Forum of the dead crew! You guys are in for a surprise, I will be working with some people, and we will reveal something very special for you guys, later on. nooS!
They do know, but they know they can't do anything about it so they don't. They know I'll pass out sometime.
My aunt's gonna start hiding sleeping medicine in my food one of these days.... =_=
Forum of the dead crew! You guys are in for a surprise, I will be working with some people, and we will reveal something very special for you guys, later on. nooS!
I'm gutted with Kenny though turned out the whole hero act was just to try to get himself killed it wasn't for Sarita or Clem just a selfish act and he would of left them to fend for themselves WTF KENNY :'O
I'm gutted with Kenny though turned out the whole hero act was just to try to get himself killed it wasn't for Sarita or Clem just a selfish act and he would of left them to fend for themselves WTF KENNY :'O
I absolutely HATE ARGUING and I hate it when people START ARGUING WITH ME!
I tried to stop an argument from the start of this! AWESOMEO responded and I tried to stop an argument by saying "each to their own opinion". I'm trying to argue less, because I've been doing it for years now and it has done me no good! So excuse me if I don't want to feed the Goddamn fire with more arguing!
Oh I see. Making a point and not being able to back it up or explain it. Great job.
Homophobes choose to cause innocent, harmless people suffering. They are NOT good people.
I absolutely HATE ARGUING and I hate it when people START ARGUING WITH ME!
I tried to stop an argument from the start of this! AWESOMEO … moreresponded and I tried to stop an argument by saying "each to their own opinion". I'm trying to argue less, because I've been doing it for years now and it has done me no good! So excuse me if I don't want to feed the Goddamn fire with more arguing!
So can you all, please, just be quiet!
Im watching it like 50 times and every time she says it, it hurts me even more. Its like the was she says it, its like there's no hope. Whats the point? ;_;
But i wonder what happened though. Like.. maybe someone just died so shes not okay?? Oh my god episode why cant you be here NOW.
listen, WtW! I know you're just trying to look after our group, but you cant keep staying up all night! You need to get some sleep, if everyone is going to look after each other, we need people to be 100%!
I was in character. Juts looking after my sharpshooter. B]
Ohhh my god i cant. Rachelle, im like. UGH NO.
Im watching it like 50 times and every time she says it, it hurts me even more. Its like … morethe was she says it, its like there's no hope. Whats the point? ;_;
But i wonder what happened though. Like.. maybe someone just died so shes not okay?? Oh my god episode why cant you be here NOW.
I CAN'T HELP IT, I WAS BORN TO LEAD ;-; My people come before me. Always. alwaaaayssss tim hortons
Alright, fine. When I get back, I'll sleep. A lot. For as long as I can. Until my aunt hits me with her wooden spoon and demands me to wake up. I might sleep all the way into tomorrow tho. Idk.
Mwuahaha! >B]
listen, WtW! I know you're just trying to look after our group, but you cant keep staying up all night! You need to get … moresome sleep, if everyone is going to look after each other, we need people to be 100%!
I was in character. Juts looking after my sharpshooter. B]
I absolutely HATE ARGUING and I hate it when people START ARGUING WITH ME!
I tried to stop an argument from the start of this! AWESOMEO … moreresponded and I tried to stop an argument by saying "each to their own opinion". I'm trying to argue less, because I've been doing it for years now and it has done me no good! So excuse me if I don't want to feed the Goddamn fire with more arguing!
So can you all, please, just be quiet!
Ohhh my god i cant. Rachelle, im like. UGH NO.
Im watching it like 50 times and every time she says it, it hurts me even more. Its like … morethe was she says it, its like there's no hope. Whats the point? ;_;
But i wonder what happened though. Like.. maybe someone just died so shes not okay?? Oh my god episode why cant you be here NOW.
