The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • You....

    YOU SKIPPED MY BLUE STICK FIGURE? You show all of that but not my masterpiece? What is this shit?!?!

    Some of the art in gigapainter, lol. @JonGon @Markd4547 @Dont_Look_Back @Welcome_to_Woodbury @AllThatRemains @SweetPeaClem @WhatToWriteHere

    edited July 2014

    @Welcome_to_Woodbury I saved those in case anything happens again >.>

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    EDIT: Oops, didn't see you already saved it :P

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    O-O the epicness and shine coming off my screen is burning my eyes right now just to much talent in this picture for me to handle I LOVE THIS perfection I can't even 11/10 :''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''D thank you for sharing this masterpiece I'm honored :'D <3

    Here are my drawings after they were finished and fixed:

  • You really drew this??!

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Add my drawing I'm only a newbie :'D

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    Thanks for adding me! I feel loved now!

    I think I saw the Clem one you were talking about, I like that one. I didnt see the tiger though, do you happen to have a picture of it?

    Added and yeah, the tiger that DLB made was nice. The Clem drawing was good too.

  • :) But like you said, it did take me a reaaaallly long time to do them, and when someone just comes along and takes 2 seconds to nearly completely destroy it, I get really mad. Someone drew all over the direwolf's face. Twice. I probably would still be working on fixing it now if people hadn't helped me.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    O-O the epicness and shine coming off my screen is burning my eyes right now just to much talent in this picture for me to handle I LOVE THI

  • I want to arrrgh pee.

  • hehehe, these are better quality than mine :p thanks

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    @Welcome_to_Woodbury I saved those in case anything happens again >.> EDIT: Oops, didn't see you already saved it :P

  • Well I tried. We're nearing the end now. The Crowbar Revolution threatens to crush us at any time.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD Eddie love it

  • Lol, I found it before you replied. Added. B]

    Its a red face that is circled and says CiD poining to it above the Woodbury and Noncy art.

  • edited July 2014

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    Ok I didn't I can't draw HAPPY NAW you found out my most personal secret it's not mine IS THAT WHAT YOU WANTED TO HEAR you caught me :'(

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    You really drew this??!

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    Anyone available please heal Carver 3 times in this game. Mark and I have kept him alive for so long but people are cracking down.

  • I made you a toilet on Gigapainter >.>

    Azlyn posted: »

    I want to arrrgh pee.

  • Sadly no, I just took these today. The tiger was messed up like 2 days ago, I think.

    Thanks for adding me! I feel loved now! I think I saw the Clem one you were talking about, I like that one. I didnt see the tiger though, do you happen to have a picture of it?

  • Lol, which one?!

    Deceptio posted: »

    You.... YOU SKIPPED MY BLUE STICK FIGURE? You show all of that but not my masterpiece? What is this shit?!?!

  • O rly.

    Screencap it, i'm not coming back on Gigapainter.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I made you a toilet on Gigapainter >.>

  • BRING IT come on Eddie always darkest before the dawn :D

    Well I tried. We're nearing the end now. The Crowbar Revolution threatens to crush us at any time.

  • I don't know lol, it's somewhere near the middle. But I was kidding lol.

    Lol, which one?!

  • I'm not there either, lol.


    Azlyn posted: »

    O rly. Screencap it, i'm not coming back on Gigapainter.

  • :?

    What are you talking about?

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I'm not there either, lol. DON'T LIE TO ME, YOU TOLD ME IT WASN'T ENOUGH >.>

  • Let's hope. =D

    Markd4547 posted: »

    BRING IT come on Eddie always darkest before the dawn

  • I made you a toilet after you said "I want to arrrgh pee!".

    I even typed: "HERE! I MADE A SHITTER!".

    Azlyn posted: »

    :? What are you talking about?

  • Don't worry Mark, no one "draws bad" everyone's different, no one in the same. Don't feel bad.

    And remember, practice makes perfect. :3

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Ok I didn't I can't draw HAPPY NAW you found out my most personal secret it's not mine IS THAT WHAT YOU WANTED TO HEAR you caught me

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    Well thanks everyone for all the effort in fixing it definitely was more then worth it seeing the final piece so beautiful 10/10 :'D

    But like you said, it did take me a reaaaallly long time to do them, and when someone just comes along and takes 2 seconds to nearly complet

  • I didn't see it! xD

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I made you a toilet after you said "I want to arrrgh pee!". I even typed: "HERE! I MADE A SHITTER!".

  • oh, well that sucks. I was looking forward to seeing the art. If only the site had some feature where it blocks anyone else from touching your art, but still making it out to the public. But I guess WTWH can only make one great creation at a time, maybe he could do something like that in Giga painter 2? (I am waiting for a giga painter confirmed for season 2 gif/meme :P.)

    Sadly no, I just took these today. The tiger was messed up like 2 days ago, I think.

  • Yeah, he's trying to work on a few stuff and thaaangs. B]

    oh, well that sucks. I was looking forward to seeing the art. If only the site had some feature where it blocks anyone else from touching yo

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    Azlyn posted: »

    I didn't see it! xD

  • Anyone has suggestions for something I should make on Photoshop? Brent? Rachelle?

  • edited July 2014

    Okey dokey, it's kind of past my bed time and i'm super tired, so i am gonna go try and get some sleep. Or just lay down on the bed for a few hours reading at the light of my phone. Whatever. Good night, everybody! Sweet dreams!

    Have fun with the Gigapaninter-thingamajigger!

    Here, have a Snoopopotamus:

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  • Thank you. Saving this.


  • Good night!

    Azlyn posted: »

    Okey dokey, it's kind of past my bed time and i'm super tired, so i am gonna go try and get some sleep. Or just lay down on the bed for a fe

  • ^^

    Nighty night!

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Good night!

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    Anyone available please heal Carver 3 times in this game. Mark and I have kept him alive for so long but people are cracking down.

  • Photoshop me on a ballet-dancing rhinoceros. Pliz.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Anyone has suggestions for something I should make on Photoshop? Brent? Rachelle?

  • Bigby is Jesus.

    Something with jesus.

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