The sun decided to be, as Rachelle would call it, a douchecanoe, so I have to start getting ready for work now instead of having the day off.
But before I go, I went on reddit 2 days ago and found a thread asking what fictional characters people have a secret attraction to. It took me 5 minutes to stop laughing after reading this. WAHHHHH
The sun decided to be, as Rachelle would call it, a douchecanoe, so I have to start getting ready for work now instead of having the day off… more.
But before I go, I went on reddit 2 days ago and found a thread asking what fictional characters people have a secret attraction to. It took me 5 minutes to stop laughing after reading this. WAHHHHH
The sun decided to be, as Rachelle would call it, a douchecanoe, so I have to start getting ready for work now instead of having the day off… more.
But before I go, I went on reddit 2 days ago and found a thread asking what fictional characters people have a secret attraction to. It took me 5 minutes to stop laughing after reading this. WAHHHHH
Good day dear people of the Lounge! I spent my whole day shopping stuff and thaaaangs with my friends, I'm now tired as hell. That has something to do with the fact that I only slept four hours too... But home sweet home!
Good day dear people of the Lounge! I spent my whole day shopping stuff and thaaaangs with my friends, I'm now tired as hell. That has something to do with the fact that I only slept four hours too... But home sweet home!
The sun decided to be, as Rachelle would call it, a douchecanoe, so I have to start getting ready for work now instead of having the day off… more.
But before I go, I went on reddit 2 days ago and found a thread asking what fictional characters people have a secret attraction to. It took me 5 minutes to stop laughing after reading this. WAHHHHH
Good day dear people of the Lounge! I spent my whole day shopping stuff and thaaaangs with my friends, I'm now tired as hell. That has something to do with the fact that I only slept four hours too... But home sweet home!
The sun decided to be, as Rachelle would call it, a douchecanoe, so I have to start getting ready for work now instead of having the day off… more.
But before I go, I went on reddit 2 days ago and found a thread asking what fictional characters people have a secret attraction to. It took me 5 minutes to stop laughing after reading this. WAHHHHH
I just can't handle that spelling error ;_;
Lele wtf s imgur?
No, but your dad on the other hand.....
Edit: Wait, never mind. That would be Woodbury. I really dug myself a grave with that one lol
Well there are those leaked things that might indicate something of the sort...
I'm sorry ;-;
I like puppies! Post it! Post it!
The sun decided to be, as Rachelle would call it, a douchecanoe, so I have to start getting ready for work now instead of having the day off.
But before I go, I went on reddit 2 days ago and found a thread asking what fictional characters people have a secret attraction to. It took me 5 minutes to stop laughing after reading this. WAHHHHH
Get with the program ATR!
It's okay
Oooo, another gif to steal
I know, that's why I was STABBING HER/HIM!
Ye oke nvm lel.
Keep them for occasions that require the gif.
What do you do with all these gifs?
thanku :')
Hahaha... this gives me SOOO many video ideas
Luke's booty? Or Kenny's booty? Hmm....
The fuck?
Needs moar Kenny booty.
Good day dear people of the Lounge! I spent my whole day shopping stuff and thaaaangs with my friends, I'm now tired as hell. That has something to do with the fact that I only slept four hours too... But home sweet home!
Cool what did you buy XD
aw kitty
"Long, wiry moustache"
That looks like my cat! Didn't you say it lost one of its eyes?
What'd you get?
"Leaked things"? This has me curious now.
Movies, anime, clothes... my wallet wasn't happy at all xD and I finally bought a frame for my Ellie poster
Look up! xp
I can't say on here, it's a spoiler that got leaked by accident, vivec was the one who found it... someone else leaked it however.
Who else imagined the soft "waaaaa" in their head? XD
O-O dat Ellie poster I'm so proud of you just awesome I want one
I always wanted this one as a poster :'D ^
That's adorable
those little feet lol.
Ahhh, those leaks... Never seen them, idk if I should >.<
I don't want to sound like a badass but...
I still have yet to draw some TLoU fanart I don't think I'm good enough yet to do them justice though. Maybe soon!
Joel will become her company.
Lol, this is going to turn into reality...
You do realize your Jongon right WAT?