I CAN'T HELP IT, I WAS BORN TO LEAD ;-; My people come before me. Always. alwaaaayssss tim hortons
Alright, fine. When I get back, I'll s… moreleep. A lot. For as long as I can. Until my aunt hits me with her wooden spoon and demands me to wake up. I might sleep all the way into tomorrow tho. Idk.
omgomgomgomgomgomg WHAT IS IT
oh wait i think i know.... maybe.
hellz ye.
Rah shell... Please... Rah shell... Stop... Rah shell
yeeeeaaah... You need to start sleeping again, told you that you would become a zombie.
k >.>
I know what it is, probably...
I'm gutted with Kenny though turned out the whole hero act was just to try to get himself killed it wasn't for Sarita or Clem just a selfish act and he would of left them to fend for themselves WTF KENNY :'O
I can't, I'm dying.
No..... she just doesn't like it when I talk to other strangers in private. She doesn't even know I have Skype but sometimes she checks my phone
I still want to know why clem was putting blood on her face or whatever. Can't wait for this episode!
This is so great XD
I just watched it. If any of you need me, I'll be crying in the corner over there.
sigh the way clem says "no" it just... she sounds so hurt.
An tho knee..... No..... An tho knee....... No........
Don't tell me stuff I already know, Pro -_________-
Yeah, so probably no new part today and I probably won't be on as much. You guys can PM me, actually, Rah shell PM please.
it's oke i reviv u k?
I know.... omg. It's like she doesn't even expect to be happy anymore. "No", as in just "what else is new?" ;-;
I absolutely HATE ARGUING and I hate it when people START ARGUING WITH ME!
I tried to stop an argument from the start of this! AWESOMEO responded and I tried to stop an argument by saying "each to their own opinion". I'm trying to argue less, because I've been doing it for years now and it has done me no good! So excuse me if I don't want to feed the Goddamn fire with more arguing!
So can you all, please, just be quiet!
It seems the pup grew fangs
how u gon do dis daniel?
Lol, I know I'm not a homophobe.
Ohhh my god i cant. Rachelle, im like. UGH NO.
Im watching it like 50 times and every time she says it, it hurts me even more. Its like the was she says it, its like there's no hope. Whats the point? ;_;
But i wonder what happened though. Like.. maybe someone just died so shes not okay?? Oh my god episode why cant you be here NOW.
Mwuahaha! >B]
listen, WtW! I know you're just trying to look after our group, but you cant keep staying up all night! You need to get some sleep, if everyone is going to look after each other, we need people to be 100%!
I was in character. Juts looking after my sharpshooter. B]
What if Kenny died? Dude no..... I love Kenny, pls pls pls ;-;
No there are much worse things out there is it a gift or a curse? I think gift
i m a wizerd dun questen me.
Lol, expect the feels for the last two episodes. B]
I CAN'T HELP IT, I WAS BORN TO LEAD ;-; My people come before me. Always. alwaaaayssss tim hortons
Alright, fine. When I get back, I'll sleep. A lot. For as long as I can. Until my aunt hits me with her wooden spoon and demands me to wake up. I might sleep all the way into tomorrow tho. Idk.
Wai U to mak me dai of de laffs?
Definitely but need dem hubs to hopefully
But Mark, you don't get it. This insomnia is physically hurting me ;-;
As I said down there, I started this, I take 100% responsibility, but I'm not gonna drop something so vital like this.
If you don't want to start arguments then stop saying such things, this is intolerance at it's best.
use ur magik pwrs on meh daniel
teech meh da wais of ur peeple.
pls DLB
Rebecca probably dies after giving birth
I doubt kenny will die.
Luke said "when i see kenny now, he seems broken. I just wanna survive,and that means picking the right sides"
I bet we will have to pic between kenny or luke. Also in the coverphoto, clem is between kenny an luke. Foreshadowing?
At this point, Mark. I wouldn't expect them, but we'll see.
Thanks for what? lol
Yeah, probably....
I hope your ok Rachelle I'm just trying to be positive to cheer you up