn't want to have Rebecca's baby survive and be just a carry-around plot device" meaning I'm fine with the baby surviving if they can figure out how to use it for something other than becoming the unwanted central plot device that will shift the story focus entirely onto protecting it because the narrative demands it. That said, I really just don't think they can. But I'd be glad to be proven wrong, or see it handled in an interesting way. But with something like a baby, there's really no alternative.
I hope it survives, but if it does I also hope it isn't placed in Clementine's care. My hope is that Christa will come marching in and save the day.
Carrying the baby around will be hard so I doubt they'll have it for long, I just don't how they will make it "cease to function". It'd be brutal seeing it getting eaten by walkers.
I want the baby to be okay. Just out of the sake of wanting something good to happen. BUT, I do agree that it would be ridiculous for Clementine to have to take care of the baby most of the time. I just don't want the baby to be the main focus of the story for now on. Honestly I don't want to sound brutal or anything, but I think the chances of a baby surviving the zombie apocalypse currently are pretty low.
I see Christa going absolutely batshit and stealing the baby or Clementine "giving" the baby to Christa after Rebecca's death as a (sort of) redemptive act.
Same, I don't like those things.
I assume it may die in the cold up north or something. The conditions will probably be too hard for an infant to bear.
I want Christa to come and take care of Rebecca's baby . Christa probably miscarriaged her baby , i think she can look and grow a baby better than Rebecca.. I hope she wouldn't die though..
I sincerely hope that Rebecca's baby won't die, the more children that survive the higher the hope for the next generation
Whatever you say, Carver.
Pete: "Clem, take care of Nick for me."
Luke: "Keep an eye on Nick for me, will ya?"
Alvin: "Take care of my girls..."
Clementine: "I'M ONLY 11, YOU ASSHOLES!"
If they pull a Judith/Lori like in the comics i'm gonna be pissed.
I was kind of wondering how this group would handle a baby in the ZA. I think having a baby in the group will hinder their survival, but I think it's do-able nonetheless.
If you recall in the comic, Lori took care of her baby, Judith for a while until Lori was shot in the back while carrying Judith and fell on her. In the tv show, the baby was born although Lori died of childbirth and at the end of the 3rd season (I think) we are thought to believe zombies killed Judith while the Governor is taking over the prison but we find out that Tyresse has taken care of Judith all along in the 4th season.
If Rebecca's baby makes it, we will probably take care of it for a while (I can see this as a cute and innocent moment in the game, something new for the game that gives us a sense of hope and lifts everyone's spirits) but then (probably the end of the 4th episode,) the baby will be killed.