Bufkin, Toad,TJ or Colin. Who's your favorite?
Who's your favourite fable without a glamour?
I gotta say, my vote's for
--- Colin.
A smoking, beer drinking couch potato pig with a New Jersey accent is hilarious. I can take a good guess what he looks like with his glamour. lol
I'd hoped for more of him in the series.
Toad's accent is cool, TJ's a little irritating and Bufkin was cute (Kinda felt bad for choosing to say 'F*** off, Bufkin' when Bigby first meets the character. lol) But Colin gets the vote for my fav.
What's yours?
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I've always loved Bufkin's character. Colin is pretty cool too, and TJ is adorable.
I just lost patience with Toad, though.
So, is that one vote for Bufkin Violet_Zephyr?
And so it begins... I'm gonna give this 4 weeks to see who wins the 'MOST LOVED GLAMOURLESS'.
Sure, I'll cast my vote for Bufkin.
Bufkin all the way! You rarely see a green, flying monkey that's witty in a video game. So, my vote goes to him!
Toad. Gotta love the accent, mate.
I'm gonna have to go with Colin. The way he just winks at Bigby before waddling away with the beer in episode 5 sold me on his character. Such a laid back pig. :]
Toad is hilarious. I always laugh when he gets aggressive.
Bufkin is a sweetheart, plus his voice really suits him.
TJ is just flat out adorable.
Bufkin + 2
Colin + 2
Toad + 1
TJ 0
Bufkin for me.
He's such an adorable little bugger. God knows I really dislike kids, but him I'd adopt any day. We'd go swimming and bug-catching and at the end of the day I'd tuck him into bed and read him a nice story. I just wanna coddle him so bad.
Seriously, he wakes all these maternal feelings in me I didn't even know I had.