The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Sure.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    "Why don't you take a seat, right over there."

    edited July 2014

    Why every time I'm trying to be serious I'M BEING CALLED DAD?!?!

    Just trying to help...

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    Thanks, dad. >.<

  • When you see your close friends be mentioned multiple times by famous people while you just sit by your little alienated self waiting for something...

    Oh... Just me? Okay...

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  • That's the thing, i CAN'T tell her what i want to face to face. I am just bad at... Talking. But i'm good at writing. And the paper understands better than anyone else... I just want her to know that i still love her and i always will, even though i act the way i do... Distant and...

    I have been preparing my speech for a long time. One day, i was going to tell her, but when i finally made up my mind to do it, i just COULDN'T talk. At all. I appeared so stupid and... I don't want to go through it again. I don't know what to do...

    I'm sorry about whatever it is you're going through. I actually did something like this when I was around 12-13 after I got yelled at for my

  • AHHHHHH! -runs away-


  • You're not the only one. O~O

    I really want to punch that jello for some reason...

  • ;_;

    Whispers: Like I care what CiD thinks


    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Why every time I'm trying to be serious I'M BEING CALLED DAD?!?! Just trying to help...


    AWESOMEO posted: »

    @Welcome_to_Woodbury I was so paranoid my parents will walk in on me making this... It would be easier to explain porn...

  • You kill me.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    @Cluke_is_Dumb @Welcome_to_Woodbury

  • I guess it's even sillier that i'm so scared of crushes now...

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    After reading the replies to Juice about all those crushes, I feel like I need to say something: People with a crush (most of them) are l

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    Expand :D

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    When you see your close friends be mentioned multiple times by famous people while you just sit by your little alienated self waiting for something... Oh... Just me? Okay...

  • xD

    It's so deep you can see Adele rolling in it.

    Rafoli posted: »

    This shit is so deep I found oil.



  • Yo gots talent, guuurl.

    hehehe thanks

  • Can't it sound like a friendly advice? v_v


  • Thanks ^-^ I also did a Baratheon one, but it's not finished yet.

    Azlyn posted: »

    Yo gots talent, guuurl.

  • Holy mother of God.

    I just finished Cry Wolf and i am freaking crying. ;~;

    I feel like you guys don't even need me to use caps for you to understand how much this whole series is killing me.

  • "Ok, why did you come here?"


  • edited July 2014

    Multiple friends I have... have close contacts with Melissa and Gavin ;_;

    And I don't, obviously ;P If anyone asked Gavin right now "What do you think about Juice_Box?" he'd most likely respond with "Who?"

    Markd4547 posted: »


  • Lol, it does I was just kidding :p Thanks.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Can't it sound like a friendly advice? v_v

  • You cried too?! I thought I was the only one who had a heart for a while ;_;

    Azlyn posted: »

    Holy mother of God. I just finished Cry Wolf and i am freaking crying. ;~; I feel like you guys don't even need me to use caps for you to understand how much this whole series is killing me.

  • The world's gone to shit.

    What's good?

  • Damn, how?

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    Multiple friends I have... have close contacts with Melissa and Gavin ;_; And I don't, obviously ;P If anyone asked Gavin right now "What do you think about Juice_Box?" he'd most likely respond with "Who?"

  • She's back.

    Azlyn posted: » PLEASE look.

  • HES MARRIED??! omg Rachelle.. smh

    Because........ because he's married, lol. >.>

  • edited July 2014

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    Pfff I talked to gavin a lot his my bro not a big deal as for Melissa dayum that's Jongons bro :'D

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    Multiple friends I have... have close contacts with Melissa and Gavin ;_; And I don't, obviously ;P If anyone asked Gavin right now "What do you think about Juice_Box?" he'd most likely respond with "Who?"

  • edited July 2014

    You probably just heard it wrong because i was whispering.... YOU HEARD NOTHING.

    Love you son! <3333


  • edited July 2014

    -snaps belt-


    AHHHHHH! -runs away-

  • Wait, where is it?! Lol.

    I think you tried... but, heh. If you say so. B]

    Well, you got your wish. R U HAPPY Also, no, I'm not trying to pout in my picture. So don't ask.

  • edited July 2014

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    HOW...WHEN.....DAYUM :'O your very talented that's awesome MOAR!!


  • You guys haven't the slightest of how IMPORTANT this game-this whole SERIES- is for me. Like, i am honestly crying right now. I NEED a sequel.

    No, you don't get it.

    I NEED it.

    Even though everyone says good things have to end, like it's not worth it, i just NEED to know what happens next, that SOMETHING happens... And i already read the comics, and i NEED to hang on to this whole universe! I NEED to!

    And, i mean, there are a whole LOT of unanswered questions.

    I restarted the whole series before playing Cry Wolf, you know. And the one thing that stuck to my mind is WHO shot Lawrence. Remember that bullet stuck in the wall behind him? HOW did it end up there? Prince Lawrence said things were fuzz anyway...

    I understand that small detail might have belonged to the first plot of the series, the one that way presumably abandoned, but... I NEED to know!

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    You cried too?! I thought I was the only one who had a heart for a while ;_;

  • Can i see it once it's done?

    Thanks ^-^ I also did a Baratheon one, but it's not finished yet.

  • Today is the first day I'm actually bored here :c

  • He kills me. This gif kills me. It really does.

    Rafoli posted: »

    Thunder and rain so I got to leave work early today, but I still get paid ^-^

  • Lmao! This is great!

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    @Weclome_to_Woodbury O_O

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    I've talked to Gavin too, but i'm not a memorable person.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Pfff I talked to gavin a lot his my bro not a big deal as for Melissa dayum that's Jongons bro :'D

  • What in the heavens?

    Azlyn posted: » PLEASE look.

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