The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Tbh I don't know how I have that many. Probably because I have so many comments. Heh, Idek.

    21,000 likes damn you famous.

  • -dies a little inside-

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Yeah not that cool as I never seen him yet the staff have pictures of him and told me his in there all the time he has a year pass :'/

  • xD word but then there would be no show.

    They were one of mine as well. lmao the coyote should just give up. He's never gonna be able to catch him. xD

  • XD i dont know what that means.

    AWESOMEO posted: »


  • edited July 2014

    DLB you legend 10000 comments YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY <3

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    Congrats :'D

    I have over 10000 comments. -____-

  • Cause you famous and got things to say that people like.

    Tbh I don't know how I have that many. Probably because I have so many comments. Heh, Idek.

  • Errm that's a good thing I guess.. thanks. :3

    Cause you famous and got things to say that people like.

  • Haha, thanks. But I thought it was a bad thing. :/

    Markd4547 posted: »


  • Ahhh but its not good. -_- I BE ROLLING BAD.

    Twistee posted: »

    That's how you roll guuuuurl.

  • Sure

    Errm that's a good thing I guess.. thanks.

  • Why XD

    -dies a little inside-

  • ...nooS

    XD i dont know what that means.

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    Or is it the greatest thing ever :'D

    Haha, thanks. But I thought it was a bad thing.

  • XD i see.

    AWESOMEO posted: »


  • edited July 2014

    Ha, thanks mark. <3

    I love this gif! Its so cute!!

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Or is it the greatest thing ever :'D

  • edited July 2014

    Next part is up, it was a bit rushed since I had to go somewhere, but meh. B]


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    Markd4547 posted: »

    Why XD

  • edited July 2014

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    His not an object Maddi pls XD if only you knew the truth about him :O


  • I have a confession to make: I have never read your story before, and I disobeyed you by coming into this lounge and chatting like I belong ;-;

    I'm just joking, I had no idea this lounge was for some fan fic XD I never read them or pay attention to them because I do not like reading.

    Next part is up, it was a bit rushed since I had to go somewhere, but meh. B]

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    No rigtail LIES :'(

    Rigtail posted: »

    I have a confession to make: I have never read your story before, and I disobeyed you by coming into this lounge and chatting like I belong

  • I thought you was part of the fan fic?

    Rigtail posted: »

    I have a confession to make: I have never read your story before, and I disobeyed you by coming into this lounge and chatting like I belong

  • I think I'll post the pics tomorrow when both Rachel and Rachelle are here, trust me, there's a reason for that.

    Good night!

  • Heh, I wouldn't call it a fan fic, more of an interactive story that includes the forum users in a zombie apocalypse. They get to vote and change the story by doing so.

    I wondered why some people who aren't even in the story stayed in the lounge, lol. But as long as they didn't bother anyone, I don't care. Also, it's in the description, lol. I don't know how some people could miss that.

    Rigtail posted: »

    I have a confession to make: I have never read your story before, and I disobeyed you by coming into this lounge and chatting like I belong

  • This literally took my 5 minutes to do, lol. It's horrible.

    You draw really freaking good, holy crap! If i tried to draw clem, it would come out so bad. x_x I only know how to draw animals and wings stuff. AKA, the sucky stuff.

  • I'm not, and to be honest I don't really want to be. Not that I have anything against Lee, I've heard countless amount of good things from his stories, I just don't like being written into stories because the writers never tend to get me right. Like, they would sometimes make my character do or say things that I normally wouldn't in the given situation.

    I thought you was part of the fan fic?

  • Later, bro! B]

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I think I'll post the pics tomorrow when both Rachel and Rachelle are here, trust me, there's a reason for that. Good night!

  • XD When you said "Forum of the dead", I thought you were referring to the whole Telltale forum itself. I'm such an idiot, or at least I should have paid better attention.

    What kind of decision making is in your story? Is it where the majority vote gets to pick the choice or is everybody's experience with the story unique like TWD?

    Heh, I wouldn't call it a fan fic, more of an interactive story that includes the forum users in a zombie apocalypse. They get to vote and c

  • Bye bro wait be more fun I agree :D

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I think I'll post the pics tomorrow when both Rachel and Rachelle are here, trust me, there's a reason for that. Good night!

  • The truth? Please don't tell me he's gay D:

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    And he is an object. An object of my attraction, that is.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    His not an object Maddi pls XD if only you knew the truth about him :O

  • Its not that bad wtf you talking about? Sure as hell better than what id ever do.

    This literally took my 5 minutes to do, lol. It's horrible.

  • I think the reason why a lot of people like this thread its because its random and fun you guys are an entertaining bunch. When i found this thread i wasn't even in the story i just joined which im sure annoyed a lot of people. Also is my character dead?

    Heh, I wouldn't call it a fan fic, more of an interactive story that includes the forum users in a zombie apocalypse. They get to vote and c


    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I think I'll post the pics tomorrow when both Rachel and Rachelle are here, trust me, there's a reason for that. Good night!

  • Night. :P

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I think I'll post the pics tomorrow when both Rachel and Rachelle are here, trust me, there's a reason for that. Good night!

  • lmao, okay, fuck it. I drew this back in April, before I found this forum, but I'm dedicating it to you, @Markd4547:

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    sdjghkjdghn I know it's terrible, so dooonn'tttt tell meeeeeee

  • It ain't terrible gurl whatchu talkin' about? I love it. XD

    lmao, okay, fuck it. I drew this back in April, before I found this forum, but I'm dedicating it to you, @Markd4547: sdjghkjdghn I know it's terrible, so dooonn'tttt tell meeeeeee

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    I'll never tell ;D

    The truth? Please don't tell me he's gay And he is an object. An object of my attraction, that is.

  • Okay, I'm on mobile so ill try to make this short. Lets see, there are going to be certain options for a character's POV. The readers then get to vote on the option they think is best. It's sorta like the game but in the story if they choose something that I wasn't expecting then I have to change the story and take it towards a different route. So far they have been doing pretty good with the votes and the story is going where I want it to go. There have been certain times where I had to change something because they didn't choose the option I wanted them to pick,which led to character deaths and such.

    But yeah, it's a fun little interactive way for the readers to stay in control of the story. They make their characters and I decide where to put them. I just write the story but the readers are the ones who change the way it goes.

    Rigtail posted: »

    XD When you said "Forum of the dead", I thought you were referring to the whole Telltale forum itself. I'm such an idiot, or at least I shou

  • Lol, nah man you're cool. You haven't bothered anyone. Yeah, they voted and I had to kill him off, I wanted your character to live because you were going to do something later on, but now I can't do that.

    I think the reason why a lot of people like this thread its because its random and fun you guys are an entertaining bunch. When i found this

  • Lol, thanks, but I don't think it looks that good.

    Twistee posted: »

    It ain't terrible gurl whatchu talkin' about? I love it. XD

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