The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Wait a minute, why is she having her arm?
    And even if you didn't cut it off, why there's no bite, blood or something on her hand?

    I call this magic

    OOOOR maybe the walker was really teethless and the blood was fake while he was biting her?
    And then, when you cut off her arm you realise how stupid thing you just did.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Another new screenshot:

  • Why not? Sarita will die no matter what, mark my words.

    Why would telltale post this?

    edited July 2014



    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    OMG! Telltale posted this then deleted the tweet!!! I sa

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    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    You should be glad you did!:

    edited July 2014

    You're right, they didn't even make us care about her, she is nothing but a prop to piss Kenny off and make him do something incredibly stupid.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I know I might get hate for this but I'm not really bothered they gave her not depth within her character I have no connection at all with S

  • I suppose I'll share my story, even though I said I wouldn't. You guys always end up tricking me.
    Essentially, the backstory is that in the year 2015, all of Earth's continents shifted and came together in a seventy two hour process called the "Merging Period" or simply the "Merge". During the Merge, almost all of the world's cities and towns were leveled by major earthquakes and tsunamis. Millions upon millions died. After the Merging Period, humanity was in ruins and society was crumbling. Anarchy took hold soon after. Tribes began to form in order to keep humanity from killing themselves, however, these tribes were ruled by dictators and warlords, most only bent on domination and power.


    The Imperium: five years after constant tribal warfare, several tribes decided that they had enough, and began to start their own government. This began The Imperial Pact, a pact which brought together five of Europe's biggest tribes and form one nation: The Gabriel Collective, The Maalrik Empire, The Utani Congregative, and two other tribes, who's names are forgotten. From these five tribes, a king was elected, and the leader of The Maalrik Empire, Riley Maalrik, was chosen as king. King Riley Maalrik reigns to this very day. He was a force to be feared and respected across Pangaea, capturing most of former Europe and Middle East from dictators and expanding territory. The Imperium was the first organized government to appear on Pangaea.

    The New World Order: After the rise of The Imperium, many others attempted to do the same thing across Pangaea, with mixed results. However, one successful group of tribes in former America created The New World Order, an order dedicated to preserving the ways of democracy. Whole laws were rewritten, and almost the entire old American government was reintroduced, with an executive branch, legislative branch, and judicial branch. King Maalrik saw the NWO as a threat to his so-far perfect society, and the two are currently at war.

    The Krro'Gaathians: After the Merge, anthromorphic beings found their way to Earth through, as they claim, portals and wormholes. Nobody knows for sure how they got here, what caused them to get here, and what can be done to get them out, but most anthros were rather peaceful, but there were many bent only on conquest. One such tribe is known as the Krro'Gaathians, or to anthros, Krro'Gaath's Crusade. The Crusade was founded by Warlord Krro'Gaath, a well known and well feared warlord of the anthro world before they found Earth. Krro'Gaath knew that on his own world, supplies and availability for future anthromorphic generations were diminishing quickly, and his tribe would soon fall. However, when Krro'Gaath found Earth, he planned on complete conquest for the anthro race and his dying tribe. There was hope for the Krro'Gaathians. Krro'Gaath thought it was the right for anthros to rule Earth and rule humans due to racial superiority. Krro'Gaath thought them weak and subordinate, unworthy to rule any empire. Therefore, Krro'Gaath set out to conquer Earth for his people and for his race.

    The Mystics: The Merge caught the attention of a group of otherworldy beings known as the Mystics. These beings came to Earth for, as far as the humans know, three reasons: to investigate what caused the Merge to happen, to banish the anthros back to their world, and to fight their ancient foe who also appeared on Pangaea, the Dark Mystics. Not much is known other than that, but they are said to follow a nameless being who they only refer to as, "Our Master". The Mystics are capable of seemingly metaphysical powers and abilities, which is said is how they came to Earth: through teleportation.

    The Dark Mystics: The Dark Mystics snuck onto Earth like a beast in the shadows. Nobody knew how they got to Earth or why they are here, but they are the fallen brothers of the Mystics who also follow a dark being, known as "The Inmorte". They wish to summon The Inmorte onto Earth for reasons unknown.

    The Sadist Guild: The Krro'Gaathians weren't the only major anthro race to come to Earth. Another race of anthros, known as The Sadist Guild, also squirmed their way here. They are easily the most hated nation on Pangaea and worlds beyond. Psycopathic, greedy, and ruthless, this Guild uses a method of mass abduction on villages and towns, killing military members and capturing civilians. After the civilians are captured, they are brought back to their hidden fortress, where it is said that they torture and enslave them. After months of torture, or as they would put it, "discipline", they are sold off to small tribes for profit as slaves. They are the number one cause for human and anthro trafficking on Pangaea

  • Please make the choice matter, Telltale.

  • Telltale: lolno.

    CodPatrol posted: »

    Please make the choice matter, Telltale.

  • I wanted to think she might be alive ;_;

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Why not? Sarita will die no matter what, mark my words.


    AWESOMEO posted: »

    @Welcome_to_Woodbury I was so paranoid my parents will walk in on me making this... It would be easier to explain porn...

  • edited July 2014

    Better have a change in dialogue or something. Like TWAU ending bit, if you kill TCM in the factory the dialogue changes a shit load.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Telltale: lolno.

  • Oh, really? I need to check this out.

    edited July 2014

    I knew she was dead the moment I realized she's determinant, the choices do not matter ;)

    I wanted to think she might be alive ;_;

  • Can you post it? xD

    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD I just seen the most disturbing Shrek cartoon video about dateline on funnyjunk actually not that bad but was insane it was just shrek and chris hansen

  • Maybe our goal is to find medicine!


    dojo32161 posted: »

    Another new screenshot:

  • Nice!

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    Markd4547 posted: »

    10000 likes I reached the milestone :'D YESSSSSSS FINALLY :''''''''''''D PARTYALONE Bring on the next 10000

    edited July 2014

    To be honest, if I meet someone in a different religion and decide to date him, religion won't mean shit to me, nothing can dictate me who to love and who to stay away from, it's not like I'm religious anyway >.>



  • Matt still does videos? Wow I didn't know that. >.<

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    OMG! Telltale posted this then deleted the tweet!!! I sa

  • Dear me..... LOL

    You don't take Viagra? Say that to the Viagra packege I found in the garbage the other day. And honey, maybe you think you don't need V

  • Christian Mingle Bio:

    Jesus on the streets, Satan in the sheets



    Christian Mingle Bio: Jesus on the streets, Satan in the sheets

  • edited July 2014

    Yep! Sure do! :D

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    Who here has steam?

  • BWAHAHAHA!!!! Do you kiss your mother with that mouth? :D

    Christian Mingle Bio: Jesus on the streets, Satan in the sheets

  • I gotta enlarge this for it to be my new background! :D

  • Telltale: lolno.

    JonGon posted: »

    Maybe our goal is to find medicine! SaritaWillLive

  • Just finished my comic and taking a small break. So what's the gigapainter I've been hearing about? I would like to join if I have the chance.

  • edited July 2014

    Came downstairs and saw my cat sleeping. KITTEH, Y U CURL UP FEET SO CUTE?!?

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  • I'm glad I pulled off the creepiness. It's just that when I was an infant, a woman dropped me on the edge of the coffee table so I have crooked teeth. I show my gums when I smile. I hate it. :/

    Markd4547 posted: »

    They look fine to me it's a brilliant pic

  • Alt text

    Came downstairs and saw my cat sleeping. KITTEH, Y U CURL UP FEET SO CUTE?!? KITTEH, Y U GRAB FEETS?!?

  • Stealing this gif....for what purpose I will use it for in the future I have no idea, but you never know when a gif of Patrick Star advocating nudity will come in handy.

  • Aww, reminds me of io :(

    Came downstairs and saw my cat sleeping. KITTEH, Y U CURL UP FEET SO CUTE?!? KITTEH, Y U GRAB FEETS?!?

  • I'd post pictures of my adorable puppy, but dunno how to post offline pics with a phone.

    edited July 2014
  • You can't upload them to imgur from your phone?

    I'd post pictures of my adorable puppy, but dunno how to post offline pics with a phone.

  • Lol, I thought the same when I saved it.

    Stealing this gif....for what purpose I will use it for in the future I have no idea, but you never know when a gif of Patrick Star advocating nudity will come in handy.

  • Lol, I wonder where you'll use this.

    Stealing this gif....for what purpose I will use it for in the future I have no idea, but you never know when a gif of Patrick Star advocating nudity will come in handy.

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